welcome! A small plush gif

this is a storage for dreams that I have.

this will probably be uploaded the least since I don't recall my dreams a lot of times so whatever I recall will make it on here.

To leave and go to other parts, click on the kirby icons.

Most times I forget as soon as I wake up but occasionally I told a friend some of them so that's what I'm working with for earlier entries. You are going to see a lot of similar dream themes based on what I remember.

    Dream Journal (Winter 2025)

    1.24 I was in a class studying for something when the bell rung and we were dismissed only for the stairwell to be filled with rainbow fairy books which we had to gather.

    1.23 Woke up at 5 but anyways, there was a dream which started off with me in the fire nation working as a grunt and then segwayed into a musical number about how we had to fix the entire apartment complex and then we were doing a lost and found thing where we were getting various objects from like, the seats of this auditorium and the buildings and I kept finding random copies of kingdom hearts 2 but since we were in the fire nation all the covers were hot as hell and I found an elaborate copy of an Xbox 360 thing which I was like holding when I saw an exact copy of Xion and Namine and they had headphones on as they were sitting and there was like a makeup kit next to the chair but below it so I tapped someone's shoulder to see if it was their's or not. Anyways it wasn't but the Xion lookalike immediately haggled away the Xbox 360 CD.

    1.21 Idk, I was like Batman or one of Batman's assistant kids helping out at an orphanage and beating up villains but there was one guy who was almost becoming a villain and I was like "dude, what does this evil stuff have to do with your actual circus act of puppetry"and then we were discussing philosophy. But there was an entertainment group that didnt like the circus or the orphanage so they tried to set it on fire and hired a bunch of people to attack and a bunch of characters were fighting off the guys but the orphanage burned down.

    1.20 I was taking a nap so that's why I had another dream. I was doing a raid or something with my squad in some game and we were all doing fine with the boss and then he was like "psyche time for phase two"and it sucked because he set all his adds on fire and we had to do this specific follow the line method and if you got out of line you were immediately jumped on and like you had to do this slow ass walking in a square line formation while the guys behind you were slowly melting like candles and then after they all basically melted everyone in the squad immediately turned around and just beat the shit out of the boss.

    1.20 Another scattered dream. So i was at another summer camp with a guy but it was like a school summer camp and there were bugsnax and this guy kept eating them but he also wanted to date this girl so I was like "dude how are you gonna impress a girl if your leg is an orange"and I was also hanging out with this girl but there was a subplot about an evil jacket or something which we had to set on fire. The evil jacket was like white but it had little wings on it but it was haunted so we hung it up in the art museum because it wouldn't actually burn when we set it on fire. Also the boy ended up getting completely splattered at one point because he had turned into nothing but fruit. The thing that caused me to wake up immediately was that i got an assignment to make a painting for the art museum which i ended up getting late on and then i had to chase down the professor who was like "oh that's alright"and she said i had to make a 10 minute presentation on it but when i went to look at my painting it was just konata from lucky star gaming so i snapped awake.

    1.19 So me and one of my buds were like at this summer camp party dorm thing but it was like maybe evil themed or in the evil wizard universe because an evil wizard was there so we were going out of our way to avoid him by like disguising ourselves being like "hear that black robes are all the rage these days"so we ended up in the dorms but our last names weren't there for the rooms and some guy had my dream characters last name so we had to go to the office desk for registration and photos and paperwork and it's like okay but then I mention that I need to get my friend to take the photo too. This part of the dream baffles me though because like immediately my friend is dragged there comedically by Blurr from transformers who was in his gen 1 iteration because prior to this there was zero transformers in the dream whatsoever so it's like he forcibly inserted himself there for plot convenience and he was talking while we were taking photos. I woke up at like 4 because I was like "Blurr how did you get here, we have to fight the evil wizard”. Went back to sleep though. The next part was a bit over the top because it turns out we were at the very bottom of an elaborately designed like boss building like a video game so we had to do a beat ‘em up and climb stairs and recruit more people like it was smash bros. The end result was honest to popstar like a near recreation of the ending of planet robobot except I had to get everyone from various groups to cheer Kirby on and wish for him to win so we could beat the final boss.

