

This is simultaneously my pokemon headcanon containment zone and introducing my Pokemon Trainers that become so different from their OGs that they might as well be considered OCs. I made a lot of these before masters and it's mostly based on stuff from my playthroughs and also when I was a child you will have to take Fire and Leaf siblings from my cold hands.

Blank slate protagonists that get personalities added to them in later iterations isn’t something that I’m not used to since I’ve played other games that have blank protags gain personalities elsewhere, but it is kind of funny when you’ve developed a personality that’s so completely noncanon because of the nature of blank slating. I subscribe to my personal headcanon of “every save game is canon.” That’s going to be a major plot point in other works. I have a lot of weird contradictory headcanons to explain things for my fics and OCs in a way that makes me look like the Pepe Silvia gif

“But if FRLG Red gets called Fire by you sometimes, then FRLG Green should be called Water?” Funnily enough, no. His internal name is Terry. There isn’t a WaterBlue anyways… would the Yellow Equivalent be like, ThunderYellow or LightningYellow? Yellow isn't a gamesverse character, but I like the concept enough that I might have a few headcanons for a "what if."

Custom sprite of the Gen 1 girl by ghost missingno/ Madame Frog /Hatun but no clue on the Yellow Sprite because I found it by screwing around in Hex maniac advance tables. It's definitely an old one because i've seen it on the serebii profile page where there's no credit there either...

All the other sprites ripped by the spriters resource.

The Canon Trainer List

For headcanons that could be feasible in the Pokemon Universe

  • Red: His only interest is Pokemon and playing on his old NES. He used to play baseball but dropped it off. When he gets older he might get back into it as a hobby sort of thing. it took him a while to readjust to the way technology changed after Mt. Silver (same for both Reds.) gambling problem (snuck into game corner and bought plushies like in gen 3 hoenn.) Loves training pokemon but was overwhelmed by the burecracy of the league and that’s why he went to Mt. Silver. Came back down because he still loves pokemon despite everything else.

    his dad is an average work salaryman (based on earthbound phone guy, an unused piece of dialogue in sliph. Co where his dad worked there and gave you lapras, and a dialogue in celadon mall based on a baseball game), all his adventurous traits come from his mom. Captured every Pokémon up to gen 2 (evidenced by his stadium teams). He's a polite man who gets incredibly pissed off at people who exploit or misuse their pokemon which is why he heavily trounced the shit out of rocket which is a trait that all Reds share. He is a righteous boy with a sense of justice.
  • Green:he would be an instagram foodie selfie type of guy but red keeps ruining his photos by eating his food and he has to take a photo fast enough to avoid red’s hand getting in the photo. has a bunch of misc hobbies like birdwatching and stamp collecting. Was childhood friends with red but then started bullying him because they were the same height and age (canon because of the gen 1 instruction manual) but I don't think he was that bad, he was a child. I feel like people conflated his reputation too much with Gary from the anime. I think after the games ended that in between period of Kanto and Johto had him fall into a depressive state because he believed he peaked as a child and then lost it immediately like it was karma or something. It's clear that he pretty much immediately quits after the Sevii islands post game quest. He internalized a lot of things due to pressure of being Oak's grandson when it's clear that Oak favored Red more (if you lose the tutorial battle against him in FRLG oak goes "how dissapointing" plus how Oak always lets you pick the pokemon first. I noticed while playing Green if you're idling around before grabbing a starter he either looks towards the balls or away from you and Oak.) In Generations too, he yells at Agatha "don't compare me to that old man!" So there was clearly something off with their relationship. I think he was a very pressured boy who wanted to live up to his closest parental figure's expectations and had an infereiority complex. (This is borderline canon in Pokemon Zensho due to Daisy essentially telling Oak this. Also I think his parents are dead in that one.) I also like the contrast of how Green has the look of a 90s shonen protag and his Pokespe iteration might've been one of my first fictional crushes (when I was a kid) alongside Yellow. In the Gen 2 games he's taken a more introspective tone (he might've been on Cinnabar Island during the Volcano incident which is why he has that whole speech somehow.) I always wondered when he went to study abroad in Kalos, maybe it was during BW since he's in the world tournament during BW2 which is when the XY games take place.

