Sample Text
Items in Column 1 are set to be sticky. So they will stay in place when you scroll up and down the page!Credits Section
With credits to roguecentaur on for this template, and melonland for the melon gallery generator!

Splash site!
Welcome to the art gallery homepage! This is the part that needed the most overhaul but my coding skills+ a lot of images equalled a lot of trouble. Thank goodness for templates!
People on Neocities love to share each other's hard work!
Buttons are traditionally either 88x31 or 100x35!
Here's my button. I wanted to take this part out but the site broke if I did...

You can hide or reveal this text by clicking on it.
Isn't that cool? You can change whether text like this is hidden or not by default by changing the bracket from "details closed" to "details open" on your html page.Misc Things

H3 Sample Text
The entire site bricks if I get rid of columns so I'm not gonna do that.
Filler space!