Keeping Track?

Idk If I'd get a tracker, I feel like knowing I have a huge ass pile of games to play (It's up to 80 GB of fangames and hacks now) would discourage me to play, not encourage. My issue is that sandwiched between legitimate hardware playthroughs sometimes I pick up random fangames and rom hacks and then never follow up on them and forget my place. It’s fine with less plot centric games and hacks but then the ones that require more attention are harder for me to recall.

20 April 1969

Using this abomination

600 BC


Nothing to see here yet.

Monotype Water Reboot Cont.

The greatest weapon for the monotype run The surf HM. STAB bonus by every water type Plus with the roster I can get in safari zone… Playing later games has spoiled me in terms of being able to take a baby mon and have them backseat get exp but now I gotta put them in front and swap back and forth

Least favorite part currently is hunting down trainers to fight I took cycling road because I didn’t want to deal with the silent bridge battles because it’s like a marathon My aim is to train up to get to fuschia gym so I can get to seafoam islands to get an ice type to handle the grass gym I still only have 2 badges by the way

But with the reaching of fuschia I reach a new personal problem, ironically echoing my 2022 run of LeafGreen aka

How do I properly train in kanto? Since it’s a monotype run, i shouldn’t really catch more Pokémon in order to get the exp share. Plus that’s only half the exp. The VS Seeker only goes so far in terms of like, actually useful trainers to train on

In a linear run, this isn’t as much of a problem. In a run like this one which was slapdash, it’s more or less like, do I really need to start fighting all the wild level Pokémon at lower levels by biking around kanto since I don’t have fly unlocked since I skipped surge?

Basically, yeah.

600 BC

August Log

I got really into pokemon Sword...

So most of August and Late July was spent on pokemon sword which has a journal already, so go look at that if you want to I guess? Pokemon Sword Journal
The thing about fangames is that there’s effort put in but sometimes it’s implemented into the most batty ideas possible
So it turns out when I was complaining about my Pokémon folder being 80 GB I moved out all the ones that were in the RPGXP vault and actual hacked games are only 22 GB meaning that the bulk is coming from the RPGXP games good lord. Did I download the entire relic castle build when it was shut down or something?! I need to get the shorter ones done ASAP like game jams and stuff

I tried getting back into looking up original sprite origins again but I was losing my mind trying to look for a sprite of yellow Pokespe. The ones on Serebii were made by Coronis, but the DS sprite seems just to have conjured out of nowhere and it doesn't match the aethestode team sprite. There’s a very good chance that since these sprites have been made during the emerald time period and never updated that Serebii is the only place that still has this subset of custom made sprites up It doesn’t help that google sucks for images these days. It’s weird as hell that iOS emulators run DS games better than my computer but outside of like Yellow Legacy and a few runs I have I'm sticking with my computer.
Crystal Clear New Save (Koharu?) Jul 30 so i had to use juliana for this crystal clear hypothetical team (kanto only) koharu is such an underused character that she doesn't even have custom sprite sheets for some reason, there's battle network music in this game. maybe my issue with pokemon battle themes being boring is that there's not much variation to them. most of the crystal clear koharu run was me beelining to route 28 to catch extremely overleveled mons by resetting to then sweep gyms with because that's literally the speedrun strategy of just resetting until the rng let's you full health catch a mon vaporeon tangela rapidash (not galarian though) i got softlocked because i didn't have cut but thankfully there's a key that lets me teleport back to my house. i wish there was documentation that let you know where things were pokemon wise that is included with the game download. I feel like having a discord for a rom hack's documentation is a stupid policy Go back to forums
Raticate Lives (to continue) 7/30
Trying out monotype normal early game with just normal types and fighting brock sucks since i boxed bulbasaur having an early third mon like clefairy could help but i have to wait til mount moon i wanted to try making this legitimate so i didn't use rare candies for level capping but tbh grinding with nothing but tackle tackle tackle is stupid and pokemon being bug and doing nothing but spam string shot and rat keeps missing. jeez.

Outlaw (8/15) Pokemon outlaw is a deranged game that is basically the humor of a college humor video of "what if pokemon uhhh drugs XD" and the punishment of a Kaizo hack. You aren’t expected to take any of this stuff seriously. You could make a drinking game out of the amount of NPCs that revolve around talking about drugs and raunchy humor and politics and stuff. You are a homeless child trying to survive this crazy world of poverty and crime only for the end of it to become the same thing you sought to destroy: an asshole. (Based on how Pokémon Korosu plays out with the outlaw cult.)

It’s not that well balanced from a gameplay standpoint but it did come from that time frame before people started making hacks to have hacks be played for like, competitive purposes plus I picked Sandshrew which is the hard mode of the game. Why the heck was there a level 11 taurous tanking my hits in the nightclub. Leaf is in this game too as like my weirdo girlfriend. Her second team was fascinating. Ponyta, Linoone, Chikorita, Pidgeotto…The game characters are all exaggerated like how Green hires assassins to kill you. I’m assuming with the player being 15 that he must be 15 as well in this bizzare world. Im getting involved in like gang wars and cop scuffles and government conspiracies. I stole some guy’s shoes so I know that’s probably gonna come back and be a chekov’s gun for the story It’s weird because there’s still glimpses of the regular game dialogue and it’s still a pokemon game but it’s just buried under this… time capsule. This dev hates dungeons so much. It’s funny every time in his games he just gets rid of mt.moon and Viridian forest entirely because he also did this in Korosu. Talking to NPCs in their houses always prompts a fight.

8/19 A slice of life, continued (rpgxp) The dev is a final fantasy and crono trigger fan Anyways, I’m continuing this save from god knows when, maybe early game, I’m only in the medieval world. It feels… floaty. Like rpgxp games feel like flash games almost in feeling like slightly distinct You need a different mindset? It could also be that they’re resource intensive since they aren’t particurarly meant for all of this stuff The HP bars feel slower than DP. Like what is the regular FPS for these games? It’s probably set by essentials. The thing is it’s faster with everything but battles and easier to code and I’m pretty sure those are the main appeals, right? It could also be slower because I have other stuff open aside from rpgxp. True!

Pokemon Reboot Monotype: water Started 8/20

Reboot is kanto 1 to 1 but with redesigns and this is a redo without the nugget bridge money exploit I thought of reboot again after reuploading marine’s story Magikarp power is a standard but wouldn’t it be funny to have a Pokémon that gets worse the more you evolve it? Water type, it exists. This is just the solo run initially but there is also a Magikarp. Nothing really substantial til i get rods or seafoam but thats late game unless i beeline for it early I feel like no one ever uses the help system in game at all but there’s actually a lot of info that’s probably been ignored for years, eh?