  • Blue: Goes straight into "canon?" character territory because she doesn't actually properly exist until LGPE. Her appearance in the craft comic is basically the only thing to work with. I consider that maybe she could have the personality of a Lass since those girls are the closest in age to the protags visually.

  • Gold: If you ever look at that image of Gold standing with a smirk for Gen 2 then you will understand my vision when I say that I basically just go "Yeah Gold's a smug fella, he thinks he's the shit, and he is!"

  • Crys: If you ever look at that image of Crystal standing with a smirk for Gen 2 then you will understand my vision when I say that I basically just go "Yeah Crystal's a smug fella, she thinks she's the shit, and she is!"

  • Brendan and May: I've realized that there's less room for me to do my headcanon nonsense with Brendan and May because they already have an established backstory in the games being either the child of a gym leader or the child of the pokemon professor so no matter what I’d need to bring that up since I’m pendatic. Or if I go with the optional route stuff, uhhh, well, Pokemon Special already made Ruby a contest goer and Sapphire a wild girl. Pokemon anime made May the big coordinator. There’s not really anything I could do that hasn’t been done already for them that could remain in the constraints of canon.

  • Leaf: I do not have anything in mind for Leaf that hasn't been already uncanonized by Masters giving her a personality so it's straight into the "Canon" bin for her. I note that her fashion style is based on Kogal based on the tube socks being ruffled which is a type of Gyaru that was once seen as the fashion type of delinquents. Maybe my headcanon for her could've lived, but it got shot once Masters apparently established her as the nice girl of the trio rather than my weird punk girl headcanon. My one thing I can say that is potentially canon is after the events of the Kanto games she traveled to other reigons and wasn't as interested in going to world famous tournaments which is why she wasn't seen ever until Masters (but we all know the real reason is because GF prioritized Red.)She possibly runs a flower shop/pokemon salon when she gets older?

  • Dawn: I just adopt Dawn's personality from the anime. That's about it. Nothing to say on the PLA protags/equivalents because I've never played PLA.

  • Black and White: I AM NOT CALLING THEM HILDA AND HILBERT anyways it's clear to me that GF wanted these two to be the Gen 5 equivalent of Red with how they went missing plus the cut PWT encounter with them both being in the internal data with dialogue and red being a last minute addition. I think they journeyed for a long time and never knew that N returned to Unova like some kind of tragic irony. White (girl) is a total battle maniac while Black (boy) is more of a reading strategy type.

    Anyways here's Proof about the PWT thing

The "Canon?" Trainer List

For headcanons that are in no way canon and quite frankly self indulgent.

  • Red (Gen 1): He’s a mother’s boy. Didn’t keep in contact because he was worried rocket would make her a target. Immensely smug about his strength and is aware about it but it’s hard for people outside of his friend group to know that he’s smug because he has mastered a poker face from years of dealing with his rival. Kind of a guy who gets weirdly unhinged and hotblooded during battles (where he gets an edgy reputation, yes, this is to contrast the "cool" Pixiv Red) but the thing is he literally might have powers to back it up (In reference to glitches) In my mind once he gets off MT. Silver he becomes a Pokemon Tracker. Always sleeping in weird places and cannot cook for the life of him despite liking a lot of food. Gets his rival to cook for him. He likes sweets and cute things but it ruins his image so he pretends not to like them. He kind of has this self worth problem where he genuinenly believes he needs to keep up a facade in order to have people tolerate him and he's desperate for someone to actually see him as is instead of constantly putting him up on a pedestal.

  • Green: He's a playstation boy to rival red (reference to placeholder names Sony and Ninten).

