In a world where everything is either peak, mid, cringe, cinema, kino, raw, dark, cooked, GOATed, or any other word I’ve forgotten comes the worst kind of person there is: a person who doesn’t give things numerical evaluations and instead writes out long term notes like they’ve got a paper due! These notes are not getting grades! Unfortunately I also have like, chronic memory issues and inattentiveness that has never been fully addressed so hard the time I’m going to be pointing out incredibly blatant things for movies. I am not much of a movie goer. Like most of my movie rate is like maybe 4 times a year. Anyways, here's my notes.
2025 Section
I want to watch more movies from the Y2K era. I'd love for the movies to not all be vaulted to a single service I have no interest in. I heavily dislike the policy of streaming services sundering movies, I miss when cable had a useful on demand.A.X.L
A.X.LThere is a robot dog that the military is attempting to create. There is now the dog of the future. It's an acronym. Attack, exploration, logistics.
They have the ultimate dog. And they immediately lost it. Anyways, I'm thinking about that Kirby episode where Nightmare Enterprises made a robot dog and Kirby loved the dog but didn't know it was an evil robot dog and then dedede blew up the dog before it showed its true form.
Now there's a motorcycle race. Dirt bikes are cool. I was so into the bike racing, that I forgot this was supposed to be a movie about a robot dog.
The way these synths sound exactly like "sweet dreams are made of these, who am I to disagree"but it's clearly not that. They're just doing motorcycle jumps at the party.
My guy just set a car on fire with a torch. I am quite distracted by the last name being Fontaine because I know it's French and means Fountain, but if you know you know.
I should get into watching these dirt bike kind of things, this is something that would be up my alley since I already added in formula 1 racing. The rich dude's groupies are sabotaging his bike. Ah, it was a setup. And to think, if the rich guy stayed for longer, he would've had a robot dog. Now that is a CGI dog, it looks like it came out of a video game. Oh, the blue eyes mean it's good, but the red eyes means it's evil.
That dog is reading out his identification and stuff too and stealing camera footage like this is the ultimate privacy destroying dog. The robot dog is inherently built with a muzzle on it. So symbolically he will take it off. The bite of 87 could happen with those things. If this is a movie about a boy and his rocket firing dog driving around it could be pretty fun.
So every single thing is registered as a threat to this thing. Dog road trip with this guy and the girl that helped out beforehand during the race. The dog's got an mp3 player and a disco light. I don't like that the entire thing of the dog is also being recorded and sent back to the human scientists the whole time. Surveillance horror. That thing can literally hack into money.
The dog is giving out its own exposition dump because there was some graffiti on the wall.
Scientist 1, evil, was totally okay with seeing a civilian die because hey, this one guy is making our research go really good! Can you even abuse a robot, the dad asks? Well, if you can make it feel pain, if you can design it to feel pain, sure.
So the skeptical father figure when being interrogated brings out a bow and arrow to take a shot. This is the kind of movie you'd watch at like a dentist's office or it would be randomly airing on TV or something. It's not like bombastic, I'd say it's kind of a chill movie minus the one rich guy who's trying his best to be the antagonist to the main guy. Quite frankly if a guy i was trying to get had a terminator esque dog I would move out of the state instead of trying to kill it. All of that destruction was caused by one of those things.
"Go on, get, go, leave."
It was the same. It was literally the same thing the dog exploded and everything. They've got a normal dog now, the main guy's getting into robotics now.
Wicked Part 1
there’s a heavy difference between watching a movie for the sake of watching a movie versus watching a movie and there’s a little thang whispering in your ear about everything that’s whack about the movie. Film critics from YouTube backseating my experiences.Wicked: the wizard of Oz musical prequel/alternate retelling starring the woman who gets crushed by a house within the opening or something
I could be wrong and it’s another witch The whole time I was just waiting for a scene of a crash out. There was the build up. But it’s only part 1. They hated her for her green swag.
Anyways it turns out if I don’t take notes as I watch movies and I’m with other people I turn into my family members and start yapping with commentary.
G’raha Tia was there. I know Johnathan Bailey from other things, but. It's fun to me to just say "that's my boy from FF14!"
Wizard of Oz spoilers (funniest thing I've ever imagined alongside a comment with my other viewer who was like "wizard of oz cinematic universe") The entire time I knew nothing of wicked but I knew of Oz being a fake, however, the introducing racism subplot was new to me but it checks out.
Good musical, but like, idk the elaboration for a character that is barely in the wizard of Oz (Glynda)
Incredibly distracted by the premise because imagine if the same elaboration was with a Mario boss from the first world
Age Of Extinction
Conclusion from the first trilogy: i think the 1st one is a serviceable movie and I immediately forgot what happened in the third one. I’d enjoy the movies more if I just watched a fight scene supercut and simply did not think about the plot.I need to enter the zen mode I get whenever I watched a thing and I go “yooo, cool”
Wanna read a 400+ page essay on the movies
As much as I write about things on this site I will never be able to reach this height.
Recapping from the accidental glance, the government is now hunting down transformers after the events of Chicago from 3. Cemerety wind. This is a running thing where the government has been mostly against the transformers and I think other shows pick this up as a plot point.
There is a man who loves cars and vehicles, and a man who is considering flirting with a teenage girl while the man has a clear beard, so the humans in this world continue to suck. Yeager is a robot builder, his teenage child can’t stand the way they live because he fixes things but they are broke and nearly evicted.
The government is hunting down transformers. So now this is some kind of movie that has switched to a story about his father and daughter. His daughter is tired of this grown manchild in this movie or something at the moment. It could change.
The government is now aiming to kill transformers entirely and that guy is begging for mercy. That’s Ratchet and he died because the military invented a railgun to kill cybertronians. Incorrect, that was the cybertronian.
They’re working with the decepticons now?! No, it’s just a single transformer, Lockdown. Cool car.
I can’t believe Ratchet is dead now. Isn’t this the movie Drift is in? What is that sign behind him? Freedom isn’t free? This one guy working for the government is like “hey can we not kill all the autobots” and gets booed at.
I don’t think this is Sam Witwicky unless he got yet another girlfriend and put into government witness protection.
That’s Optimus prime but he’s all greyed out and hollow and this new guy is gonna fix him. Oh, you call the government and get money from it. I thought “maybe if Sam is out and this is a different guy or he’s a grown up dad now the human characters can be less insufferable” and it’s seemingly working except the new guy’s kind of all over the place. There is a missile. Optimus prime is up and moving and his first words are “I’ll kill you”.
This man’s name is Cade Yeager. OP had a terrible time offscreen and now it’s up to this man to help him .
Lockdown doesn’t care and he’s like “you think you’re the center of the universe” and in most alien centric stories humans do take over fairly quickly as the Everyman
The soul of the transformer is in the spark.
Dang, my man really narc’ed on the alien robot and sold out his boss and he didn’t even get paid for it. Texas man vs the government. Where did Optimus prime go? Suspicious truck shaped hole
Man gets in trouble for gendering the truck as if we haven’t had boats gendered for years
Have there ever been boat transformers that are girls
Optimus is in! Let’s go! He’s pissed off! I should be more annoyed about this entire situation but at this point I feel like SpongeBob going “woooo! That’s what I’ve been waiting for! Wooooo!”