Alright bud, you’ve got tackle, start working The fame checker conversation is enlightening because it does align with the masters line like he really went through kanto saying “I don’t care about anyone here. But you (deragatory).” okay… Misty skipped, I’m trying to get old rod asap in spite of karp Oh, so I lost on the SS Anne and the boat still left… guess they accounted for that after all. No one on my current team can learn cut and I doubt any old rod encounters can either so I’m gonna go brb to catch spearow so I can get farfetchd Don’t forget that surf encounters are different from fishing When I get to it

I got a cut user and I guess the same one will be for fly too, time to beeline to Celadon so I can get Vaporeon (I am avoiding Lt. Surge for as long as possible) Yeah, he’s skippable but you can also skip Misty to get cut early Rock tunnel without flash sucks. Moving on. You can sequence break (unsure if thats right term) actually a lot of stuff like I’m in rocket hideout and I didn’t even fight rival at lavender tower Need ice beam but no coins Sell the TMs Ok Im short Man Okay time to bully rocket to make up for the money Monotype means you only really need to worry about common weaknesses and also carry around a Mon for HM usage and also a limited roster means more EXP

I have blastoise now! I hate spin puzzles even now…. I never paid attention to them well. Ill be using vaporeon when I get back to Vermillion to handle surge but first I gotta get the tea too This line from Giovanni sticks out: “i see you’re a child who raises your pokemon with utmost care” like duh, yeah! Obvious! Theres always this one grunt that I fight after the elevator. Stupid minimize grimer. Time to get exp from the routes i skipped Isn’t it weird that you get the good rod after you get the super rod? It’s always been one of those things in media where you’re like “why was that guy up in Pokémon tower anyways.” Disrespecting the dead? No. Fighting rocket? Also no. Raticate? No! Possessed by ghosts? Maybe. Just there to be a jerk? Likely.

"Hey, your Pokémon aren’t dead!" Implying....? "I can at least make them faint!" What’s wrong with you. "Hey I took it easy on you" ...But why did you do that "I just caught a cubone!" That’s nice. Bye Green.

The ghost theory was a joke to me initially because it happened in pokespe but like everyone else who isn’t rocket was possessed up there but he would’ve had to go to the ghost infested floors to catch cubone so now it’s like he’s either immune to ghosts because his raw aura is more powerful than ghosts or he just did not give a fig and like all the channelers up there are like “huh, what” after they’re defeated but he seemed perfectly self aware unless his social cues were that bad and he was like “those guys were pretty weird, hey, it’s my rival!” Immune to ghosts not cuz he got powers or anything but because he said “IDGAF” Funneling all my money into getting an Ice beam TM as soon as i get enough pokeyen Why was lavender town centric to so many of those stories? I mean let’s take it this way you’re playing through pokemon and for the most part outside of team rocket things are like cheery and maybe a bit dangerous and then you get to lavender town and it’s like the music is melancholic and everyone is talking about death and ghosts and there’s a white hand and you’re fighting people who are possessed by ghosts and you learn that the cool pokemon you fight and hang out with die. The channelers inside are talking about zombies and blood. You exorcise the ghost of a dead mother who was killed by rocket. It’s the scene in pokemon special that everyone always reposts with the arbok and zombie pokemon. It’s the place in the anime where ash died for the first time and hung out with ghosts.

And then they tear the tower down in Johto for a radio tower and move the graves! It was a place of tradition and it got scooped out for convinience. Damn, kanto sucks. with the power of the pokeflute I am still ignoring vermillion and celadon city At this point it’s a likely chance I’m going to every gym but those two in any order I want I could really go just get Sabrina’s badge too since I finished up pokemon tower Yeah that’s a bit much… imagine the way the badge case would look… Why do you get super before good…

Actually I don’t want to do the silence bridge gauntlet so im taking cycling bridge The research for what water types I’ll bring is called “I went onto strategy wiki and started screenshotting encounter tables for the rods only to realize that I was only getting to bring like Polisario and Cloyster and then the freebie lapras”

Bills Secret Garden 8:22

It’s vanilla CFRU with some add on beta Pokémon so I went with my buddy Charmander and I was very tempted to add in new members but I was like “I want my party to be nothing BUT the secret garden guys if possible” But the secret garden as a concept ruled as a g1 rumor who wouldn’t think Bill had secret stuff since he was a collector You can’t really have game rumors made up like that these days with playground word of mouth because data mining exists and people speedrun the hell out of the game “Can you pick one game to stick to playing” I have chronic new save disease where I explicitly have a digital problem of picking them up as they release on pokecommunity. No.

Why are the gimmighoul coins even here lmao It seems that CRFU has a level curve because charmander to charmeleon has been a grind. No, I’m not using speedup. This feels like wading through water with clogged shoes. Attempting to use dexnav to grind to allievate this. That was the right decision, it brings pokemon to my level! Metal claw, here i come! Alright so I caught one Budew Abasorb. God sturdy sucks Bills teleporter to his secret garden reminds me of ultra violet using his teleporter to get mew Wild how teleportation does exist in Pokémon but it’s like whatever I wish Kotora was real so much man I saw him and started visibly squealing


Emerald Seaglass It’s quite nice looking We could do with more games that change up the overworld This is pretty much still emerald base game though but it’s super nice.

Site Update is up yet?

Late July, 7/29/2024

July Log

Started on June 18, 2024-- Green Catch Em All Run/Blastoise Solo Red++ Green+ Yellow Legacy I completely forgot about Yellow Legacy, see what I mean about forgetting games?

I forgot how much that thing sucks in earlier games where it’s dark as hell. Zubat everywhere. Rock tunnel is basically near impossible since it's just pitch dark and you have to go to the wall corner or go all the way back to get flash


I'm just backtracking like crazy in Red++ I'm glad the game's like an incredibly polished Red hack but I completely screwed up by having almost nothing but trades on my party

The modern exp share is great for games like this where I can have the team be evenly levelled instead of other pokemon games where i have to go back and forth in grass but that's because i'm playing wrong the leafgreen and emerald runs i did a few years ago were actually in the 40s (tbh I did get hard carried by rayquaza and full restores) so I should just blaze ahead!

Green (regular)

Im being attacked by rats and birds man The Pokemon Green Catch Em All Route Accidental Blastoise Solo because I’m using him to whittle down HP Let’s gooo!

This is basically the equivalent of taking a lawnmower to the pokemon world but the lawnmower’s a wartortle. It’s so weird that the HP isn’t healed by PC in early Gen 1 but I guess I could say a lot about how Gen 1 is the first pokemon game so all the stuff I consider normal was actually added in later gens. Yeah, looks like FRLG really added a lot more encounters because all I’m seeing are birds. Everywhere. Birds… The catch em all route now becomes about battling trainers for ball money and micromanaging At this point its better to have an OP mon to ensure the HP gets down faster and I don’t lost immediately It’s a solo run and the rest are just there as i catch them. The origins run pretty much. So I’m out here looking up encounter tables for fun. Catch em all is a lot different than evolve them all and I’m not doing all that. It’s like the strategy guide one I want to do but much more condensed because I initially played this in absolute gremlin speedup mode in the way you play it and feel your brain melting because I started this one randomly for no reason. I should’ve just cut the battle animations tbh. I'm gonna slow down when I return to playing this because it's not as genuine to play if I'm just going to do this complete and utter brainrot mode but simultaneously a blastoise solo run has been carrying me hard.

