Pokemon Magazine

Collecting articles I've written on Pokemon

Updates Sporadically

Picking Up Pokemon/Journal Cohost Centric Thought Collection
Pokelog DW (formerly tumblr) summary on games I was playing that were pokemon related.
XY Chronicles Ongoing project in regards to generation 6, started in 2024.
  • Pokemon Journal
  • Picking Up Pokemon: Bill
  • Picking Up Pokemon: Manga Medium
  • Picking Up Pokemon: Early Kanto
  • Picking Up Pokemon: Slow Down, Pal!

  • XY Chronicles in Progress. I need to finish the Y nuzlocke and convert my notes to a readable format plus finish the anime before I post it in full.

    Pokelog is too image heavy to be reliably here so I'll need to make some sort of super cut article. In the meantime the two are still on my pillowfort/earlier pages are on my old tumblr.