Other Stuff/Agenda
Seperate from Projects page, A lot messier...!
other stuff I couldn't find to fit into the site but I didn't want the others link to just link back to the ff14 part so now I have two pages listed as other

- 1.28: Adjusted media pages to be seasonal rather than monthly.
- December to 2025: Added my 2024 year in review. Added in an interests page as well in case I ever want to make new pages/shrines for anything. Added in an Original Character Page and an Assets page. Maintenance mode takes a slight curve into “finding out what’s actually been used on the site” for “what can I get rid of to save space” mode.
- Maintenance mode's new index added in. I probably forgot a few pages that I'll parse through later. I keep forgetting about case sensitivity so images keep slightly breaking.
- November to December: Maintenance mode. Divided web findings page to parse through easier.
- 11.18: Added in last pages for my "chatrooms" mini thing. Currently working on either making more retired pages for projects I'm no longer interested in or adding in links proper. Probably will be doing more work for the previous than the links at the moment.
- 11.5. Maintenance mode in full swing. Breaking down media log into more digestible pages so it's easier to parse/code. Added in retired microblog.
- 11.3: Minor updates for maintenance like fixing links. I'll probably be looking for like, maybe new stamps and icons. Surprisingly I'm still under 500 MB, I've only hit 400 just now. That's good...
- 10.28 Shrine October updated. Maintenance mode will begin where I mostly work on fixing up site issues instead of adding in anything new aside from updating the microblog and media log.
- 10.17: Adjusted writing page to be mostly for explaining why I won't be hosting anything on neocities proper. Deleted some folders to account for this. Shrine October might be the last thing I heavily work on/might be extended to be longer since I could just do nothing for it. The gallery section might also be removed depending on if Dahlia/the AI assistant that I didn't know about since I wasn't here during April Fool's gets added back in. Sheesh.
- 10.13 The cohost recreation pages are finally up text wise. Add in images next. Continue gathering images for shrines or make mini shrines, either or. Nekoweb only has 500 MB and I'm close to that already so either compress or get rid of unused images.
- 10.7 I forgot to update this page because I’ve been busy watching transformers gen 1 but I’m working on making shrines for stuff and compiling my pokemon cohost posts for the archive page. Also I'm editing my media log to be seperate things in terms of like, yearly summaries and readings. The more pages I make the more links I have to add which is not a big priority at the moment. I feel like the shrines are really just me procrasinating having to write.
- 9/12 To Do: RSS Feed?
The site update API thing dropped! Very cool, epic. Unfortunately there's a ton of errors because you forgot about uhhhh spell check and making sure everything's one to one with the lettering. One steps forward and two steps back, but it's good enough for me RN. - I'm trying my hardest to not think about how insanely compressed the art gallery is. I give up. Enough of that.
Considering after site revamp drops Note: better character bios maybe? Sprite edits or something Fix the trainer page so it isn’t just instant text wall (low priority over entire folder restructuring tbh Learn API push , I am not doing drag and drop -
Idk the new deadline, end of september? (9/6 update: haha, happy bday cyan if the site doesn't go up that's on me)
fix gallery fix pokefics that's it? fix everything on outside folders upload CLI that'll be it. To do: move cohost posts to PF like a supercut Should I make a sitemap and spoiler things underneath? Idk. it'd look like this:
Basic Stuff Creative Things Pokemon Other - Current 8/31 missed deadline skip agenda Work by folder Skip the gallery Skip writing because you didn’t write anything new Make sure everything works for stuff in folders (dots are friends!) Make sure links work. Code cleanup with all the breaks is NOT happening I think. More or less you need to make sure everything works/ get rid of stuff that doesn’t at all and isn’t called. I don’t think there’s a thing that lets you know what files aren’t used in a folder.
- Site Plans: Current Agenda (removed from index, 2 Week Revamp for 8/31 Edition): Clean up the code Code, Fix all links Links and Images (if they're not used on any part of site, delete them). Fix FavIcons for Pages. Edit the Navigation Page, Fanfiction Page, Gallery (is still super busted and 8 years of drawing from high school to college is leaving a lot to be desired in terms of actual good drawings). Quiz page with correct code, Ficmap. Considering adding a page for Pokemon Masters since I've been taking dialogue I've begun adding in completed and/or cancelled fics. Using my own code from other sites is slightly more difficult than just copy pasting the doc, but chances are I lost the doc since I tend to do that.