Playing Japanese pokemon green and being like “does it have different encounters from the US ones?” Only to find out that it’s not well documented because why not just play the US one, boo-boo the fool moment on my end. It's also a fan translation where it's like a bizzare mandela effect of seeing the drunk old guy and actual religion in the game as a minor thing (It's always been so weird seeing fics where people go "oh my arceus!" and I understand why people would do that since that's the closest equivalent but I'd rather just say God at that point, plus Arceus in universe isn't even a common well known mon, the games only ever allude to the original one or you know, PLA added in Lord Sinnoh.) (Pretty sure since OG Kanto was just based on real kanto they'd probably be into shintoism or buddishm? The channelers are just mikos/shrine maidens.)

Does old rod really have nothing but Magikarp? Sheesh.

Yellow Legacy

Started May 5th, 3rd Badge Get!

I had gotten this one during the release period of Delta for iOS. My team right now is a bit non conventional for what a “Blue” team is usually like. Charizard, Pikachu, Goldeen, and Oddish. The girl character is never usually seen with Charizard or Pikachu. Girls can have fire breathing dragons as a treat but I don't think outside of a select few games I already have that I would have emulators on my phone or tablet. I want them to be used for my writing and drawing (note to self: find a writing app that isn't AI content generated and actually allows me to cross post between devices and doesn't cost money) and all the online books I have on here plus having a bunch of pokemon roms? Plus how big mobile games are these days? Absolutely not. How would I even transfer them off my laptop anyways... I had an anime esque battle with lt. surge where he kept wiping everyone but Pikachu and then I switched to goldeen and Raichu died from poison. Lol.

Magikarp Jump (Complete, 7/26)

I already complained about this one in the journal, but kinda crazy how a simple game about Magikarp jumping made me realize the futility of stamina bars in mobile games It’s not like there’s a gacha to speed up the process you have to sit and wait every time for the same of BIG jump, they really did jump high up though, This game best exemplifies what an actual grind to level 100 would be like for IRL Pokémon, completely and utterly tedious. I really did luck out with my gen 148 Magikarp getting the pikachu cheer bonus on the final fight instead of actually getting to level 100.

Did you have fun though? was the journey worthwhile?

I mean, it was kinda funny seeing the elite four have increasingly weird hats, and the various jokes if you screwed up with RNG, and I saw in game proof of Red, so yeah. I wouldn’t do it again though.

Emerald Hacks

I was working with an older build of emerald rogue (pre 2.0) and the gym leader AI does in fact cheat. Why? I happened to reload a save before fighting one and I switched which Pokémon I had in the lead and the gym leader’s entire strategy and team changed! No wonder I’d get teams tailor made to beat me every time. I might try beating 1.3.5 just to see if it helps me out even though with 2.0 out it’s practically an entirely different game.

the 7/11 Easy Mode Emerald Rogue Run

I beat emerald rogue 2.0! On easy mode.

I picked classic, but it featured variants, so there were some head scratching moments where I went “tf is that weak to” because of variants past Gen. 7

The pokemon that caused me the most violent reaction of “WHAT IS THAT” had to probably be sneasler because I had blocked Ingo’s tag on tumblr after PLA’s release period because I got really tired of seeing him as a tumblr guy people latched onto whenever I visited any Pokémon related tag and everyone threw him with Sneasler in their fanart so I never knew that long thing existed and I had the reaction of “who put that goth mean girl in my pokemon game” (IDK what it is about PLA that has gathered a fanbase that is sometimes more aggressive than the normal Pokémon fan base, and I don’t want to know why either.)

unfortunately i have never played competitive and my style of battling is either "i hit you hard and beat the fig out of you" or "I poison you to death" so i learned that things like poison spikes and stealth rock are somewhat useful but then most fights had some way to get rid of that stuff anyways. Unless its an attack that’s got 90% because that means it’s actually 10% and it’s not hitting.

Easy mode was way more of what I was expecting tbh, quick paced. Now maybe I can get my normal mode going since I’ve had practice. But since I picked a kanto trainer I got the kanto roster… wait, that means the entire thing is gonna be different for the johto save. Damn. whenever i hear petalburg woods theme now i'm just gonna think about when i was playing this game and being like "should i stick with the team i have or switch out anyone for a trained pokemon and like... no." getting to the final fight and i could hear my heart pumping and then IT was a fakeout and I had to do ANOTHER fight as if I shouldn't have been expecting to actually fight the champion and this was just easy mode so maybe I need to accept that I'm actually a scrub at pokemon and my brain kept trying to sabotage me the later i got in because i was like "why am I sending out nidoking against a psychic pokemon" once i got the latios it was a lockin tbh like how in the world would i not have it in the bag especially when i sold my items to get soul dew

Blue (rival)’s final team was weird as fig though. Helix, Dome, Mewtwo, Registeel, Pinsir, and Snorlax Why two fossilmons? Is it randomized every time?

so uh. that was very cool! now it's back to normal mode

the johto run is going terribly why am I on easy and silver has a phanphy with earthquake and bulldoze before gym 2 real roguelike energy is having RNG completely heck you over i guess

blazing emerald or the version i have confuses me why is there mostly johto mons now why is the diamond ost playing fear this is some alternate universe shit

Pokemon X postgame E4 Rematch (Cleared 7/20) Looker Bureau Sidequest (Also cleared 7/20)

Pretty much done with this save, thoughts in my XY journal. Not starting up the Y nuzlocke just yet though even though I really should… but this is the year of XY, huhuh… I don't think I'd ever particularly have a need to replay XY, but I do have a nuzlocke to get through.

Basically the Pokémon games I tend to replay most often are non intrusive ones and most other gens have some point that makes them stick out. Like I enjoyed Unova, but the Pokémon having such high level evolutions for some makes them unusable especially in late game, forget doing a randomizer or anything.

And I also remember liking Alola, but it could really do with a skip cutscene button for replays (All Pokémon games minus the GB-GBA ones have this problem though.)

I don’t think I’ve ever replayed gen 4 much because I think of uh… the snow route, and that one part where you have to use like all the HMs, and there’s so many other things I could be doing with my time.

Out of all the games so far, it’s probably Kanto, Hoenn, and Unova (Game 1) that I replay the most because they’re the ones that don’t have any long sections that make me put the game down (minus hoenn’s water routes— how is there not a mod that disables surf music yet so I don’t have to hear that on loop through all the routes) I do recall bits of the gen 4 anime, that was fun. Like the episode where team rocket almost quit over ramen. Dawn was a neat character, it’s easy to see why she became so popular (to the point Lucas is borderline nonexistent in fanart). She was always saying “no need to worry” but then shit would blow up in the background. Mood.