    1.18 I was a magician but also one of my ff14 characters in like this magic modern AU where subplot 1 was a zenos raid and part 2 was me and this new girl trying to get back to our dorm castle using trains but we kept getting lost and comedically losing each other because it was opening day at the school and I was too busy exploring and buying food (I bought pizza and empanadas and put them in a bag that was too small to hold them but they did). We kept trying to find a way to get back to the castle dorm but there were like, alumni singers and parades and at one point there was a fire or blackout and it turns out my new friend was the kid of a really strong magician but she had no power in comparison.Last thing before waking up was the two of us talking about how science has changed so much of the world and how I was the first magician in my family and like, how science is always changing stuff like how the planets kept changing if Pluto was a planet or not. I said I'd always think Pluto was a planet because of sailor moon and then the train came but since we were busy talking I missed the train but the other girl didn't and she basically ditched my dream character so I just remember the last thing before waking up being her trying to navigate the train map and she had no clue how to do it.

    1.11 The Maverick hunters were heading to Arcadia with a weirdly uncharacteristic Zero, I recall that, but why in the world was my online friend group a part of the human mechanics Not even actual friends, just people I recalled And then everyone was using their 3DS and I was like "I wonder how many people have hacked ones" but I was mostly being ignored

    Like I haven't talked to some of those friends in years. I got strongarmed into saying that weird Zero was perfectly fine. Even though one of his personalities was shut off??? There was a dead man covered with a towel in the house??? What? Arcadia was covered in snow but they didn't even get there before I woke up!!

    1.2 The dream was severely scattered this time around. I was wandering around with a big stick and some guy popped up with another stick and we swapped sticks but his was so sanded I thought I'd get a splinter. Another guy popped up and was like "hey where are you from"and I was like "uhh, pretty sure I'm like an hour away from here"and we just kept walking til I saw a sign which read 742 days since our last problem. There was an old looking city, brown buildings of brick, and a table full of sketchbooks. There was also a pig on the table trying to eat the sketchbooks which I was trying to stop. Then yet another person popped up to follow me around as I was walking around (at some point I dropped the stick) and it was a kid and he was talking about how he was the only one who didn't get invited to his classmate's birthday party so he was sad about it.
  • Winter 2024: 12.30 Had a dream I was playing Maplestory but my character clipped through the level and I ended up banned so I had to submit a ticket to Nexon. The process sucked. The UI looked entirely different and I was pretty much running around trying to get an ice lightning mage unbanned (she was training in sleepywold, that first map with all the Drakes.) I outright clipped through the floor. Apparently it kept happening too to multiple characters like my Shade and another character that really just looked like the main guy from Yugioh GX.
    12.29 Today’s dream: being a regular normal human being and then getting dragged around by one of the transformers (mirage I think) and my own blue bumblebee OC recolor and we went to a cave and the insecticons were in the cave chilling and the one that turns into a grasshopper (kickback) was smoking a cigarette but it was a human sized one because he plucked it out of my hand. I don’t even smoke.
    12.28 In this like broken run down city there were two teens with powers, one was the rebel and the other was a rule keeper, there was also a talking cat. Details are escaping me but like an evil facility took one teen for his powers and used him to fuel a giant monster thing so the other teen had to use his power to destroy him. Like the monster was a giant cable thing and the rebel teen used a really big punch. Both teens vanished and their house became an orphanage. Also the talking cat became like a regular cat woman at the end and the teen boy came back as an adult and the place was no longer a run down street of sorts.
    12.25 I dreamed there was another renovation but the floors kept changing so one moment they’d be wood and the next they’d be like white marble. In the dream I got a bookshelf so I could have somewhere to put all my books instead of having to hide them because they were always “unsightly.” I didn’t want to wake up because at least in my dreams I was loved.
    12.24 I was writing a list in my dream in my notes app but I forgot so I went to my notes app IRL to try writing down the list and all I got was “XANA code lyoko and Starscream”. Clearly this is my brain attempting to connect the dots between various franchises but I don’t have a clue.