Why does this teenager have a clearly adult boyfriend Actually, why was that man waiting in the field in his car prior They’re going all out with the explosions today that man got a grenade dropped on him The movie is trying to make it sound like that was a very sad and dramatic death but that’s like the third time in this series I feel like a person exploding has had the same gravitas of the green goblin skeleton explosion
Why is this man dressed up like he’s in the matrix. A transformers road trip movie would be brilliant but all of these have sucked so far That man is experiencing a microagression
Stop elaborating on it, say less about this. THE WHAT LAWS WHY DO YOU HAVE THAT LAMINATED You couldn’t have written it any differently, you couldn’t have uh, aged up the daughter or lowered the guy’s age and like I know she’s going to college soon but you could’ve just made the plot point about him needing the money to send her to college to just be about him needing the money to pay off her college debt Who did this and why did they do this Like if you’re gonna have someone object to it in the movie I don’t think having a guy carry around a laminated card is helping the case very much
Why is Ratchet in the subtitles Red when he was Green in the previous shot Is that Drift. What is going on man…
Gonna talk about Drift for a minute. Drift is a guy that was introduced in the IDW comics alongside Windblade who basically joined the cast of rotating characters through various cartoons and canons. Drift also had A plot that is very comic specific to the point translating it into other mediums would be a very long time to adapt so he gets distilled down into “samurai robot” and maybe “he switches sides from decepticon to autobot” and in his appearances none of them are consistent aside from the first thing which mostly leave out the backstory where he was originally a sniper. And if you go into the comic you learn that he goes on this redemptive path that happens to take inspiration from samurai stories rather than just having him just look like one. What probably happened was someone on the team saw drift and said “holy shit a samurai robot.” I’d be all for it since I too saw Drift and said “holy shit a samurai robot that’s so cool” upon first seeing him.So when I saw that Drift was gonna be in the movie based on the cast list I saw from summaries I was like “cool.”
Minus the fact that 1. That is a man, like the most man I’ve seen so far of these movie transformers. 2. Stereotype. 3. He’s a triple changer so he’s a helicopter and not just a car which defeats the whole purpose of drifting. However, the blades he uses becoming his helicopter thing is somewhat cool.
The gang is having beef immediately. Four of these guys in a comedy routine. Bumblebee is also here. Hound has a cyber cig. Drift trying to be calm but also having hints of a more violent personality would probably stick out more if you know, not all the autobots were full of violence but all of these movies have been terrible at giving any other robot not named Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, or Megatron any screen time outside of group shots. Or speaking lines. There was Sideswipe that one time. True, there was sideswipe that one time. In his introduction. Again, I will not have that problem when I’m watching a supercut. Optimus Prime took a vow to never kill humans but now he aims to kill. I completely forgot there were dinosaurs in the movie.
Galvatron is in the movie now? They’re building him after Optimus prime but he looks like Megatron? If Unicron is in the movie do you think that he’ll go after earth first since there’s no Cybertron. This new sceintist technology man would be into crypto. They took megatron’s head from the last movie to use it for knowledge.
You know, bumblebee is like an iconic classified vehicle and maybe he shouldn’t be using bumblebee? They’re creating their own transformers OC’s. Bee’s entire voice gimmick seems to be different now.
Galvatron is a cross country collab between China and the US. I bet it’s a total lie. What if Stinger moves. Bumblebee’s ego issue is kind of hilarious.
I can’t believe I’m saying this but this one actually has a semblance of a plot. Bizarre.
Why did Drift flip before breaking the window and then immediately turn into a helicopter. Flair for dramatics (tm)
Optimus breathing through this robot noise is insane. Genuinenly.
Wait, why didn’t they just use Nemesis Prime/Scourge if Galvatron is literally just a recolor in this universe. Note: this is just the cosmos thing Again What was that CGI transformation He’s just cubes. Hang on let me google something Wow, transformers is really a universal brand, everyone loves giant robots
I can’t believe his daughter got kidnapped by aliens. The quintessons. They kind of get dragged out whenever they don’t want to use the autobot vs decepticon fight anymore THE BEAN! They got the bean! This movie has now switched over to a video game scenario alien stealth ship mission.
The men have equipped weapons. It’s a sword. Oh, it’s a gun sword! Even with a smaller cast they still manage to be insufferable.
This movie is dropping plot points because like wasn’t Galvatron here? Don’t worry about it, he’ll be in the next one, they’re still working out the problems Okay. The product placement in this movie’s pretty funny because a lot of it ends up being blown up.
No, no, they’re bringing back Galvatron Optimus Prime is so mad about Galvatron but dude, you’re the one who beheaded Megatron Ohh, so Galvatron in this world is Megatron’s reincarnation. Sometimes other canons make them separate guys.
The dinosaurs extinction in this world was caused by Transformers.
Considering that Sam is nowhere in this movie and the first movie mentioned that there was like levels of radiation being given off by the transformers there is a likely chance that Sam died from radiation poisoning or he was killed by the government. He doesn’t even get mentioned. OP’s character development is the story of a man who has lost his patience I can’t get over how the movie and the entire series was for all intents and purposes mostly based in the US and then for the final act of movie they were like “let’s go to China”. I mean it was mentioned before there was a Chinese branch but it’s pretty random. I’m checking to see how long this is going and they made a 2 hour movie feel like 4 hours.
Imagine trying to outmaneuver the pursuers by literally hopping countries and then they pull up anyways. Everything the government has tried to do for this situation has only lead to an entire movie of failure on their end because of one man.
Optimus Prime has a sword now What is that Optimus prime has awoken the… the dinobots? They’re here? Real? Is that Grimlock?
This movie has truly been a wild ride. That is Optimus Prime riding a dinosaur holding a sword.
“You wanna die for that guy, that’s like leadership or brainwashing.” “No, that’s Optimus Prime”. I thought drift was about to wink at the camera with how he got a whole closeup.
You know, every other movie has had this moment where there’s a big explosion fight where I just forget what’s happening but this one is so densely packed that I’m sitting here laminating on how the movie has escalated so far in its absurdity.
Optimus Prime just shot a man.
There are dinosaurs roaming in China now. This movie series doesn’t get Optimus prime as Optimus prime the leader type and every single ending speech doesn’t reflect what actually happens and what this character is in the movies until this one where it’s verbatim “leave earth alone because I am coming.” Total gap between the first movie and this one I just watched.
Fast and Furious (2009)
i feel like this year in general has been the year of cars. Is that an iguana in the truck You know what, I’m just gonna watch the movie and not take notes and let me see how far I can get with that.This guy is really good at driving, which from what I can surmise is the basis for like 8 movies or so. This man is doing heists for the family. He’s getting car visions.
This FBI guy and the family man are both looking for the same guy.
The entire plot is justification for cool car races. they have car boost powers as if this is a video game.
This movie was about a drug cartel exchange being pushed through illegal car races and a friend of the main guy was murdered for that. Even though the guy did the right thing he still ended up getting the judgement. But he also got broken out. As a movie that exists to have cool driving scenes it fulfills its purpose. Now I gotta watch 7 more of these when I can.
dark of the moon
Should I have given this time and not watched the movies back to back? Yeah. I had a lot of free time though so I just watched it after ROTF.Dinosaurs Okay there is a group exploring the arctic and they have found frozen dinosurs! Cool.
Imagine. Dragons. There’s a new girl.
So the humans now hate the autobots after Chicago was destroyed. They got playing cards of them now There is another secret more powerful shadow government called Cemetary Wind.
There’s no Sam! This is new. Oops. It turns out that I clicked on age of extinction. And there was something sus happening. I think that clearly adult man was about to ask for a teenage girl.