Moon Mini Revisit

For my OC page, I wanted to give Lani a few more outfits outside of the one I pretty much used majority of the game. Coming off of XY, the fashion items in alola certainly do feel a bit more limited. Another thing: I really genuinely do not recall any of these places in Alola like said in my XY Journal (if I do a replay, I hope to change that). The 12 hour time difference between sun and moon was an interesting gimmick that only really applied for me having my eyes hurt because the only time I could play the game was night which meant instead of nice relaxing night music I got blasted by the day. I didn’t know about the time difference because I didn’t watch all the trailers. I bought moon because I like the moon.

The other reason for this mini visit aside from outfit purchases? Even though I knew about them… I apparently never actually got to the battle tree to fight red or green? The map wasn’t lit at all. Damn, I must’ve really just dropped the game immediately after the ending and ultra beast hunting. Oh well, one last run with my team before I wipe this save for my next rerun, unless I just do ultra sun instead. Ah, I wrote that and poni gauntlet turned out to be like 5 fights since Mina’s skippable and I passed the backpack lady. Goddamn, the double battle in the gauntlet lagged like crazy though. My 3ds couldn’t take it. Couldn’t imagine what a triple battle or rotation battle would be like this way.

I got so used to important battles healing me in late gens before they started so getting launched straight into fighting rival and red without my Pokémon being healed was :) Bad. I got cooked. I got so frazzled that I forgot I had revives on me and Green was doing that 👯‍♀️💃 pose like the whole battle and the only thing keeping me from totally flatlining were the Amie bonuses kicking in and even then I still lost. I saved but it feels like even if I was fully healed I’d lose. Those kanto boys are built different. Figures the one battle that would kick my ass would be from the game that took me off guard as a kid and kicked my ass.

Misc/ To play:

I really should play mystery dungeons outside of just 1. I have GTI and Super, just haven’t touched them yet. I will probably return to masters since I have a free slot now that magikarp jump is done.

Judging by the halls of fame I average around 6 pokemon games/hacks per year and I need to speed that number up or I’m never getting my PC storage back which is not good.

Man, I start more games than I finish! Bad. I have terrible continuing power. i still have other games and collections here that aren’t Pokémon. like almost all of castlevania ps1 is just chilling

600 BC

Early July

Karpe diem!

playing through the 3 gym demo of the corrupted wishes and only got 1 gym left to do I've never seen a pokemon game outside of emerald rogue EX have a team cap limit which is very fascinating these 3 mons also rotated out but my pikachu froakie pikipek trio fufilled the elements well enough because pikipek coverage goes crazy that things basically the early bird equivalent of a gun like fletchling was for gen 6 but the 1st gym leader whipped out a trevenant the game clearly is setup for you to catch the appropriate pokemon in the area to deal with the gym leader the game's pretty much a "we cut out the fluff of a pokemon game so most NPCs don't have weird dialogue and the game will point out how dumb it is to enter random people's houses" which is a -1 to me. Streamlined the experience and I think the girl rival is supposed to be a major plot thing I guess but this hasn't updated in years which is a trend for hacks where it's either complete but 1 to 1 a revamp with the unbound engine or it's complete and developed in like 2014 so that thing is basically considered unplayable by today's standards. People need to make new GBA hacks and stories because I still have yet to touch an essentials game. I still need to finish ruby destiny rescue rangers. Sorting out the OG 50 GB folder and then finding out there were additional games I added in between after the relic castle shutdown made the number 70 GB but since I also have a bad habit of finding random extra junk it's now 73 GB. That's where the GB for FF14 would've been alloted to if I could still run the game but I can't at all.

Emerald Rogue V2 came out which I know is gonna be a huge time sink for me when I remember to play it but I have awful roguelike luck and have never beat a run which is going to make me look like a scrub if I set to easy mode like I did with radical red because I was like "I haven't played a game since gen 7 and i'm not going to know all these new mechanics and I do not think I'm going to legitimately play this game with all of these options that are giving me choice paralysis." Sometimes less is more for me, like a limited roster, because I've never been the type to complete the full pokedex. I mean I’m still working on that one translated green save but I dropped that off during the SS Anne.

Magikarp Jump experience: Let’s go gambling! Voltorb Aw dang it

Pidgeotto Aw dang it

Gyarados Aw dang it

Only 2 leagues left Entire thing is a numbers game and time sink Best method is getting lucky with training because later facilities give larger nunbers for JP Unless you’re willing to spend cold hard cash majority of what I do in between ranks is dump money into lower level training facilities so I can get more support candies It’s a high risk high reward high danger sort of thing where if you heck up you have to reset the levels and spend more time retraining which is the entire game Motivation bonus carries the late game but is double edged because the higher rank means more time to raise up a new karp to raise the bonus so it’s a huge time waster the game is basically a case study of conditioning because i really did check in every hour 30 minutes to do training, go to league, rinse and repeat literal habit forming for a silly game on jumping obviously the fact that i realized this was for F2P games this was basically the stamina bar this is how addictions get started, the sunk cost fallacy because it's like, i already get up every hour 30 to check on the fish, might as well keep going..? I got to the last league and yeah this is just a case study for conditioning someone to check in and do the same thing over and over for the sake of number get big. So it’s the cookie clicker of Pokémon, minus the grandmaapocalypse.

Minor XY chronicles: I get lost in the city again Speeding past Lumiose city was probably not the intended thing considering how it’s basically the main hub of kalos and now that I’m in postgame I have to properly explore the city and I can understand how it can be the entirety of ZA because that place is heck huge and every time I want to go to a new town to get my daily ribbon instead of using fly I have to navigate the circle and you’d think I wouldn’t get lost in a circle but I have multiple times.

Adventures Red (Continuing)

Probably the most conflicted I've felt about a hack tbh

May 19, 2024: I’ve always wished there were more fangames/ hacks that covered events in the special manga or made reference to them but it seems like the only one that effectively does this is adventures red to mixed reception? It’s on my backlog but I am nowhere near playing it yet. So within the game itself, the default name is u. So to me, this is a guy named... Yu. I needed to post my own screenshot of this moment. Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter is a lot more bearable to me if I just avoid talking to the NPCs (it's weird, I'm quite pedantic about this hack's dialogue in particular and I don't know why.) Giving Poliwhirl Ice Beam this early in the game has effectively turned this into a poliwhirl solo run because I keep going “I’m gonna freeze this guy” and then I do. I should really train my other mons.

last time I had just started the game and started cleaning house with Poliwhirl since the moveset is busted for early game and then I did not play the game again and started messing around in hexmaniacadvance and that’s as far as I got in general.

adventure red was a lot more bearable to me if i just became a manga purist and ignored every NPC with dialogue so far because it's the absolute pits where every time the creator tries writing his own thing I go "what is HE cooking" or “wait…let him cook” with no in between and it's clearly not just pokespe adventures Red, this is adventures Red with a side of some slapdash fanfiction where anything goes because the game would be incredibly short if it followed the red part of Pokespe 1 to 1 and there’s a bunch of made up side quests and I hate self aware dialogue and I hate dialogue that is referencing pop culture media I haven't watched get away from me and my Pokémon game. the tone of the game is a goddamn rollercoaster whenever it’s not the manga scenes and it's done in the most hamfisted ways possible where even I who have tolerated far worse go "enough, I get it." Even korosu wasn't that jarringly two toned. Subtlety is not here in the slightest.