    12.22 Dreamed that I was May and along with some other Pokémon trainers moving from abandoned building to building (bringing like games and computers and stuff) and ended up in like in some sort of building that was still able to work and she brought a whole house’s worth of books onto a bookshelf but then realized that when she moved out (she was packing for a plane trip because it turned out that the apocalypse didn’t affect the other area) it would be really stupid to bring all the books. So the books just stayed in the abandoned building. Aside from like. Diaries. The thing is it was like specific books from my life. Mostly childhood ones. There was a copy of Franny K Stein there and Judy Moody and Animorphs.
    I’m pretty sure you don’t normally see words in your dreams which was super weird.
    12.13 I was in like one of those post apocalypse scenes but instead of having like a kid to worry about I had a little kitten and I was climbing over fences and stuff to outrun this guy who wanted to kill my kitten and I was beating him up with my rifle until he got mauled by a bear.
    Took a nap and my brain began forcibly writing out an episode of transformers featuring Jem and the holograms. Excerpt below before I got woken up:
    One of the smart autobots: but is Jem truly as outrageous as she claims to be?
    Starscream: Megatron, Jem and the holograms are trash! I like the misfits so much more.
    Megatron: of course, starscream, you see a kindred spirit in them?
    A world where Jem and the Holograms gained some amount of cultural relevancy instead of farting out with the live action movie… please…
    Dreamed that there was a very lengthy comment war I was mindlessly scrolling through. I think I was in the dream as someone on a date or something, I was a medic and the guy sitting across me was like a mercenary guy. It was a stupid contrast. The color of the restaurant… I’d say it was pink? And classical music was playing. The one from that meme with Garfield throwing Nermal into the trash.
Spring to Fall 2024
  • Dream log

    I had a transformers dream. I’m so cooked.
    I dreamed there was like a silver blueish bumblebee recolor and she was there because she was the only one doing paperwork but since she was in the 80s cartoon she had to deal with cartoon logic. She was looking around like she was lost the entire time and like the dial up noise was her default state of being.
    Idk, there were like two robots, and you know when a computer downloads a program from another computer? Anyways, it was like that, but with robots, but the program in question was literally like the other robot’s entire personality. I guess they can just do that. Anyways, the one robot collapsed since there wasn’t anything left of it within itself. Do you think programs getting overwritten is essentially like killing the program? No more digital philosophical questions from me.