I had the watch order and still screwed it up, Okay actual movie I’m supposed to be watching
So in this timeline the autobots fight for freedom and the decepticons for tyranny.
Going back to the first cartoon, the wording is slightly different because the autobots were fighting for peace, they are not fighting for peace in this world they are doing a violence.
The moon landing….2!
There is a transformer on the moon. Is it cosmos? I mean, he is a whole UFO. I don’t think anyone on the movie team would remember Cosmos. What if the transformers didn’t land in America initially. What if they landed in like, idk, Ireland.
Sam’s got a new girlfriend. Carly. Like from the cartoon.
Having a love confession scene in the last movie and then immediately in the next movie he has a new girlfriend is kind of funny.
Optimus doesn’t even want to go home in the slightest, he’s just like “we’re solving human problems now, no biggie” Shockwave’s here now. Cool. Sam’s quest to get a job. The most relatable thing I’ve ever seen so far.
I don’t like the designs of the new ones. Why is there one that is just an old man. With a a wig.
The Ark, that’s the thing. From the cartoon. Sentinel Prime? You know, watching TFone really made me do a double take.
I don’t know how to describe Sam in a useful way I don’t have a comparison thing for him, he’s just there but he’s like got the energy of a Chihuahua.
Megatron has a sick cloak now Robots in cloaks are awesome. Megatron is a father now, Starscream is also a part of this
LASERBEAK He can talk? He’s a whole robot and not just a guy screaming to sound like an Eagle.
I miss Mikaela. Carly doesn’t have anything going on. I’m dying on the inside, I don’t wanna watch Sam at a JOB, I want to watch Optimus Prime do things. I wanna watch the TRANSFORMERS. There could be a compelling plot in this world but Sam is surrounded by exaggerated weirdos. There’s a conspiracy about the NASA agents which could be interesting but it’s barely important until there’s one guy.
Dark side of the moon Credits roll
Some kind of decepticon has taken over that man’s computer mouse. I’m glad that Soundwave’s spies get to do things now that Soundwave is in the movie That man has two guns on him and he’s dead now
Is every single government person also supposed to be insufferable
The space bridge! I don’t like that they have facial hair that moves.
Sam doesn’t know his life when he’s a normal guy. Total opposite of the last movie. It was all a setup for Sentinel prime. It was a trap! There’s not even a roll call, you gotta remember who’s who yourself.
Everytime I see a police car I just think “barricade is gonna show up now.” I don’t even like him that much but he was entertaining enough in movie 1 that now I’m just expecting him to have an appearance. He might’ve, but the thing is the CGI fights are so fast paced and busy I can barely tell who’s who at this point unless I rewatch the fights. Like in a fight scene supercut or something.
“A deal had to be made with Megatron” Prowler elephant noise plays
Carly’s boss is very inappropriate but that’s kind of like, a running thing for the movie(s). That guy’s a traitor too!
Soundwave was the car. Ah, I see why that guy was so insistent on the job offer but Sam was not having it.
What if the autobots were banished. There is no plan. They’re gonna come back, there’s still an hour left. This is the equivalent of that image of a sad ant with a bindle.
They’re sending the Cybertronians to Earth to take over the world. Megatron’s got the cloak back Robots with cloaks are so cool.
Chicago is devastated. Shows image of Chicago.
Wait I'm trying to think of notable characters on both sides and what the HELL happened to shockwave where'd he go
Those guys got vaporized with the green goblin pumpkin bomb
OP just pulled up and said "we will KILL them all." The Wreckers?!
Sam’s got a gun I don’t know if I’m describing it well enough, but every single movie so far seems to follow the same structure of “Sam is some guy, gets into awkward situations i cringe at, bumblebee, big city fight, Optimus prime and the guys fight for a bit, the military is there, shady government.” It’s kind of copy and paste. The new thing here is Sam’s new girlfriend. Sentinel Prime is also here. There’s more transformers in this one compared to the last one and more of a plot involving them rather than just the gang being with like one guy (Jetfire) but now that Mikaela’s gone and Carly is just like there I feel like it’s just not very interesting. Sam is a passive protagonist.
The fight scenes and spectacle and big boom is where it’s at, thinking about the plot is stupid. Basically think of like, video game dialogue before they switch to the pre-rendered fight cutscene and that is the same energy. But then sometimes the fights aren’t even that great and you can barely see a thing.
“Why do the decepticons always get the good shit?” Because villains get cooler powers by default.
Carly had a good moment of going to Megatron and saying “you’re a little loser, you’re gonna let Sentinel take over?” But Carly otherwise is a non character.
I just realized the whole thing with the planet being teleported to Earth is just the season 1 finale of the sunbow cartoon but like, way less interesting. I can’t even tell what’s going on, it’s just big explosions and CGI robots punching each other. Like even more than usual.
Optimus just ripped Shockwave’s eye out Ironhide died so now he’s pissed but at this point I’m just apathetic.
Sam Witwicky is a goddamn black hole sucking away the screen time I don’t care for Sam fighting this human man. This is like if I went to a steak resturaunt and I wanted steak but they gave me a giant plate of fries and this like, really tiny overdone steak That’s what the ratio of Sam to Transformers feels like If one of your favorites was in the movie you’d probably be pissed off because they’d show up for a brief scene and maybe die in their next one Or idk, maybe some people are into their character popping up for one scene and then dying after
Megatron going for the kill OP is going for the immediate kill everytime he just beheaded Megatron Tbh they are in a war and there are so many dying allies of OP already and its clear that if megatron doesn’t die he’ll come back to do more evil.
Can it be justified? Sure. Does it feel incredibly bizarre? Yep.
I think OP is wild because the narration he says and the things that happen in the movie are entirely disconnected in every form Is he shady or naive? Secret third more powerful thing: Bad writing ✍️
The first two were at least passable movies. The first one? Probably the best by default at this point. This one? I’m forgetting it as I’m watching it.
I miss linkin park being the credits theme
Current movie characters that are noteworthy: Mikaela, Agent Simmons, those two military guys, Megatron and Soundwave and Starscream, Barricade (the concept of an decepticon that actually decieves by disguising as something that is considered as “good” by average people like Sam.)
What about everyone else: I don’t like them. I’d say the autobots are out of character but that would require them to be characters to begin with outside of quips. Reading the energon universe comics in between these movies is kind of an experience and a half as to how that comic handles the experience entirely differently. If Optimus Prime is spending this entire movie trilogy preaching on about the good of humanity and working with them then like there needs to be good examples because if the humans Sam interacts with are indicative as a whole of the humans of the bay universe then OP has like really big filters on to perceive them.
I’m rotating a version of this movie trilogy in my mind where I just make Mikaela or the military guys the main characters and they could put in Hound since he’s a military vehicle but I doubt anyone on this movie team knows how to write women. It’s okay. I can say misogyny.
The thing about the bayverse movies is also they were being actively rewritten I think. I keep looking onto the wiki pages during the movie and I keep seeing in the trivia section that things keep changing. There’s plenty of supplemental material (games, comics, novelizations) which support that things kept getting shuffled around as well in development which would be interesting to look into but some of these guys are quite like, butt ugly, so it’s an active deterrent because I hold no interest and it clips into the negatives.
revenge of the fallen
What is the watch order anyways
Revenge of the fallen Dark of the moon Age of extinction
These ones aren’t on my service The last knight Bumblebee Rise of the beasts
Two worlds collide The SpongeBob episode about the caveman and the robot
A lot of the secret shadow money government plot line(s) about keeping transformers out of public eye would not work today they’d be on YouTube and TikTok within 20 minutes. Maybe even less.