One thing that has been bothering me in the back of my head in regards to the references that made me literally slide off is that Red would not have minecraft on his computer, the entire point of pallet town is that it's the one place that doesn't have rapid technological expansion, he wouldn't even have a computer, the story takes place in the 90s and making things more modern is missing the purpose oh my god I am just doing oldmanyellsatcloud.png it's respectable how much this guy and his team(?) were able to do in the constraints of a GBA game with the unbound engine mechanically but i'm also here baffled and perplexed by the various subplots especially when the orange islands portion starts which is solely the creator's original content and he brutally murders one of his OCs to the point that there's a mugshot of her corpse and he makes the ash coma stuff real while ripping off megaman battle network and carly carmine from yugioh 5Ds is here and trying to date Green and there's some kind of kanto war reference and the only reason I know about this ahead of my game playing is because again, I was goofing around in HexManiacAdvance trying to find out where the red portraits were stored in the data for art reference only to see that they weren't even there and I kept getting snippets of the dialogue and scrolling back up to see what I had read as a double take. I had to scroll past the body portrait multiple times. Here's carly.

this is egregious if this is the only way that people have actually been interacting with the pokespe chapters because they're gonna go out of this somehow thinking that the bonus content and sidequest stuff and OC content is somehow canon which has happened in youtube and reddit comments I've seen plus I noticed how much of this stuff revolves around cannibalism due to a reddit comment noting that there's a trend between the sidequests and apparently it continues into the sequel and like... okay...

Is it good though? I mean, ignoring the weird dialogue and wanting to see what the first arc of the manga would be like as a playable game, yeah, can't go wrong with that, unless the game severely difficulty spikes later on which I wouldn’t know right now. The portraits are a nice touch which is why I wanted to see how they were pulled up (apparently they’re map sprites based on the tables I saw, but idk code or anything). The music is just base FRLG though so do what I did and start blasting anime fight music (preferably non Pokémon.) The other far more simple option is just reading the red arc, it’s only three volumes so it’s the shortest of all the arcs in Pokespe.

Everything else is my opinion of “I want to see where he's going with this” out of morbid curiosity since the dev's making a sequel with Orre in PSDK (French rpgmaker essentials alternative) but it really can't be called adventures red at that point.

How in the world is it supposed to loop back into manga canon with all the stuff this guy's added in already because it's gonna be really funny going from red's story about fighting cults in orre while being like, 12, right into yellow crying over the fact that ratty evolved and is a giant rat now. Ludicrous . I'm kinda more concerned scope wise because I've read on the pokecommunity forums that there's a bunch of extra content that's going on like more playable characters and stories and it's just one guy doing everything, that's nuts.

The thing getting me is the tonal whiplash I keep swinging from “what the heck” to “this is clearly the greatest thing ever created and I cannot understand the vision” Like if it was a fangame of just the OC content (which Vol 2 is doing) chances are I’d probably not even care that much but since it’s sandwiched between Pokespe content which is children’s manga it’s too big of a gap for me personally when people are getting randomly murdered and stabbed and eaten alive and junk

I’m out here and when I see the reference I point And go “oh, final fantasy”, oh, “battle network”, “i see you’ve watched one piece”, “get that movie out of here.” Only if it’s not a goddamn roadblock, that twilight reference filtered me the first time. i have a disease called “I don’t like twilight because one of my friends watched all of the movies during the pandemic and refused to shut up about them” and if there’s anything I hate it’s when there’s a group of people or an individual who aggressively tries to get you into their thing

Defending Older Hacks?

Something that I need to make awareness of is that most of the time I’m genuinely sincere about enjoying hacks and concepts I should be more critical towards. Like, I know I should make fun of certain things for not being good or question them for being convoluted plot wise or just plain “too dark” for the standards in question of being a “good pokemon game”, which is likely the category of the game I was just checking out . But I’m also a kusoge enjoyer and chuuni at heart that understands some of the things I play outside of the “so good it could be official” standouts are either A. Developed by people who don’t get hacking and balancing or B. Made years ago before CRFU and HexManiac and Disassembly changed the way hacks worked or C. Written by someone who watched a lot of anime and really wanted to write an fanfic for pokemon and wanted to make it playable. I’d rather take something that plays it completely straight and expects you to go along with it rather than something that constantly goes and winks and says “hey, this is really silly, haha!” There’s no fun in that to me. No comment on the RPGMaker/Essentials game scene because I still haven’t played any at this point. This is an incredibly funny statement I said because like the above message is the total opposite where I'm like "what is GOING on."

Super Scuffed Mew Bridge Run, Leap Year Edition


I didn't really have anything super special to show off because pokemon games kind of take time if you aren't speedrunning, but I did finish up something! In a few days. Because I'm impulsive. This one was one I did in a day simply because I wanted to go bug hunting, ended up beating the game without the missingno because it turns out that some of the missingno that are found in game kind of suck ass. I was using the premade Red missingno. Like, I was better off not using it.

I made a team based on the thought of “how would a child play pokemon” and thus, I ended up with an incredibly powerful charmeleon in the early game and then ended up carried by a mew. Psychic types are incredibly busted in gen 1. I felt like I was on a power trip majority of the run, it was kinda crazy. I like Kanto. It’s comfy, you can kind of mess around with it without any super annoying roadblocks. Gen 1 Kanto is a land of total whackiness, some of the sprites are incredible. It's early installment weirdness all over, why did so many trainers carry whips? I know I did that Geocities research project a while back but it must’ve been crazy in the time of early internet where none of these things could be datamined or verified unless you went out of the way to do it by yourself. And it was quite wild to do the steps.

February 2024

In hindsight, lol. lmao.