    Another forgotten as soon as I wake up one. I did have a hard time sleeping because in my first attempt I dreamed someone threw a centipede or something at me.
    I don’t remember much of it but Bunger from Bugsnax was there.
    Dreamed about like various spirits claiming stuff on the human world. One was a hugeass bug and my eyes snapped when i started hearing nothing but buzzing,.
    Dreamed about Illya from Fate trying to drive a car. She hit multiple deer.
    Woke up at 1 am. Dreamed about the scouts, there was an event where we were supposed to be wearing a specific uniform but I got told the wrong info so when everyone showed up in the right thing I was out on the sidelines. That was the usual but in the dream they handed me a thing so I could be a proper member in the photo.
    Another dream. A student was getting bullied and then they ended up with electric powers in a largely tech based school. Pretty sure it blew up.
    Dreamed I was doing like a huge ass puzzle thing and kept getting interrupted by a person calling me. When I picked up it was the dreamer’s mom and they had a convo which amounted to “I sent your dad to pick up milk” to which the dreamer responded “can he also pick me up after I finish the puzzle?”
    The puzzle was a mix of like offline and online but the online component kept breaking which muddied up the score. It felt frustrating.
    Dreamed that MapleStory worlds turned into a fighting game situation so I was out there fighting for my life dressed up as a night lord fighting Lee and Jin from tekken and Dante from DMC in the rain. Later on my friend joined me as a cleric as we ended up fighting Pyramid head. There was also this fight over some like garbage trash tier food called “packets” during the pyramid head segment and also James pulled up at one point like “get in the car” and my ass did not want to get in but in the rear view I saw pyramid head on a motorcycle and I told James to floor it.
    Dreamed in chunks again. Chunk 1 I was at my house and both my parents were there but they sent me off driving so I circled the neighborhood and I kept lightly tapping the acceleration but it made me go super fast and I kept coming back to the house because the first time a pizza guy came over but no one there could eat the pizza for various reasons so I was there packing up pizza and then I was packing a tangerine and the pizza guy gave me advice and I just kept packing stuff like shoes and then the bag got too full so I emptied it. The house was a bit messy, there were a bunch of books on shelves on the couch. They were children’s books, I tried looking at a few but I don’t recall. There was one book that was a collection of art styles but it was all just aigis from persona 3 in different drawings. At one point my sibling showed up.
    The second chunk of the dream was goro akechi from persona 5 and he was freaking out about mementos and I guess this lead to him interacting with the phantom thieves way earlier because he basically was just in madarame’s palace with them and then waiting with the gang at a nondescript white room area that looked like an airport and akechi was like “majority you work at a tv station, you guys seem angelic but you’re actually devils” and makoto was like “the only devils I know are stinky” and futaba was also there early wearing a velvet room outfit and she said “I take offense to that.”
    I woke up at like, 6:45 am. I did not go back to sleep.
    I had dreams in chunks again. First one was about trying to adopt a cat in what vaguely looked like a level out of shadow the hedgehog. There was a guy who got one cat that was bony and a lump but then another cat snuck into the car. So the guy went to buy a bigger cage which was labeled as $5 bucks extra.
    I dreamed about Oesterd Live a Live running around in a mall but in a spoiler iteration and I was dragging him around shopping with a random family consisting of a single mom and her young kid. Iono from Pokémon was there or was mentioned in a conversation. The entire time everyone felt vaguely confused. I don’t think the family spoke English. I or whoever I was in the dream started ranting about how US currency is assumed to be used in all countries and how it makes more sense for the currency in Pokémon to be Yen instead of USD. I think someone tried to sell “me” a magikarp that was like rated as 1100.50 USD. Which is nuts.
    I might’ve been Crystal from Pokémon in the dream. I recall a bit of looking at a mirror. I think I was in the dream to adopt a cat and then chaos ensued when I just ran into the guy. I feel like I was not helping this medieval knight in the slightest because I recall him just like, sitting down, completely out of it. We ate a thing that was like takoyaki but you had to dip it in daishi. He was not speaking in iambic pentameter, I’m pretty sure he didn’t speak at all. He did nervous laugh at one point but I think it’s because of how weird everything was.
    The last segment was uh. I don’t know what part of my brain it came from but it involved a spider laying eggs. I don’t even like spiders, the most I’ve thought about them was Charlotte’s web. I’m pretty sure Wisteria was there and he was like, the spider owner, or maybe I was Wisteria, and he was taking photos the whole time being like “you’re doing a great job sweetie”. It felt… surreal.
    This is like the most detailed dream I’ve had in a while. I didn’t sleep until 4 because of worrying about the election.
    It seems the less sleep I have the more my cycle goes nuts.