One of the shows just dropped the pretenses entirely and had them be superheroes. Gen 1’s cartoon didn’t really have them care much either.
Arcee twins? Since when does she have twins? She does not.
Man I wish the cars looked like their OG cars Why isn’t Sideswipe Red
Optimus Prime just got dropped out of a helicopter
How much longer is Sam going to be the least interesting plot thing, the military guy in 1 literally had protag energy and he avoided his death flags because like, he had a wife and kid at home. Literally the plot wrote itself about the military guys getting into a government conspiracy about the aliens and Sam is only there because of the glasses and his ancestor. Cut that out and he has no reason to be there aside from being the teenage protagonist stand in. I think if you edited out all the Sam parts you could create a different movie.
You’re saying you’d rather watch a full movie about the government and military? There is a far more interesting plot happening there.
Oh wait, nvm, he’s got the cube thing and it’s making his kitchen into a violent murder house. I think it’s a plot point in one of the shows that most technology was reverse engineered from Megatron. I’ll just make it my headcanon for this movie series going forwards.
AYO SOUNDWAVE?! SOUNDWAVE SATELLITE?! Peak. He doesn’t have the filter on so now he just sounds like Dr. Claw because that’s the same voice used with no filter. For every single thing I’ve thought was “ugh” they’ll create something with an incredible idea that is in this movie and will probably not be used again.
Is Optimus Prime hiding information? Is he lying to the people? Soundwave satellite is such a good way to integrate his spy stuff, that’s crazy. It really is a good way to integrate him into modern technology and his cassettes can be like smaller satellites because like who’s gonna recognize his radio now.
Optimus that sounded like a threat.
21 GUNS?! We got a college hustler. This guy is the guy who I was hypothetically talking about when I said that YouTube would have it in 20 minutes. Awkward moment for Sam since he’s the guy. He doesn’t want to be the guy. His mother’s drunk as hell. Is this entire movie meant to make me despise the humans because it’s working. They don’t feel human, they feel more alien than the aliens. The aliens behavior being weird is because they literally downloaded stuff off the internet. The humans have no excuse.
RAVAGE Sam you have a girlfriend, get out of there That girl is weird Bumblebee having a radio specific for conversations and vibes is incredible Do you think anyone’s ever made like a playlist of all the songs he’s used Sam you missed the call
Optimus is kinda shady because he’s like “umm, well, if we leave, what if you’re wrong” and then he goes to Sam to be his ambassador “I’m a normal guy, I’m a normal man” the plot lived in your house.
Me looking at an excavator: Scavenger?
Megatron is back. There are…eggs. There is… a palpatine? All I do is make comparisons and shitty notes. Bro has gained superpowers and transformers enlightenment. Unfortunately everyone else thinks he’s nuts.
I am incredibly distracted by that little thing is that SpongeBob’s VA Alice is a horrifying alien robot I mean they are called robots in disguise This is why bumblebee was warning Sam and attacking her Run her over man
Now in the transformers movie: the matrix. (No, not that one.)
Oh there’s a fight in the forest Optimus is trash talking and beating Megatron with a tree Hold on I’m thinking Yeah this really is like the second most prominent fight in the movie so far
That guy just got eviscrated Torn to shreds bro Basic procedure. Get the stick.
Seeing this and having recently read through the energon comics is giving me such a different look on how you can nearly have the same premise but totally different tones like the Optimus is entirely different Starscream has done no backstabbing behavior aside from leaving at the end of the first movie and megatron is aiming for the team kill
Come on, say among us. Say it. The movie says among it so many times.
The Fallen: screw this one guy in particular. Guyblinking.gif If i ignore those cars will they go away.
Can’t believe OP is dead He’ll come back it’s transformers tradition for him to die and come back They’ll never have it be hot rod though Never again
It’s probably crazy being in that college and seeing that guy go through the motion of the cybertronian blackboard then the library explodes and then that kid becomes a wanted fugitive
NEW DIVIDE Agent Simmons came back? Isn’t it a plot point in a later movie that uhhh Optimus and co helped out the British empire and lost
She’s training that thing like a dog Seekers! Ohhhh so they’ve just been chilling in the museums See this is also an interesting plot of the transformers being in the past and altering and changing history while being in disguise but no one give a shit Jetfire….? He’s just an old man now. He still changed sides in this timeline now! He can teleport? That’s skywarp’s thing Why am I complaining. I feel like if I didn’t see any transformer stuff prior to this I’d have no comment.
The Fallen… okay, if we’re going by transformers lore… Megatronus? The matrix of leadership is used to activate the big killing machine
Optimus Prime wasn’t chosen by the matrix but rather the descendant of the primes and like has divine rights as an cybertronian demigod rather than just being some guy? Lame. Megaman X and transformers have the same thing where a character’s so popular that he just kept defying death to the point it was actively written out of canon but it keeps happening as a constant (OP, Zero)
Me looking at the conspicuous green dump truck: long haul?
Oh, there is a collection of construction vehicles. I swear if it’s just a cheeky thing and— Constructicons real! They’re not all green though
Devastator’s actually real in this one and not just some other robot named that.
Sam is dead. RIP. He’s gonna come back though don’t worry Gonna be honest there were a lot of big explosions and fights and I think I stopped paying attention but thankfully I missed nothing.
This is like transformers one where the matrix of eatership was granted to ofrying pax so like, are they gonna turn Sam into a robot. No.
Transformers one was supposed to be a prequel to this somehow. My note taking skills are failing me, there’s nothing to think about, there’s just big fighting.
Starscream has been Starscreaming the whole time he said “we gotta GO, NOW.”
Optimus keeps sending out messages that do not match the message of the movie or what I watched at all
Based on transformers, but not one to one They let the wanted fugitive back into college Clearly no one is in their right mind in this world
My current thoughts is that the first one is fine, it’s kind of in shrug territory now.
I keep getting stuff in my recommends that I watch now.
Transformers (2007)
I am going to watch through the bay directed movies.It’s not a requirement but I did this because I wanted to hear Optimus Prime say “I am going to turn into a giant truck now” only for that line to be a fake. It’s kinda weird how they just shadow dropped onto services outside of paramount+ but I guess they want some money from the lack of TFone money. I went into this completely blind aside from knowing that idk, bumblebee is mute in this one and there are big explosions and therefore got punched in the face by the Hollywood nasty standards to the point I went “good lord”. This continued to be a trend for most of the movies.
THE CUBE. So it’s kind of like a running thing so far with 1984 and this one that the cybertronians fight themselves to the point that they’re kind of dying out. OP talking about his endless war only to zoom in onto human military people on their war like a parallel or something or maybe saying that the scaling is similar enough. Guy who is on the camera saying “I’ll be home soon” that man is going to die.
They did the noise. That is a THING.
Big CGI that was good for the time but when compared to the actual robots is like…. Right. Then you look at some of the designs and it’s like… man. It’s really crazy going from TFone to these ones. Like which one was that one even supposed to be at the start.
Where’s the robots at. I was promised robots. Who is this high schooler. I think I have to care about the human beings in this movie. Man, what the hell.
The glasses are plot important, I saw them glowing. A boy’s dream to get a car.
Porsche? Nah, bumblebee. The bond between a man and his car is like that of a dog. Note: I have never had a dog.
Bumblebee is deliberately sabotaging the other cars, lol.