I don’t get masters. Like, I think I’ve written that down before but I need to emphasize that I have zero interest in the Pokémon trainers of Pokémon minus like, a handful. I told this to my friend once that there’s a world full of magical creatures and people wanted to focus on the human beings and I had no clue why. So the incentive of playing the game to get gems to summon them doesn’t work because… I guess they can’t compete with the mainline gameplay. I’ve never seen anyone else talk about this one ever outside of the one twitter tag incident and occasional trivia. I don’t even know what the plot of this one is outside of it being a tournament arc story. I gave it a bit more time and I've gotten more into masters because of the anniversary prep and summoning for characters that I actually recognize (Red) and getting some of the appeals of Masters being "the incredibly interesting gacha where it's clear no one is paying attention so it's full of memes." I battled through some of the plot on my main where it's clear that everyone on Pasio is a weirdo and on my alt I went to the legendary plot line and immediately got Giovanni and was incredibly confused that he's allowed in the lounge and you can basically just chat with him. Meanwhile my main feels like they're sandwiched in between Red and Blue since I'm only using the Red buff for Blue. I'm considering Pokemon masters as a bizarre experiment and I wonder if they'll let more old guys into the lounge. (I mean Blue as in the rival, which is what the ENG version calls him (I normally call him Green). I also have an account where everyone speaks Japanese.)

Crystal Clear Begins
I have 3 saves for my initial runs of the game, one where I played through Kanto backwards, the second with pokemon from the safari zone primarily, and the last with only gift pokemon. Then I had a fourth save rear its head because I heard there was an Easter egg with the blue avatar fighting gym leader blue so I decided to reconstruct a team using pokemon that blue has had that were never iconic at all- that being his stadium picks. There’s quite a lot of pokemon he’s had that were never acknowledged again since it was a spinoff. Since it’s open world there’s nothing stopping the player from going at neck breaking pace to a spot with high level mons and chucking balls til one’s caught then going to the nearest gym and sweeping until the level cap catches up. In fact, the tentacruel I caught by accident without knowing that was an intended speedrunning strat. It’s been a year since the plot of crystal apparently in lore and now all these swinub OC’s are here for events but unless you go out of the way to find them then it’s just… boneless crystal. It’s a good team builder thing but unless you have a set goal it’s very easy to wander aimlessly as I tend to do in open world games. Once you get fly the entire open world experience of walking is rendered trivial because the game lets you go anywhere even if you haven’t touched it on the map. I actually have 8 saves of this now.

Ultra Violet’s Human Run?
Ultra Violet is considered the directors cut to Kanto because it allows for all the Pokémon to be caught with no caveats in the postgame. I’m currently working on one save where I used game corner coins to get two eevelutions, found out Bill just has mew chilling in the computer, and am working my way up to the elite four. the second one is this thing called… moe? I didn’t get it, so I kinda just ended it ASAP. No postgame. It’s kinda like they’re gijinkas, but it’s weird to have them in Pokémon tradition. This is a game with vibes that feel like they’d be for stinky people.

Frightening how easily I’m amused by weird ass hacks. There’s Big Green, alternate wormhole universes, no sense of a map, level balance is nonexistent, I ran into a raikou on route 1 and haven’t been able to replicate how it happened then proceeded to also see a frozen Entei while surfing where it just spawned in frozen. It’s like the sister to Citrine where I know there’s a fully playable game in here but I have to connect the puzzles of this absolutely god awful map blend between sevii islands and regular ass Kanto where the warps are wrong too.

Dark Realm Out of all the games so far somehow this one had me genuinely feel bad for the main character despite all of the contrivances of the story solely because they had an implied love interest bit it but everything else is trapped under being a pokemon game where they give you a lot of the resources to sweep the entire game so if the plot is silly then there’s not really a reason to be engaged. Dino Island will remain in my mind forever alongside the daikon radishes because I thought they were funny. It's so weird that the game ends like this because the creator vanished without ever finishing up the plot in the beta because there's a way to save the love interest, it was just never programmed into the game.

Future Plans: RPGMaker and “Best” hacks.

The RPG maker games scare me because it’s almost like Pokémon but then you get some insane quality curves with the ones considered the good ones as I’m researching into it. Or you learn that there's some insane behind the scenes stuff that no one else talks about ever. I don’t think I have the time or mind energy to invest in the longer projects (like I hear that reborn and rejuvination are the Huge ones but they're also incredibly HUGE) so I’ll stick to the shorter ones that were made for gamejams or the ones I’ve already started playing and then dropped off the face of the earth (remember when everyone was into playing infinite fusion?)
To Do: some of the “best?” I’m thinking alongside XY chronicles I’m gonna focus on clearing up the list of the top ones to see how they rate on my personal enjoyment scale. After some consideration (read: I thought about it for like 5 minutes), Ironmon will continue but only for the enhancement hacks. If I didn’t play in such a a haphazard way maybe I’d be better at not dying. There’s a lot of games that people consider to be the best ones of the hacking scene but I think quality is subjective so my opinion might not match.

December 2023, Team Worsties

The best around?

Team Worsties (Reupload) Sometimes I get immensely bored playing something I’m good at, so I like to challenge myself by intentionally playing badly. For this, I was playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Red Rescue Team, and trying to see what ways I could make it as painful as possible. A few rules I initially made up were: No buying anything (simple enough.) No friend areas outside of the tutorial ones/given away as rewards (last is unlikely considering RNG needed to get them) No items outside of the ones received in dungeons Start a dungeon ASAP, minimum rescues (So I’d probably be at silver rank the entire game.)

And basically my run was dependent on RNG. So far, it went well enough and I was under the assumption the run’s first hardest hurdle would be at Groudon considering the earthquake users I’d need to fight on the way down. It wasn’t Groudon. It was Zapdos.

Not very exciting but by using attract and tail whip I managed to whittle Zapdos’s health down enough to defeat it. I only still have like 3 recruits (minus absol) but then I unlock Mt. Moonview after the fugitive arc so I can in theory get more recruits… it just seems weird. The hill of the ancients and Xatu are sort of underutilized outside of like, sky tower, and parts of the post game, but post game sort of does that for all characters outside of the recurring ones. Also, Gengar. What a prick, getting an angry mob to cause the team to be actively hunted down to be killed when he’s the human reborn. Then again, he runs a team called team meanies… Fugitives arc went swimmingly well all things considered. The hardest part was honestly getting through Lapis Cave because the nincidas aren’t weak to Thundershock. Mt. Freeze is kind of interesting because Absol is such a non character you can leave him behind in the friend area but he’ll still show up for cutscenes. Didn’t work though because I got killed. Managed to finish afterwards and then it was business as usual. Groudon is probably going to suck though.

(This one was originally multiple post parts.) Last time, I asked myself the question “what if mystery dungeon was kinda tedious to play with a bunch of self imposed rules like minimal friend areas and no shop purchases and having to throw everything out for every single dungeon?” And today, months later, I got that answer. Groudon kinda had me trapped in a cycle where I kept going “yeah, I can do it!” then I’d fail, then a few missions later I’d do the exact same thing. I did a lot of missions to make up for being a failure. The team ended up at gold rank. I learned that the game kind of generates interesting pairings the more missions actually get done, and also drops off high level mons in places like tiny woods more often. I also ended up with the wonder mail friend areas spawning naturally, which surprised me, I thought they were like, postgame exclusive. So after doing all of that and even getting smeargle through howling forest I went like “surely I can beat groudon this time?” The answer was that no, even at my level, I was very close to getting two shot. But then, like other runs I’ve done for MD, I recruited a friend! Onix is still useless though. Didn’t manage to do much, but it’s the thought that counts.

