Dragalia Lost
Dragalia lost was a nintendo cygames collaboration in which they created a mobile game starring prince Euden and his sister Zethia joined by their fairy companion Notte to find the dragon pact to gain the favor of the wind dragon Midgardsomnr. However, things get way more complicated, and fast.
Out of the other plot based gacha games I've played or the ones where I mostly summoned (fire emblem heroes, brave frontier, chain chronicle, phantom of the brave, FGO, stuff pre Impact) I think losing dragalia lost did kind of hurt me a bit. The game's plot started off kind of generic with Euden's sister being kidnapped by their dad, who suddenly became evil, and then Euden had to like make a bunch of friends with the dragons and was joined by a plucky ragtag group. Oh, the rest of his siblings were also kind of evil too, with the scheming petty Emile, the cold hearted scientist Phares, the might makes right Valyx, the forbidden sibling locked in the tomb, and the girlboss Chelle. There was also Leonidas who was a major prick at first.
It's only until a bit later when Zethia also becomes evil does the plot pick up in terms of like trying to actually figure out what's going on and why things are the way they are in the world of ...Alberia. I think. I forgot the name of the kingdom, I think Euden at one point makes his own kingdom for the villagers that lost their homes called the Halidom. It's been years.
In ancient times the world was actually way more advanced but due to wars with demons and dragons alike things were getting out of hand. A dragon who was the observer watched all of this and turned his back on humanity. A girl named Illia made friends with a demon, giving it a body, only for the same demon to lose his mind when the observer seemingly killed her. Thus, that demon split itself in half, the good part staying as is, the evil half becoming the "other" and the girl becoming canonized as a saint. Basically there's also religion, and the church was covering up that their goddess was a sham and might've made satan. And dragon Satan possessed people like what happened to Zethia to manipulate wars and things. Anyways that’s Illia on a snowboard that is also a gun.

The story kind of changed once the director changed sometime during one of the anniversaries.
The family also gets way more depth as there were a ton of skeletons in their proverbial closets too as they all had their own respective kingdoms to run and like Emile kind of gets a lot of character development from like the petty one note guy he started off as. There was a bunch of other plot stuff too but I kinda forgot the rest aside from like at one point it's revealed that Euden was a changeling child made by the fairies and the real Euden named Nedrick was not happy about that. There was a guy who was like an omniversal god named Xenos who was like out to destroy everything in the entire multiverse so everyone had to put aside their squabbles to stop him. It's kind of like the writers needed to get everything out as fast as possible once they saw there was a shutdown and I didn't keep up with it all.
Ultimately the main character has to sacrifice his existence in order to save the world and the main bond between man and dragon (dragalia) was lost. But he came back through the power of said bonds, abliet the world has been altered so that the adventure never happened. And that's the end of dragalia lost!

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It probably sounds a little generic now that I've said that, but I think the thing that drew me in was less of the main story and more of the side events and character stories that built up the world and the people around them. Stuff like the castle stories or holiday events or friendship events where they'd do stuff like beach vacations or traveling to new lands to make new friends. They'd take the mythos of dragons names to tell their stories sometimes, like I always think of the summer event where Siren just wanted to sing and people feared her because of the greek intrepretations of sirens. Dragons were like the natural manifestations of the magic of the world. And a lot of designs from dragalia came from an earliler cygames thing itself plus the various cameos and appearances by characters of the cygames mythos since they love having characters reappear. Plenty of collabs too like the p5 gang showing up to steal Emile’s heart or monster hunter or fire emblem heroes or Megaman.
It introduced me to the artist Daoko and in a long list of dominoes that led to me wanting to become a writer it was probably the first domino because I had wanted to write a story like dragalia lost starring a person like Euden (note: he looks like the guy who is my great sage in my miitopia run.)
this is the only screenshot i found of my game where the characters are in a raid against satan.
Ultimately, dragalia was kind of like a "you had to be there." Seeing the way the game developed from its launch to its end with introducing new sorts of things and events and stories and
like, I wanted to know more about everything before the end.
Units I used and mained Kind of sort of