I know the military would obviously be an important factor into things. Do you think GI Joe exists in this world? Are the civilians in this world supposed to be like… comedy relief, they feel like, it’s written in 2007 but the script feels AI generated. Bumblebee the magical radio wingman that is also definitely trolling
They called her a WHAT
I like how Witwicky seems to be like a common name of importance in the world because of the OG Spike Project iceman Megaman?
They have like, hologram drivers, or something. Not the custom subtitles for this little freak You can hear him say ladiesman217 in perfect cadence
Batman? That’s literally just the Batman symbol
This guy is a loser. He is like a wet dog.
Scorpion! I kind of hate every single human in this movie minus the guy who was trapped on the phone call looking for the wallet.
The power of Hollywood hacking. The dog hates his car. Satan’s Camaro. His pink bike. It’s probably his mom’s tbh.
What did that police car read “To punish and enslave???” What is going ON
Sam goes to the cop car because cop good to him but uh oh, that’s an evil cop car
Hey are you ladiesman217. Is that going to be an important plot name going forwards. How is he outrunning that thing Car chase sequence let’s goooo Mikaela has obtained the power drill Meanwhile Sam’s got nothing, bro got pantsed and punched He’s really just a huge loser like bro’s saying “get it, kill it” like as if she is killing a roach.
He just goes “uhhh that robot is uh… Japanese.” Please do not leave the area without putting your pants back on
Damn, this car’s really good at driving He has unmatched loser aura and negative rizz Bumblebee got so mad about that comment about him looking like shit so he proceeded to become a better car. “It’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen, explosions everywhere!”— the average viewing of these movies, most likely
Where is this child’s parents I don’t know much else about the bay movies but I know that Optimus Prime goes primal multiple times and has been memed to have the Prowler theme I for one cannot wait for what is presumably going to be something insane
Autonomous robots (autobots) I like how Sam’s great great grandad that he was trying to sell his stuff about turned out to be the world’s most important guy
First lieutenant Jazz! Well, that finally answers my question from season 2 as to who the second in command is for the autobots
They learned the power through the World Wide Web They know about memes That’s Ratchet?
Me clapping my hands: yayyyy bumblbeee I have basic taste
You know, if the matrix and empire and the 13 primes are all a thing based on TFOne like do the autobots believe in the divine right of kings of the alien stuff
The thing Everyone knows about the glasses through eBay Where the hell are the glasses anyways Imagine if he like, put them in the doghouse or something
A gaggle of vehicles following Optimus prime like ducklings They were just put onto earth Somehow this is so destructive and yet they are so clumsy and curious that its almost cute They’ve got a blown transformer
Ironhide wants violence
The transformers are radioactive in this world???
Mikaela knows how to fix the cars because her dad used to sell em Ohhh, he’s got flash lights on his bumper I’ll be honest, I completely did not see that right
Heyyyy, put the face mask back on. Kind of weird to see that. HUH? Was that a necessary scene? No.
I like how they like, he just pick these two up and lifts softly. How do you lose the giant robot Imagine at any given moment that someone steps on the glasses
I hear the word cube and I think Cube Live A Live
What is that thing Google That’s FRENZY?
They have megatron frozen and chained up in the basement It probably pisses off everyone in charge that Sam now has all the exposition power They got a rollcall
Starscream located Barricade Devastator??? Did I read that right?
Wait what Bonecrusher??? How are they separate Aren’t they supposed to be like guys stacked up to make devastator
The cube creates things from technology What is that little thing now Rumble? Awww they killed him
That’s starscream?! That’s a whole triangle
Has megatron been aware the entire time he’s been cryofrozen
The sector seven guy’s get owned by the soldiers because right now they’re just useless bureaucratic policies This is the energy of a boy and his dog but the dog is an alien car He has a battle mask that makes him look like a wasp
The cube shrinks??? Oh he was definitely aware first things he says are I am megatron Wait, wait hold on, is that even an accurate bonecrusher, the shovel tail thing is on Scavenger Going on the wiki Fork.
Furby truck
Not much is registering in my mind with the movie anymore which is mostly because the plot has stopped plotting and it’s more or less turned into cool robot big fight military gun explosion kaboom. Kapow! Warpath would’ve loved this world.
They killed Jazz?! Naurrrr.
Forcibly assigned soldier by military man Not megatron just throwing the pieces of Jazz away That’s disrespectful as shit man
Mountain Dew monster
Who was that man megatron flicked Googles Oh, Micheal bay himself.
Sam clearly has a superpower called “he can outrun multiple transformers” Like if he didn’t have the glasses his only plot contribution prior to getting the cube would’ve been buying bumblebee
Mikaela meanwhile becomes far cooler in comparison by driving a tow truck and letting bumblebee snipe decepticons
He can talk now?!
“Among its…” Close enough. Among us.
I like how me getting into transformers from the LP AMV has now come full circle by seeing the ending to the movie
This is the quintessential AMV that got me into transformers WHAT I’VE DOOOONE
I should be going “WOO YEAH BIG EXPLOSION COOL ROBOT FIGHT YEAH” and you know what, trueee. This is not a movie that is meant to be thought about. This is a movie that is meant to be watched for the target demographic of 13 year olds. How many of these films are there. Like, 3? 4?
7? Why did I wait until the last minute to watch these.
The Last Unicorn
it was on auto play so I was like “sure, whatever.” I was like “woah, beautiful forest, beautiful orchestra”.There is only one unicorn left and the hunters leave but also were like “you must keep this forest to yourself” but they* were not aware that they were hit last. Idk, she? Yeah, she. the body language is quite expressive and There is a bug man
The unicorn is going on a journey to find the other unicorns There is a medieval man who sees her as a horse In another world if this wasn’t a g-rated movie I think that man would’ve been stabbed
Is the unicorn like, metaphorical or am I doing that thing where I overanalyze children’s media People see what they want to see in the carnival show the witch runs A fake horn to represent a real unicorn
Schmendrik the wizard There’s a lot of emphasis on being “real.”
That harpy is going to kill that witch That harpy for real got away with two kills in a G rated movie
Red Bull (not the drink) Medieval times. Taco. Close enough, welcome back FF14. Everything I do reminds me of her
Ayo. That tree’s crazy. “Where were you twenty years ago? How dare you.” That was raw. She’s totally changed the moment she saw the unicorn. Molly Grue has joined the quest.
The last unicorn is a human being now Schmendrik is lying to save himself from the fact he has zero clue what he’s doing Christopher Lee?
This ugly and dry castle. This old man and his prince son who aren’t there. Now that is a wizard.
She has the sadness you only see in medieval paintings
There’s just this generic prince boy here and I am assuming that this movie will abruptly switch to being little mermaid esque in terms of “they fall in love, she loses her powers, she turns back to a unicorn.” Or something. It could also just be her turning into sea form like the OG ending of the story. She has forgotten her original role. He knows that she is the unicorn. I’m overthinking and I’m like “this old man is substituting the unicorns for his ailing age and lack of happiness.” He should’ve been at the club.
She has lost her sense because she has never seen a unicorn. The skeleton appears. Everything reminds me of them (Papyrus and Sans and Skeletor)
They left that poor wizard to be shredded She is no longer the last unicorn but at what cost, she has diverged and been changed forever by her journey and will never truly relate to the others of her kind.
The Dark Crystal
gazing at the dark crystal is shit a wizard would sayTwo races, the Skeksis and the Mystics Already this setup is kinda going hard The bird people or something are all practical effects and puppetry and animatronics It’s real nice looking. Sometimes I miss when movies weren’t all CGI.