I think it was the adrenaline rush from beating Groudon that caused me to basically chaotically throw myself at Sky Tower multiple times without any training or prep, just me going “we ball!” and that worked. somehow I got to the summit around my third attempt. With only Solrock. That repeatedly died. Honestly, the recruit rule that was supposed to be Nuzlocke rules kind of failed once I got to magma cavern because I intentionally started making Absol move further away so I could get a lot further with him farming EXP. My bad. After that though, I’m pretty good with this run. Not gonna do the postgame because the first game’s postgame gets rid of the partner unlike other games so it’s kind of flatter. Just the fact that I can do it minimally is enough, but it took way longer than my usual runs.

December 2023, Winter Log

I finished X, but as for Y...?

let’s talk about the games I’ve cleared in the fall-winter period alongside games I want to start. I’m narrowing down likes and dislikes of hacks.
Likes: ones that offer quality of life, original areas, original stories, original music, new Pokémon rosters that are unconventional, so what I’m looking for is new versus the old.
Dislikes: those with the same music in game, those that offer nothing new to differentiate themselves outside of balancing, those that have non functioning maps, backtracking, subjective humor, games that have fakemon but have their appearance rates low, weird hard modes, self referential humor, pop culture references that make majority of the jokes (I’m not a big pop culture person so none of the jokes land!)

Regarding the Big Game Pile: Years ago I found a bunch of hacks, yada, yada, here’s what I’m doing with them.

Experience notes: • I am not a fan of vanilla experiences the longer I go through the pile.
• The ash adaption ones are weird so I don’t know if I’d categorize them as vanilla experience or not since they are new but just retreads of old stuff
• I’d rather actually watch what they’re based on than play them tbh
• I also attempted adventures Red but that one has the same problem where it’s like… I could just read the manga.
• my interest is in new reigons with new stories so anything that’s just rehash super hard mode with all makes me lose interest somewhat fast unless its a randomizer, at least then i have to think there
• some are so irrelevant i go “i played that?” since it was so non distinct from the others that they don’t even make it onto the collage

Notable completions: • Pokemon Aurora (I liked this one even though it was just a demo up to a certain point. However, the map was terrible. Didn’t show me where I was properly at all.) I hate playing through one that’s good and with some potential and then it just… ends.
• Team Worsties is completed! I have the logs in other posts. I didn’t think I’d actually beat it past groudon but turns out hard work and perseverance (level grinding) can solve anything, even arbitrary rules like no items that were dropped in other dungeons, meaning I could only use what I found during a run.. I even hit gold rank!

To Continue: Ruby Destiny Rescue Rangers Ruby destiny was one of the big ones in the early era (saying that feels weird), and rescue rangers is no exception. Honestly, I’m surprised no other hack features putting the mystery dungeon style of playing as a Pokémon into mainline gameplay. Backtracking in this one kills me since the Pokémon remain the same level even when the new dungeon is further down. I’m unsure if there will ever be any new members or if the teammates will not evolve like regular mystery dungeon…
Light Platinum: This one was also one of the big hacks years ago, so I’m in it just to see how it compares to newer ones. So far I’ve mostly just been fighting low level trainers who have teams of five and making multiple rivals with different protagonists.

(Note: With Pokemon Kosmo's controversey with this creator and art theft I wonder if I should keep playing this...)
Future Plans: I’ve never played X or Y and only know it from second hand info in regards to story, leaks, read the manga/special/adventures adaption of it, and watched bits of the anime (I feel like Serena has been permanently altered for me as a character based on the anime counterpart). I was originally just gonna use my 3DS to play more of the older games I had and just watch an XY playthrough, but it’s different watching vs actually playing on original hardware. So as an early Christmas present to sate my somewhat growing curiosity, I got a copy of Pokemon Y. Pretty weird, right? Especially since we’re 3 gens ahead of it. It’s been a while since I’ve used my 3DS. Even longer than my switch, but I had a lot of enjoyment out of it. There was a person who my other parent was interacting with who was looking for a 3DS so I was considering selling it only to realize that “uhhh, buying a 3DS is going to be expensive as fig” so that didn’t pan out. Also, I saw a 2DS and remembered that existed so I told that person to just get that instead. I deleted Pokémon go since that’s mostly worth nothing now. I’m not going anywhere outside of my residential area, so that’s kind of pointless… I can’t even transfer them to HOME since I have no switch pokemon games. I have buyer’s regret for a system I didn’t even use.

This is beginning to sound less like a pokemon update and more like a general blog update so let me go back. I also wrote fanfiction because that’s a thing I do now I guess. Mostly based on my original team clears but sometimes I just go off script and make up stuff entirely. Located on my writing blog for the most part. Occasionally I draw too, but I don’t think I’ve drawn much pokemon wise there at the current time. But for the most part, I’m looking to move a few generations ahead. Back to basics, kind of. I mean, I’ve mentioned it a few times here, but I do have a copy of Pokémon Y now. The one 3DS game I’ve never checked out. I won’t be Ironmonning that one, but I’ll be aiming to only use Kalos mons. So here’s to new strides! I’ve also been considering playing stuff like fire emblem and advance wars…

October 2023, Emerald Trashlocke Experience

Tentacruel MVP

Otherwise known as, how I learned to love(subjective) underrated Pokémon.
A few years ago, I went nuts on a Pokémon website dedicated to rom hacks. The repercussions of this are still being felt to this day as I whittle them down and go through seas of varying ideas, quality, and execution. Or in my case with this game, finding a dedicated Pokémon team and ignoring the premise of the actual game, which is to be a nuzlocke. I’m bad at those. And this is a game with just bad Pokémon in it.

It’s more or less a war of patience to try and find something that’s good out of nothing, because playing this taught me that there are a lot of Pokémon I’ve never considered using in a team. And I probably never will, because Pokémon games either have good pokemon, or mid pokemon, and to be mid might as well be signing a death contract because no gimmick or level grinding on earth will save a mid Pokémon from getting two shot by something.
there’s also a gag in game where every gift Pokémon is replaced by an unown and various stores and methods are closed by the rom hacker to prevent a person from say, just going to the game corner and buying better TMs. But nothing to keep someone from doing the same at lily cove mall, but I didn’t do that and just bought junk for my secret bases. I want to say that this at least taught me the values of patience and favoriting Pokémon but honestly once I grabbed Tentacruel that was my go to Pokémon since surf and STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) wipe stuff. I only realize now that my end team had two normal types on it. They pretty much were the MVPs alongside Tentacruel for being able to learn so many moves. Instead of going to the battle frontier or anything grandiose like hunting the Latis (which are likely also Unown), I decided to park this character in her house. I think she deserves a rest.