    11.5 I had a dream about a franchise I no longer support and the MC was riding an elevator only for it to stop instead of opening and crash down.
    10.26 Some aliens had tried to brainwash the entire world using shitty music but failed to account for the human spirit not liking that so there was a group that snuck in and broke the device. 10.17
    Dreamed that I had to leave a building because of a fire alarm in which the perps were revealed to be teens using an electric lighter to warm up hot dogs.
    My campus was running an event, robots were there but not like transformers, mostly Megaman robots, I got involved in a ludicrous high speed chase in the snow where at the last minute where I might’ve been caught the security showed up and since i had already pointed and said “those guys did all the crimes” the day was saved. Honestly the whole time beforehand I kept trying to help and no one wanted me there so I kept getting yelled at for not helping but no one wanted it. I’m not sure why the dream gala thing was 4 to 5 pm though, are you supposed to see numbers in your dreams?
    I had a dream me and my sibling were in the car driving and then some guy walked up to the car and started just talking to us and we couldn’t move because the guy wouldn’t leave

    9.24 Jelly’s like neopets jellies were created for a lot of flavors for drinks and there was a group of teens making profit off it (myself included as a teenager) until they stopped and were like “shut down the whole project” I don’t know why, but everyone was like super bad with explaining to the MC in the dream (me) so I was still out there grabbing jelly drinks to use I had this peanut butter one in my hand and like there was a racooon walking by and i didnt want him to have it so i threw it so he’d be distracted so i could throw hands So im over there fighting the raccoon now and then a goddamn UFO shows up and is pulling me and the raccoon in I woke up with a “wait, that’s too absurd.”
    9.20 I started hearing that person talking to me and doing those general things and screaming at me and their general demeanor and out of all the nightmare things that make me wake up that one was too real that I couldn’t get back to sleep
    Earthbound dream? I was playing as a character who looked like ness but with blue hair and sweatpants He kinda didn’t care about aliens invading and the whole time he was busting up stuff like he fought 4 Franks’s and smacked them all 50 times (why this number? He saw it in a guide.) The next part was between an alien like gigue landing on earth specifically to hunt down this apathetic boy, meanwhile he was throwing out valuable items Last thing he tossed out were some mushrooms which he was warned they would come back alive and attack people Plus the alien had caught up to him and was like “I’m looking for a human with blue hair and sweatpants.” And then I woke up… I’m pretty sure i woke up at 5 so that guy could avoid taking responsibility.
    I had a dream Ruby and Yang went super saiyan and then Blake and Yang did the gundam love beam/shining finger attack on a villain/Grimm. You know, the one with their hands are held in a certain way, idk, maybe this is a sign i need to watch gundam Salem had a new outfit. I woke up going “that’s absurd.”
    9/9 Dream where I only remember the tail end which was between a large race with a giant herd of Pokémon and kaminari was there riding zapdos like it was a parade of pokemon. I think Regileki was there. I had to clean up a giant table structure but some guy was like “you didn’t do a good job…” kinda annoyed me. I tried watching something on my phone, I think it was XY. But in alola? Kukui was there. Apparently, the dub was absolutely absurd because there were people behind me also laughing. So I just kept pausing the video at frames to make torracat look worse like Garfield. Last thing. My dream switched to regular show and just before I woke up mordecai was like “Dude bensons gonna be pissed.” But I woke up at like 5 am so I went back to sleep. 9/4
    I was working at a daycare sort of place and witnessed a donkey hop the fence since it was a farm but it was from the outside The most pleasant part was the cows eating bread but idk if cows can do that irl
    Last thing before I woke up was getting my hands and butt clawed and bit by a tortoiseshell cat and I was like “man screw this daycare”
    9/2 Mundane dream I was like trying to study or something and kept looking up YouTube videos and getting distracted What I wanted was classic music but what I ended up watching was a video of cats playing big chess and knocking down pieces. I woke up at 5 am and then went back to sleep.
    2nd dream I was like a chosen warrior or something with a nondescript outfit going around the land gathering like light from people to banish the darkness or something and I went to confront them in their cave and they took a form in the dream that looked like the protagonist of the dream Since I was the protag, I was basically beating them and I gathered all the light into a sword to do the final blow but I stopped because the supposed evil was like... trembling. His face was full of fear. The protagonist didn't kill the shadow, but I'm not sure what happened next.