Man, I was really thinking the whole movie was gonna be the narrator. Now they’re speaking. That is a vulture.
I am predicting that the twist is that both races were the same or something. Eh. They could just be seperate though. They’re more like crows. Cawing.
Final fantasy be like: to the crystal chamber! The beautiful and awe inspiring astral observatory and the loud witch woman that runs it Aw. Dead.
Spending the run time being like “ooh” and “aah” at the scenery Oh, it’s like it’s like one of those small angry dogs It is one of those small angry dogs!
Two of them. Sorry, I know there’s a plot happening with the two that are the last of their kind or whatever but now I’m like looking at the angry dog that is like if Chewbacca was a small animal. The old lady lived!
The ancient prophecy
Kira’s doing most of the work here tbh, Jen’s kinda just there. Player 1 and 2 energy.
I was right, the bird people and the mystics are connected! Nooo the diog got thrown into a pit Jen’s reaction time is like bro has 10 ping from the server he has emotional lag and input delay
The dog lived They were sundered??? Verbatim?
Transformers One (11.15)
an origin story o-fryin pax!Spoiler Notes under the Cut!
transformers the energy crisis ohhh d-16 and pax friendshipthe rebellious orion and the rule guy d16, i know this is going to be like starting off as a little journey because they want to solve the energy crisis and then it's going to turn into a tragedy
i can vaguely recognize some of the cogless miners based on their g1 iterations which is how I know my brain is cooked
i like elita one being like "ugh" which is a lot different from her g1 iteration where she was just optimus's best gf MINERS.
this is so sad, they're pre defined but not even by their choice because of circumstances wildly out of their control "i did this for us"
sentinel prime really is a theatric man which makes his downfall worth it is that arcee
hot rod spotted in the list?! Drift? Jetfire?!
do you think that one robot who basically was like "YEAH I WON SCREW THE MINERS" has regrets in his life post movie
spider woman.
HRRRGHHH MINERS B-127, Bumblebee my friend, they sent him to the garbage chute and he has been stuck ever since he's yapping because they're gonna remove his voice later on For transformers two.
i like how d-16 was like "actually never mind let's go on the world adventure because of the yapper"

d-16 just wants to follow the rules and orion is the rebel which makes the entirety of the later iteration more sad like you can see them develop into their roles as their voices change and develop to be more like their roles in later materials
sad robots be hitting different idk what to say When the children’s movie explores classism and the systematic oppression through exploiting the lower working class through the allegory of “cool robot” and it’s the reaction of the two who were in the same position to find this out and how they react to it causes the conflict because there's zero time to properly think about it because you either go full anger or "we can do better than this" and you can pinpoint the exact moment during that flashback exposition where the gears start turning and the one oppressed his entire life goes "I'm going to start oppressing" and you can see his eye colors gradually change and see the way he learns how violence will solve his answers
Like most of his life was based around being subservient and learning that violence got responses and why put your head down when you can rise up and it's not enough for just the one thing, there's like multiple bad things IN A ROW where it's like "yeah I completely get it and that reaction"
"does transforming count as a magical girl sequence" forum closed with 121 posters banned
the transforming fight sequences are crazy good
i think the high guard went nuts in the isolation, completely lost in the sauce shockwave immediately hating bee's yapping
scanning brainrot he's cooked
soundwave stopping shockwave like hold up, let him cook
Starscream hit the overhead i like how even though it's a kid's movie they do not pull the punches with the violence such as visibly hearing starscream's throat getting crunched d-16 got so into the violence he got a cannon out of it that one guy nodding when d-16 is like "I'm no longer showing mercy"
go my b-127, attack i like how Elita one's speech was like "you suck and I'm better than you but you have optimism which we need" Wrong, we need nutjobs.
HE SAID THE THING is that thundercracker
hey, he stole his little sticker. that's not nice. Kill him. It's jazz! Hi jazz!
Is that ironhide? Is that prowl? It could be bluestreak. They are literally the same helmets. I mean, in that case it could also be Ratchet unless he’s a design from a later version like Prime or something The pink one in front is definitely Arcee.
Orion's speech is so different from D-16's because he's like "we need the power of our own hope to stop injustice and fight together" vs D-16 "I AM THE ONLY ONE " Is that one of the aerialbots Was that nova storm or skywarp since there's purple recolors
Lost in the cameo sauce HE HIT THE POSE Goddamn, Starscream is cooking, he got the null rays and the jet boosters and he's putting in work
BADASSATRON They made it work they made the joke work Bro's got knife hands He's so illy I can't believe he's a comic relief that isn't annoying to me
what if they sent the wrong footage the movie would be entirely different
This is the worst day of D-16's life because literally the last time orion pax was alive he dropped him off a cliff it's all in parallel to the race and the various times d-16 was pretty much forced into pax's goofs
is it kind of nuts some of them don't have names or not like d-16
let him get up let him get up don't let him get up.
the matrix of eatership! The high guard was immediately ride or die for this guy they met a few hours ago
they're both dead by the way orion pax and d-16 both died that day through ego death
It was a sick fight though Dang, since that was a part of his arm that would've been painful
I like how he used the restorative power to save the day and you can see the cogless miners getting their restored forms (I like jazz's little door things) and is that wheeljack and you think that's a happy ending but then you see the decepticons firing off in the post credits
that's their origin stories
+fight scenes pretty good + origin story that is mix of various canons and isn't like convoluted + comedy that isn't out of place unlike what trailers made people think + easter eggs for people who have been into transformers longer than me
Good movie, I can see why people were like “go see the movie”
that one is probably going to win movie of the year but this whole year's big thing was me getting fixated on transformers
Fern Gully (11.2)
It’s kinda crazy for like 40+ years we’ve been having shows and movies with environmentalist messages but old guys in charge are still like “light up the environment for profit we need more oil lmao” This entire movie is so largely vaguely Disney looking that I was like “huh” because I think I saw it once in elementary but didn’t know it was a different studio because studios would just make things that looked like other things for trend following. Watching with my sibling and they were like “the fairy’s gonna fall in love with the boy” and I was like “she probably won’t” and then seeing he’s the only like non cartoonish looking guy so far was like “oh yeah, that’s pretty obvious.” I like how there’s just an evil tree and an evil ass mountain and like the ancient old woman and it’s basically just a classic kind of scenario movie setup Anyways this is how I learned the pizza tower taunt sound is a stock effect The magical whimsy of the forest vs the horrors of industrialization with the subtlety of a hammer I like the blend of 2D and 3D animation but I’m also not sure how effective the message is going to be when the main villain hams up with his song and is likely the thing people remember the most about the movie aside from the bat which is kinda wild they just casually had an experimented bat with a probe. They gotta put up a sign or something saying “DO NOT CUT THIS TREE.”
Sailor Moon Cosmos (8/28)
Sailor moon is one of my top influential things of all time so I'm breaking my image rule just this once
Damn, i didn’t even realize this came out
The way I haven’t watched the OG 200 episode anime for years and the only thing I’ve seen recently was Crystal stuff
Watching the trajectory of crystal within those few months and now it basically just looks like a very shiny version of the 90s art style or like Precure
Where have I heard this dub Usagi before because I’ve definitely heard it in not sailor moon and very recently
Oh crap it’s Hinata
0/10 its just moonlight densetsu again
When’s the last time moon pride even played like was it just season 1
Now they’re recreating the opening scenes from various openings of the 90s show
You know for a project that was supposed to not be exactly the same they kind of made it look nearly identical
I’ve seen that haircut on every single MapleStory character thief ever on the white haired one
Usagi i don’t feel so good
Why they doing the Naruto run
Putting a funny little hand on his face
She had a face where she said “DNI. Do not ask me how it went.”
