Pokemon Magazine

Collecting entries I've written on Pokemon

Picking Up Pokemon Journal Former Cohost Centric Thought Collection
Gameplay Log DW (formerly tumblr) summary on games I was playing that were pokemon related.
XY Chronicles/Sword Journal Ongoing project in regards to generation 6, started in 2024. Sword Journal is a sister series

MVP projects

Pokemon Shrine

My Pokemon Shrine.

Manual Browsing

Photos and screenshots from select pokemon manuals.

Halls of Fame

My in game halls of fame from various playthrouhghs.

Kanto Trio Design Comparison Chart

Image collection of most design variants for the kanto trio (red, Blue, Green... Leaf?)

Protagonist Design Comparison Chart

Image collection of design variants for game protagonists that aren't from kanto

Pokemon Masters Storycut

Coverage of Pokemon Masters (Story)

Pokemon Masters Days Out

Coverage of Pokemon Masters (Unit Hangouts)

Opinion pieces

Pokemon Thought Journal

Article collection for pokemon. Mostly opinionated and centric based on gameplay thoughts, story thoughts, and like, opinions. Range from interesting trivia to whine sessions.

Gameplay Log

Gameplay Log was too image heavy to be reliably here so I've just supercut to the words I had regarding games. Collages will probably be regulated to just hall of fame in regards to games with complete parties.

XY Chronicles

Y nuzlocke has begun. All that's left will be watching through the XY anime.

Pokemon Sword Journal

Journal for pokemon sword. No DLC. Last thing I'll be covering is another monotype run.

Pokemon Masters Gameplay Log

Coverage of Pokemon Masters (unhinged gameplay rambling)

Here's my fan related pokemon content, stuff like artwork and fanfiction and headcanon stuff.

Pokemon Writing Project

Overview of plans for pokemon fics.

Pokemon Original Characters

Select showcase of OCs that are from either playthroughs or entirely made up.

Pokemon Glitch Users

Overview of bizzare idea I had from discord.

Pokemon Map Headcanons

Headcanons for pokemon reigons.

Pokemon Protagonist Headcnons

Headcanons for protagonists, ignores Masters.