    I was with my sibling listening to city pop music when they started talking to me about this cool app or something so I had to pause the city pop and go look up the app. I remember feeling annoyed in the dream because I pretty much immediately woke up after. It was a bit early though but I never went back to sleep…
    I had a dream that was like the first part I was doing a Maplestory jump quest for class and then the school decided it was a half a day so I went home. The jump quest sucked, I was a mage using haste and the teleport spell didn’t work and my jump teleport had input delay so I kept missing the ladder and platform. It was raining and stuff but no one was there at home so I started making food… it was like cream of mushroom soup with dumplings . Started thinking about how empty my dash was because in my dream I was scrolling tumblr in like a blanket (Snuggie?). Then there was a heavy door knock because two teenage hooligan boys were trying to break into my house and clearly I was not having it in the dream because when the door opened I was holding a chair ready to toss but it turned out to be my sibling! I was helping them get in but then one boy came back on the rainy street and threw like an apple at my head or something. Before I woke up I put my middle finger up to them and this wake up was at like 4:42 am. Very vivid.
  • DJ 8/25
    I had a dream today that one of my ff14 OC kept inexplicably being drawn by a single person who liked his design but also kept drawing him in incredibly weird scenarios. Which isn’t that weird since this guy was already a guy who had weird things happen to him, but they (this anonymous person) was commissioning art and writing of him as if he was their OC. Am I gonna have to have a custody battle for him in my dreams?
    Part 2
    I went back to sleep because when I initially woke up it was 6 am. My brain gives me extreme uhhh... cope sometimes, I had a dream that somehow they accidentally also leaked alola red and green as summer units when they leaked the anniversary stuff as models and everything. Green had a Alolan Exeguttor or however it’s spelled and Red had Comfey.
  • 8/15 dream:
    A guy who stuck to the rules changed the rules and broke then! His usual armor was orange, but today, a piece on his belt was blue! It was so absurd I woke up with a laugh.
  • Todays dream:
    There was like, a zombie apocalypse and multiple people wanted to team up with the protag. One was a blonde locked in her cabin. Other guy had a spiked baseball bat. Next segment: my dreams work in pieces. I was at a theatre using a bathroom then someone put their hand like in the spot under the thing and shook my hand while I was pissing. I do not know why. It was the boys bathroom and the boys and girls were both going back and forth.
    Next segment: apparently I hired a catgirl maid at the same theatre and when I went to the bathroom again I got smacked by a slobbering bulldog The catgirl owned him, she was super enthusiastic about everything she did. Dreams are so funny, I didn’t question it for a minute. The theatre was brainwashing people into buying merchandise, but me and the catgirl were immune not because of anything but because I was stupid
    Apparently they also brainwashed the actors. Which they complained about. For some reason, they looked like Pokespe red and green. I recall one of them looked at a poster and said “I don’t remember taking that!” There was a lot of water going on. Like the zombies were on a beach, the bathroom handshake, the movie merch was ice and water based.
  • 8/10 10 AM? Stupid long kinda complex dream Okay so I guess there were a few parts, like apparently there was a new goosebumps book with some kind of ghost girl who stole the life of another girl and shoved her soul into a cup and broke the cup and the little sister dressed up as the first girl, then a magic treehouse book which apparently was pokemon related but then a cast of characters complained that the book apparently retconned other parts, then to top off the madness, there was a long sequence of a bunch of things getting retconned from various shows and movies in like a clip show but then I woke up. The ghost girl had like, brown hair and a really complex red dress. That’s the first time I’ve dreamed in a while with remembering it, and it had a soundtrack too. I can still hear the guy singing though.
  • June 19th: Eve have. Dream so bad you wake up and go I’m gonna dream of someone to kill that guy and then you go ask to keep to kill that guy. I had a dream experience so stupid but the only way I can describe it is through greentext, but I won't for this recounting because the HTML will break.