    Without a grounding rival(in a world where Red and Blue don't exist), either two things happen immediately after the championship: He doubles down on his supposed callous behavior which then leads to Extreme burnout once his reign ends or he just keeps getting worse because he can’t be beat (not like rocket behavior, it’s internal towards himself and not his Pokémon.) Sometimes step 1 or the champion step don’t even happen because actively driving everyone away is pretty draining. He was 11 years old and had a serious inferiority complex that I blame Oak for. He would still be as successful but also bored out of his mind Usually ends up in Viridian city even if he isn’t the gym leader just to be relatively away from his grandfather or ends up isolating himself further away doing independent research or being a tracker or something that keeps him going. Friends with Blaine because they exchange trivia and he might work under him sometimes. Having rewatched Origins the two of them (Red and Green) have such a dynamic where it's like he calls himself the genius Green and the lavender town hug scene. In Let's Go, he was supposed to be with Red during his first introduction.

  • Green's Eevee (Why not): it is a girl, she is sassy, she doesn’t battle sometimes unless absolutely necessary, she is incredibly stubborn and somewhat spoiled. likes Pikachu. incredibly impulsive like a cat, insatiable curiosity, doors will open for her, bites people but nibbles green, screams sometimes for no reason, daisy dresses her up for contests sometimes, puffs herself up sometimes like pidgeot does to look threatening. She just looks like a ball of fluff

    is it the same one from Yellow? Maybe yes, maybe no. Possibly evolved into either sylveon (after the kalos trip) or umbreon (to parallel red’s espeon) or not at all (gigantamaxes instead)
  • Blue: having multiple contradictory headcanons in regards to leaf and blue/green does make for confusing headcanons but it’s already confusing in Pokémon canon anyways so whatever Sometimes they're the same girl with the same design, Sometimes they are not and seperate and in different age groups with leaf being related to red but red's not called red, Sometimes they're twins or ones a younger sister,Sometimes they have a sister/mentor/apprenticeship relationship. Lives on the Sevii Islands to not be a pallet town girl

    I default to use the early pokespe personality sometimes where she's a trickster thief conwoman type but make the backstory of her be an ex rocket member because that's more reasonable than "she was kidnapped by a giant bird and trained to be a super soldier”. So to make it more reasonable for the games...She’s like an orphan. Or something. Maybe also her Pokespe thing where she’s silver’s “sister” so she’s Giovanni’s daughter? Idk, aside from her Pokespe personality I don’t have much for her. This is because like with leaf she literally didn't exist in canon until they brought her back in LGPE. Her only other appearance is in a papercraft book. She can be a third girl to round out the trio but simultaneously I think a lot of interesting stuff from Gen 1 comes from the fact that she isn't in their dynamic and is more of an observer/her own girl seperate from the Red Green rivalry.

    When the ReGuri alolan battle tree honeymoon/managerial thing happens she becomes the next gym leader as an explanation as to why she never showed up (but we all know it's because GF likes Red more...)
  • Gold: Ken from Spaceworld still exists so he has an older brother.
  • Silver: My first experience with Gen 2 content was Pokespe and as much as I don't want to just be like "uhhh bluuh Silver's the same" Silver is my Favorite Pokespe character aside from Yellow but I can't always have what I want.
  • Crys
  • Brendan and May
  • Leaf: (The first girl I started keeping track of my headcanons for because I wanted to start using her in fics and completely barreled over the Masters interpretation): Leaf is a girl who was raised in the 2000s and therefore has all of that cultural background applied to her— which is doubly noncanon because I’m applying a western experience to her. To me, this is a girl who was into dress up flash games and warrior cats who would have an Eevee sparkling rainbow blasting OC and say “rawr.” She was very happy when Sylveon existed. Her bike would be a skateboard and she would secretly be punk despite clearly being dressed like a prep girl. She starts hanging around Misty and Erika more often because she tried dating the rival once and it didn’t work out.

    I like to have my pokemon trainer characters be reflective of the time period their games came out sometimes so while Red has a Geocities page that died, Leaf would have the vibes of an NPC in THUG 2 and play guitar hero. Gen 1 Red isnt openly hostile to her like he is with Fire and they could have this awkward mentor thing but Leaf doesn’t want to deal with someone who dislikes her brother so it’s weird.