Meanwhile chibi USA was like “bye losers im leaving the plot”
Haruka was definitely like top 1 intros to girls who were not traditionally feminine for me and thinking now on it I am like “yeah that explains a lot about me”
It’s sailor iron mouse, oh she’s competent now I forgot
She shooting lasers and crap
No there will not be a scene where she begs for mercy from a phone booth while the funeral dirge plays, stop that
Do these feel less like movies and more just supercuts of the hypothetical episodes this would get in the run time if it was an actual season just glued together.
Yeah pretty much.
Can you imagine being asked to dub chibi chibi where it’s like “ya wanna voice this thing” and all she says is “chibi chibi”
Oh yeah i forgot chibiusa brainwashed Usagi’s mom into thinking they had another kid and then chibi chibi also does it
She no longer says just Chibi Chibi
I like how Usagi’s kid has pink hair and she was supposed to have like silver or pink hair idk
The 90s canon was bizarre for what it was in comparison to the manga plot at the time but now it’s finally accurate
Why’d she knock Usagi out with the pot
Usagi keeps waking up and I’m starting to think she might be trapped in a time loop
There’s a lot more uh goofy animated scenes like that one scene with the frame in season 2 where I was like “huh?”
Tv tropes called that a BLAM but like who uses tv tropes these days.
The girls are fighting
They said “we’re not dubbing the song” and you know, good for them
Side note (What’s up with Mamoru anyways) :
Now that he’s dead I’m gonna go poke the relationship of sailor moon that has been a contentious fandom point. Takeuchi herself decided originally that Mamoru was 17-18 on an art book and then aged him down to 16 at the start but that did not make it to the 90s anime. Very confusing. It’s kind of more or less I think the intention (manga) was “he’s super smart and competent (and an orphan) so he went to college early despite only being so and so age” but it did not translate well to anywhere else and for good reason. Why did they make it like this inexplainable kudzu mess for ages with this guy, it’s borderline weird to think about from a lens of like years later instead of like the semi borderline wish fulfillment fairy tale romantic fantasy reincarnation drama that it was like portrayed as, the miracle romance that the show sings about. But you know. Yeah. It’s aged noticeably these days akin to spoiled milk.
She married the Yuyu hakusho and Hunter X hunter writer (yoshihiro togashi) but like he fumbled it so many times so IRL she’s the girlboss and he’s the cringe fail guy and apparently that is like… consistent? With her writing men? Like Usagi is clearly the ultimate girl goddess of cosmic destiny fulfilling the mandate of good and evil as dictated by the laws of the universe and she ascends with the silver crystal power and in comparison mamoru is some guy. Idk.
The energy of “Takeuchi changed her mind but it still made it into the development process anyways” can be found throughout most of early sailor moon like how Ami was supposed to be a cyborg and all the girls were supposed to die (made it onto season 1) and how the development process of the anime to manga wasn’t 1 to 1 like how it is these days which is why OG sailor moon has so many filler episodes anyways.
I mean it could be worse honestly, Yes Precure 5 was right there and I'm pretty sure they doubled down on that one...
What’s the point of this whole sailor vs sailor thing anyways.
“Nuh uh, we didn’t do it” like yeah it’s obvious
How much of this plot could be solved if they talked instead of just assuming things
Sailor guardians? Yeah they’re named after everything in the solar system
No sailor earth ever
Not Naru
Not an OC.
Nuh uh.
I forgot the birds were sailors
The sailor crystal means that you’re a sailor guardian but you can just steal the crystals
Dang that’s crazy
Is this like 1 to 1 manga dialogue
Drama CD vibes are coming back
Usagi straight up has psychic and teleportation magic now
Galaxia doesn’t even have her image song
She didn’t even have “IM THE GOLDEN QUEEN”
Why would she have that though
She’s like Frieza but for women to me
Sailor moon I don’t feel so good
Hey get up
What is the sailor moon time travel logic anyways
There’s only 1 timeline in sailor moon no multiverse or alt timeline stuff so the time travel is all the same pretty sure thats wrong and it fluctuates between past future and present
You ever think about how Chibi USA is like 912 years old or some absurd number
If you question it all you get “wait it’s kinda bizzare Usagi became the ultimate ruler of the entire galaxy” but that is not the point
There’s a tiny Pluto here
There’s a lot happening.
I’m watching sailor moon fight a cat and her cats just died
Nvm they didnt
The power of Usagi transcended beyond time and space and the plot too
Are there alternate timelines?
Well, yeah, there’s the chibi chibi and non chibi chibi timeline
That means there might be MORE chibiusas in the world
The Warrior of Destruction
A Sailor V OVA would be super cool I think
Like no more retreads
Bring her to the world
Galaxia is blowing up the planet and crap
Go girl
Chaos. Evil.
Kill chaos.
Sailor Moon Cosmos 2!!
Ahhh, I’ve been hit! JK lmao.
That’s what I wanted baby
That’s what I wanted the whole time
Why are they in the desert of water
All of her friends keep dying
What are they like
More like what were they like
Ohhh the river Lethe like in Greece
Hey Myosotis mention
That’s the forget me not flower
I think sailor moon works on dynamic timeline rules since you know there’s clearly an effect in the future with the past but clearly everything has to work out because Neo queen serenity has to exist for chibiusa to be born
Think about the future trunks timelines
This means that somewhere out there there is sailor moon xenoverse
That’s the another story RPG games
Nuh uh
Yuh huh
Will sailor moon create a world where fighting doesn’t exist
She’s bad because… she is.
No shes good actually
Oh no they are dead
Yep, 1 to 1 with the manga
Her name is heavy metal…
“They’re dead but not really” is a thing that would make this feel flatter but tbh in nearly every manga arc the sailor guardians lose and almost die anyways so this does not bother me
Sorry was that an X like twitter X
Starting to hear the word “sailor” too much and it’s not registering as a word anymore
So do people who don’t have sailor crystals just not get to reincarnate
Did mamoru get the evil drip bracelet too
Goro akechi?
I know who tuxedo mask’s VA is now
Has he always been him and I just never noticed but the minute he started being sinister I was like “hey I recognize that voice”
I like how their stock attacks look evil now 😈 and they’re putting in Galactica now
That is not a surprise that is a whole scythe blast
Does mamoru get a stock attack
why did he do all that
This feels slightly different from what her story was in the manga or whatever
It’s been years
I do not remember her suffering like that
“Why does it have to be sailor moon”
What is the title of the show
she think she’s palpatine
chibi chibi speaking full sentences now
Even Galaxia turned around like “why is the child talking like that”
Galaxia: wow the moon is truly beautiful
Me nodding my head: power of friendship together strong
Sailor moon the most powerful ever
I forgot about cosmos
Okay so time travel can do whatever
No no, it’s about the power of hope and love and like being naive and strong and not complacent , because Usagi the best and not like a battle hardened warrior who gave up
The cat just talked in front of the parents and no one’s asking a single question because the credits are rolling now
Pacing is… nonexistent, it’s 1 to 1 with the manga
If you like the manga, good. If you liked characterization and filler from the 90s, well, go watch that instead but come back for the dream and cosmos arc unless you really liked watching the final arc of stars for some reason but like it completely falls apart in the final part.
Personally I just like sailor moon minus the parts I disliked so it was alright for me.
AUGH. Post credits relationship jumpscare.