A Case for Gen 2

What’s up with the GBA and GBC hacks for gen 2. I’ve tried 4 so far and only been in early game but they all have varying editions of being a bit off in terms of what little I remember of Gen 2’s beginning and they don’t match. Like, I’m pretty sure falkner’s Pidgeotto wasn’t that high level?

There doesn’t seem to be that many in general that attempt to remake it for gen 3 that don't have something weird attached??? Like, certainly there must be more out there than just liquid crystal, redux, fire gold, and ultra shiny gold or whatever long name it has. This is something to think about after I finish Reboot which will be soon considering I’m 5 badges in already. (And I never did finish up these GBA runs... I should get back to that.)

Anyways the answer I was looking for was Golden Sun but that's in Japanese so I already know it's never getting translated.

Pokelog: August 2023

Pokelog 2!!

On my journey to play through a breakdown’s worth of a collection of Pokémon games, I’ve barely broken the barrel when it comes to full games. (And also the lack of screenshots is because I told myself I’d only post games I completed.) • For the most part it’s been demos (Blue Sea, Moonlight) and broken messes that I need to break into to see what was going to be there at the end of it (Citrine, Terra), and occasionally the gimmick/ rebalance/ dex replacement (Digimon, that one FR rom hack I already forgot, Paradox, Emerald Trashlocke).

Recently Finished: Pokemon Korosu

• If you’ve ever seen the screenshot of the prompt “KILL this person?” out in the wild you know where this is going. Yes, I played the game in that image. • The fourth category of games, the one I’ll call the bizarre adventures (Quartz, [Redacted], and others that aim to be "funny" in the kind of way that's not funny.). Korosu fits the fourth category because it certainly is one of the Pokémon hacks I’ve ever played and completed.
• An edgy game filled with lines that make me double take because I know it’s not satire and made to be taken seriously. I don’t think I can put it into words how this game would be torn apart the more years go by. I feel like the entire game is basically just a large content warning in terms of… women? I can kind of shrug and say misogyny with this, I think. In terms of things said by the trainers. Who are the antagonists.
• It’s also immensely jarring that this plot basically has the main character be a teenage assassin using her Pokémon to kill an entire crime family who have basically done every crime in the book and the reward for completing that gauntlet at the very end is lance giving the main girl a soda pop.
• Also the second half is doing the kanto gym badges but to be honest since I had access to fly I managed to do it all in one sitting. I wanted to do it sequentially but it turns out some gym leaders were inside their gyms and some weren’t, so I ended up doing Misty last.
• It turns out that this is actually the third game in a trilogy of hacks, not like that matters because there’s more reference to Outlaw than the cawps(?) game in which the finale isn’t an elite four gauntlet but a tournament arc.
• This is like when I read that one manga and it was a total train wreck and I can never mention it to anyone unless they have morbid curiosity and are willing to go into barbed wire with offensive remarks. They barely let you kill anyone once you’re past the islands which I assumed would be more important but it’s only ever done at the very end of the game with the Outlaw, which I did. I did it because I had to end the cycle of violence. I did end up sparing everyone else who didn’t get cutscene killed before him though because I thought that would have had an effect but it did nothing.
• I wasn’t expecting Gold to pop in which is kind of what prompted me to make Pokelog a thing.

Oak’s Backup
• This one was very short, mostly just covered the Sevii islands minus the last part which was a trainer tower gauntlet. The ending is a good surprise.

Currently Playing/ continuing: Pokemon Reboot
• I immediately hopped back into playing this after playing Korosu a a palette kind of cleaner. It’s just vanilla fire red but I’m kind of bored with my roster so I’m gonna change it up to see what I can do to make it more fun. Also I learned about the nugget bridge exploit so I used it to get an early Dratini.

Pokemon Summer

First Gameplay Log!

Reupload from my tumblr. The first one I made and it's different from my other report formats. The argument for both a skip button, and quality over quantity
Pokemon Platino was abruptly put on halt due to me essentially taking my shuffleboard tactic and applying it to many Pokémon fangames I had downloaded, the bulk of which were sitting on my hard drive for years due to me essentially finding a single website centric to them and in a haze downloading basically the entire website. I am not normal. When I wipe, the intention was to start a new pokemon game or move onto the next one (but not with nuzlocke rules), but turns out there’s a huge gap in well, everything related to fangames.

Some will be a reskin of Pokémon but replaced with digimon. Some will have maps that are unhinged. Some are broken and unfinished but if you use walk through walls you’ll end up in a bizarro world where they shoved all of the features they wanted to have in but the downside is there is no music and the game crashes randomly so it feels like you’re playing a creepypasta (I’m planning on writing an article on this one in particular.) (this was in reference to Cintrine) Some hit the tier of absurdity, but also unfortunately have severely outdated jokes mixed in with other types. Or the author intended for it to be a figpost but I misread the situation.

Pokemon fangames are also simultaneously a content filter because most of these games go undocumented so the creator’s full intentions are forever unknown. Like sure, they end up posted on pokecommunities but then the thread gets locked or the origin download gets lost or everything is locked behind a discord that can’t be checked.

It seems like people equate “difficulty” sometimes with “completely blindsiding the player with overwhelming them and padding out the runtime.” Like, why are the Pokémon in some of these games so low level and then the trainers levels jumped up so high? Or did I get lost…? If that’s the case, where’s the medium gap? And this applies to a few of them, not all. If the dev really want to just be fire red again, then I really don’t need to play it if its just a 1 to 1 version of it, you feel? And is it okay for me to say “I really wish there were more new reigons and fakemons instead of a game just being firered balanced edition quality of life all 900+ pokemon and EV/IV level training required?” Like, the reason I argue for quantity over quality is for some of those I come across I grow tired of the same pidgeys and rattatas. At least make me go through Kanto backwards or something. And the music department is the same. The way I got across that too, for games that kept the same soundtrack, was that I started playing the original anime’s score. It’s a fun thing to do when not mindlessly grinding because the dev decided to make every single pokemon in the area level 20 but stick you with a level 3 low tier mon.

I definitely started more pokemon games than I finished, judging by the clear parties… but that’s alright. Let’s me figure out which ones I enjoyed more than others and more importantly, which ones are like 30 minute demos I can toss out. The last one I’m working on before month’s end is infinite fusion, which will be my first hop into RPGXP maker pokemon games. So far, its been the most unique one for allowing for such team building and versatility.

Cleared Games
  • Galaxy Demo
  • Re:Verse Demo. I’ll check this one for updates.
  • Operation Digipedia
  • Paradox (Was more of a puzzle simulator)
  • Mega Origins (Everything minus elite four since they were outleveling even the legendaries I scrambled to get. I should rerun this one.)
  • Moonlight Demo
  • Leaf Yellow Demo
  • Ash Hoenn and Ash Johto Demos
  • Cintrine

Notable ones I enjoyed that I should continue: Cramorant Yellow, Sovereign of the Skies, WISH