    Other thoughts I have: she has a Pikachu that enjoys being in her ball. Weird! she's the kind of girl to carry around a stuffed animal and wear PJs to class, like those cookie monster types. she can talk but whenever she dislikes a person she just stops
  • Fire: The Gen 3 design of Red who I consider seperate from Gen 1 Red for this "canon" list. Him and Red are either best friends or each other's greatest haters. I project some personality traits of my own onto this one way much more than I do with Gen 1 red.

    He's kind of lethargic sometimes and falls asleep in weird spots. Possibly has psychic powers.The kind of guy who likes wearing the same shirt over and over until it gets worn out. Has a laundry chair. Doesn’t like loud noises or crowds or parties. Has a tendency to start new things and then drop them unless he’s super interested in them. Doesn’t get social cues that well so Leaf has to fill him in sometimes. Needs to have things repeated sometimes because he was inattentive. Has a bad case of RBF and can’t hold eye contact well. since he caught hoenn mon to finish the national dex for FRLG he’s been in hoenn at one point (I took this from canon and also emerald Kaizo rom hack appearances where he’s a menace.) Gambling problem (plays Gacha games). Can speak but either chooses not to/selective mute (confirmed canon by masters). Atrocious sense of fashion and tends to mostly wear T-shirts until they wear out because those are acceptable. Absolutely terrible with crowds and people and was overwhelmed by the fame of being champion without a support group and felt heavy guilt for taking away other people's dreams. Interested in Aliens (Referencing Deoxys Event) ambiguously weird relationship between gen 1 red and gen 3 red. Same guy? Reincarnation? Parallel worlds? His Pikachu's a girl.

  • Leaf and Fire: A lot of these headcanons in regards to these two came about from muddy childhood memories of assuming the players of FRLG were related due to: starting within the same house, both having brown hair(They literally have the same hairtuft thing too) , and my previous game being Emerald where Brendan and May both lived in separate houses and being very confused when I did not see the other player character ever in the overworld. In my mind, these two are siblings and all the character dynamics that come of weird 2000s girl and her normie brother, minus the fact he doesn't talk. In my mind, these two are of an equal level of strength in battling and have each others backs.

    In my head I also use the internal name for the FRLG rival in order to have this kind of "successor" trio for the kanto games, which is just a trend of me writing out remake stories as if they're sequels instead of retellings.
  • Terry: Probably the guy who is so far removed from his actual canon considering that he only exists because of an alternate name for Gen 3. Whereas Leaf is Prep and Fire is... Jock, he's lowkey a goth. He becomes a researcher like Gary does or like how Spaceworld had him as a researcher like Oak. Terry doesn’t have the same burnout issue where it’s primarily because of family expectations (being the grandson of Oak is treated differently in various canons where it’s like they either get along or it’s hinted they don’t at all.) He wears glasses, might be into ghost hunting because Leaf drags him into it, clearly this is just me taking a dude and doing whatever to the point he should really be an OC.

  • Black and White: I AM NOT CALLING THEM HILDA AND HILBERT anyways I have a few AUs about them failing at the last minute and a bad future of Unova where they're forced to be puppets to Ghestis (they get better)


Is it headcanon if they're yours though, wouldn't that just be canon?


  • Sepia
  • Mikhael
  • Yui and Camil
  • Indigo
  • Dust
  • Ciel: My XY player character, fashion designer and modeller.
  • IDK
  • Iron Tamer and Primal Wielder: I have like a single image of them in the gallery page I'm gonna put don't worry, they're my AU versions of scarlet and violet protags where I went "what if they had paradox forms" because I thought the concept was cool but since I haven't played ScaVio I don't have anything else to say about them aside from "robots cool.

Misc Thoughts

Going to link to the Pokemon Map here since it's also headcanon stuff. Pokemon Map