    be me
    taking a good night’s sleep to wake up for work in the morning
    wake up because you were killed in dream by assassin
    look at clock
    5 am
    Fuck that noise.mp3
    this is MY sleep time you’re missing with
    go back to sleep to KILL assassin
    sleep peacefully until alarm goes off
Older Dreams
    Unsorted dreams from other sources
  • Most of these dreams came out that I recall were during the smash ultimate DLC period and like… FGO’s LB6. I had a lot of dreams regarding Saber Caster. Honestly, a good majority were just me dreaming about smash bros and not much else exciting that I recalled or wrote down/DM’d to anyone.
  • 10/5/21: So anyways about the saber face dream she was my roommate and we were trying to avoid a zombie apocalypse
  • 2/19/2020: recently, since i've been getting into star wars, i had some sort of dream in which i had to deal with a monkey paw scenario in which disney would release a galaxy of adventures styled game, but it was just a shitty gacha game that worked like fire emblem heroes i immediately in my dream said, disney would never put in that much effort they'd just use png screenshots of characters and then i was like Wait. i'm pretty sure monkey paw scenarios are supposed to be worse than the actual reality.
  • 10/16/2020: My dream was basically super mundane I dreamed that I was already awake and doing work, it sucked
  • 1/19/21: man...definitely overshot the sleep also had a vague dream that they were announcing a new sonic character for smash but it was ZAVOK
  • 3/15/21: I had a dream They made a persona 5 arena fighting game and they put in the Jokers from Persona 2 There was lore to the dream too apparently it took place after smash bros and the letter to joker was mistakenly sent to the wrong Joker In my dream Tatsuya started fighting Joker with his bare hands???
  • like, i always hate when i'm daydreaming or dreaming in general because if i get interrupted i never usually remember what the dream was and i always want to know to use it for writing inspiration but i can't, because i never remember it
  • 5/27/21: All I had a dream about was my original concept for my original story where it was a shitty MMO instead of being a straightforward medieval knights story
  • 6/10/21: had this dream a few days ago where the final smash character was announced and instead of it being another scrimblo bimblo (meme) or mcJRPG guy it was yet another fire emblem character. I don’t even know who they can add anymore! That was foul.
  • 8/7/21: It was like, 3 different plots mashed up into one premise One of them was like a toy story movie but only with Fate merchandise Tails lived in a giant building in a city with dramatic lighting and I kid you not I woke up when tails jumped out of the window and got onto his plane in a high speed chase sequence I got a cliffhanger in my own dream! And the third plot I think involved the powerpuff girls but it was their anime versions. There was also a T Rex. Dreams sure are strange…
  • 2/13/22: I had a dream about beyblade todayblade
  • 6/17/22: Have you ever had a really thorough dream but when you wake up think “Man that was kinda stupid.” I just had that. I was dreaming about having to go through all these nutty tasks so I could buy a lobster roll and before I could even have it I woke up. Now I crave it despite having nowhere to buy it.
  • 10/25/22: had a dream after finally getting to sleep and it was stupid as hell people made a thing called "timmyposting" where they made stupid wishes in the style of timmy turner
  • 4/28/24: Had a dream I actually remembered today but the end was so over the top that I woke up before I could see it to the end Okay so it was like alola Red and green and green caught a mimikyu (or a shiny one, it was like grey???) and it was just a weird thing and everyone hated it but green who was like “guys it’s just shy” while it was not normal at all Red told Mewtwo to launch it into the ocean and then I woke up

Nightmare cases: Used to dream about getting yelled at pretty often, usually about schoolwork and stuff. Used to also be an major insomniac because I'd watch scary shit as a kid and not want to go to sleep because of things like idk "Freddy Fazbear will jumpscare me". as an adult you'd think I wouldn't still have nightmares like this but they're replaced with me sleeping through college classes and stuff.

credits: I used the layout template from Nenrikido but removed stuff like the fonts and things.