Thoughts on crystal as a whole:
The first season’s really rough but it gets better later on but not having proper pacing whatsoever for later arcs
kills it, but I guess having it spread out as multiple episodes would also not help if they were just gonna be 1 to 1
with the manga scenes. I’m glad there’s finally a manga adapted version of this show and like even with my gripes there’s
a thank you letter from the author penned at the very end of it all and like how am I supposed to hate that.
Sometimes I think about that Fanmade sailor moon show where they used random cels from the show and sailor moon gained the
silence glaive. What a random thing to remember. I wanna go find that again.
The Lego movie (watched 8/9)
All of this true because it rhymes He is a silly man made of lego I like how you can tell the twist is that it’s all being made by a child if you’ve watched it a second time because of how the dialogue is in the prologue My touys… Emmet is the kind of guy who follows the rules but no one knows a thing about him because he’s too confirmed. He masked too hard. Watching a movie on streaming is a lot different than in a theatre because you can just… idk. I feel like you pay less attention to streaming movies. They gave a Lego curve marks. It’s a movie about uh. Prophecies and uh, stuff. BIONICLE REAL The multiverse of Lego real This is just a guy getting mad about a kid playing with his toys They just erased a guys face off and killed his personality like permanently They break apart into pieces like the lego games Cloudcuckoo land is an anarchist state Lloyd cameo Hi lloyd Lego’s are funny. No clue what’s going on with the lego Ninjago movie. Haven’t watched that. I did recently watch Ninjago so the cameo was pretty cool. I should get back to watching dragons rising I heard it’s nuts. Let him build a spaceship None of them have ever followed rules Freedom Friday Tuesday Frursday SPACESHIP HE DID IT What if that kid stepped on a Lego It’s like Toy Story Ages 8 to 14 That’s like some exorcism crap We are all the special
The union (8/16)
It's a lot different watching movies on streaming and with people too, right? How do I describe this... well, from the get go a lot of movies that tend to focus on spies and FBI and CIA and cops basically run the same course of propoganda, let's get that out of the way Trope of "average guy somehow outskills everyone else involved" is there too alongside "wooing the cool coworker girl" It was an alright action movie, plenty of scenes and fights but the last minute car chase took forever It's a movie that exists made up of tropes to make this fake made up US spy network look good and every other country look bad especially the ones who want all of the US information. I wouldn't be able to recognize any of these actors because I don't watch live action movies that often and more or less I got shoved into it because the cowatcher is the kind of person who scoffs and spits at anything that looks remotely colorful. The whole time I was comparing tropes with my cowatcher and going "well, someone has to be the spy and it's the boss!" which was true, but the guy coming back from the dead was not an expected bit Ahhh, I see, netflix specifically recced this to me the day it came out.... algorithm at work there.JJK0
JJK 0Yuta I like him It’s always neat seeing like character prototypes become their own characters in their own right This movie has extreme budget for it also Rika kinda crazy strong It’s kinda like a long extended episode Was this really supposed to be like the main cast of Maki and Panda and Toge? With his whole rice ball gimmick? I wonder if that would’ve worked. This is like glimpsing into an alternate world.
Now that I’ve watched ghost hunter Mikami the fact that this segment is about ghost real estate makes me think “would mikami be able to sweep JJK… she might have had some trouble.”
Oh no his throat medicine is gone… It’s Geto the racist. Is there a significant reason for all these huge invasions happening during holidays or is it just the significance of the date itself
They have teleportation runes in this world Stop staring at me with them big old eyes Ohhh wait is panda a stuffed panda I wish they had translations for the text going across the screen like that should be a bit obvious eh?
Yo Yuta is locked in I’m starting to understand why he isn’t the protagonist because he’s him Gojo did not need to do all of that You know, the mark of a good movie is when you put it on in the BG and then you get so engaged you go to sit down and fully watch it because you’re invested HE HIT THE BLACK FLASH Misa has a nice design but her thing feels like super underutilized
JJK could’ve used some filler with other schools but you know the plot is clearly plotting
What is Todo doing His best Two hospital kids and he can’t even get married and she’s gonna be a ghost forever The power of love Maybe Idk Why is love a death ray laser beam That’s love baby!!
The school’s budget is GONE they’re gonna need to rebuild all of that Oh woah Geto got his arm cut off like Toni Geto and Gojo is like Doomed romance and brotherness or something What ever happened to that brown haired girl anyways Ohhh that was Shoko Okay
So he was enjoying food in Africa during Shibuya I wouldn’t blame him I blocked out all my memories of when I visited Africa when I was 13 but the food was pretty good
HTTYDNo clue if I mentioned this one or not in the last rounds but it pretty much cemented that I should watch things by myself instead of other people if they’re going to refuse to watch the movie and instead get mad at made up versions of the main characters. Ruined my enjoyment. So naturally, I'll just watch things alone like I usually did. They tended to get pissy when that happened but like, they're totally incorrigible.
There’s a pretty big difference between movies and shows… With a show, you can watch whenever. In fact, binge watching and multitasking is pretty much a default way to watch a show these days… With a movie, it’s about like, time, atmosphere, the mood, and especially who you watch it with. When you watch a movie, you want to focus.
HTTYD was less on the movie and more of a lesson on “don’t watch movies with people who are going to be annoying the entire time.” It’s difficult to enjoy a movie when there’s a person making crap commentary. It was a fun movie but the experience was soured.
Mean Girls
I’m not much of a moviegoer and I barely go to see movies in theatre. That being said, after watching the original mean girls, I went to see the musical one in an actual IRL movie theatre. Regina was kind of the only worthwhile part of the musical that I’d likely listen to in a Spotify playlist, the other songs were forgettable at best and the lead actress couldn’t sing. I also watched how to train your dragon. It was good, I’ll probably add the extended cartoon to my watchlist.Madam Web
Madame Web: Watching madame web the same way I did with morbius and I'm convinced Sony is attempting to make some kind of crappost off brand Spider-Man cinematic universe. The main villain is like “I need to kill these teenage girls before they become a problem” and is stopped by a single adult who has no superpowers minus the power to run him over. I think this is the opposite of marvel having people be hyped over it for years, it has like, anti hype. The Morb Effect. I was texting my friend live commentary and at one point said “This feels like a CW pilot”Misc Movies:
TTG to the movies. I’m not sure why this show still exists tbh. The Flintstones. I didn’t pay attention to this at all. I’m not a movie person and mostly use it as background noise. My attention span has been shot for years. On average maybe I’ll watch like, one movie in theatres for the entire year.Previous Years (2023, 2022)
Across the Spiderverse
Watched spiderverse (the new one) with my friend, and it’ll probably be my movie of the year since I barely watch movies. I do wish there weren’t so many effects like all the time though, it’s probably impossible to watch for anyone with sensory issues and even I had to close my eyes at one point of the movie.Scott Pilgrim, Pitch Perfect
Scott the movie: I liked it, it was pretty funny seeing a life action version of everything. Even if the sound choices were very limited in what game noises they could use (they were pretty happy with the sonic ring sound…) wasn’t really great that they kinda shoved Scott’s development of not being an ass about the two timing into a single scene but the swerve with Nega Scott was also funny. I watched this after take off.Pitch perfect: My sibling loves this movie so I’ll check it out it’s about the acapella band or something… Tbh I can’t care for these movies about relationship college drama and they love it alongside mean girls and idgaf. It’s slightly more than that but School drama is boring to me. It’s second hand embarrassment I don’t like all.