I think it's safe to say if you haven't been on this site for a long time and haven't figured out I love pokemon a lot is pretty impressive! Pokemon's been a pretty
largely defining franchise for my childhood and has always been a series that I've kept in the back of my mind. It's a game that's led me to many connections,
friends, discussions, and good memories. Pokemon to me is a large world based
on the people living together with nature,
technology, and the pokemon that are the wonderful critters that inhabit the world and the bonds and friendships that follow.
I'll always have it in my heart somewhere. Pikachu has a stake of land in my brain and refuses to vacate.
I've basically played through nearly every single gen from 1 to 7 and have been keeping them all logged on my hall of fame.
I used to have a lot more pokemon games IRL than just what was on my merch page, like mystery dungeon red and blue, rangers 2 and 3, I had rumble on my wii for a bit only ever replaying the demo. I like the 2D games since they're more what I'm used to, but I liked the 3DS games as well, pokemon amie was super fun for letting me be able to pet my pokemon.
The lineup on the 3DS was pretty good for having like nearly every gen (minus 4 and 5) if you had virtual console. I've been using it to play through runs for pokemon bank. The direction of pokemon isn't really something I kept up with past the 3DS though, but I've been checking out the fangame scene and stuff! Seriously, what people have managed to do within the constraints of a 32 MB game is impressive, the Fire Red expansion engine is kinda crazy!
My Generation Experience:
Emerald was my first pokemon game, and I like gen 3!
It's got a nice explorative feel and Hoenn stands out a lot with it's whole half land half water gimmick.
I really wish there was some kind of mod that removed the water theme though for later routes like the bike theme usually does.
It's only pretty recently though that I've actually started documenting my pokemon gameplay experiences versus passively playing them in my childhood.
FRLG acts as like the reboot of Gen 1 stuff but I still kind of like RBGY more... that's pretty weird.
Gen 2's been pretty fun for the most part but I'm pretty limited sometimes experience wise since for years I've had a bizzare streak for years where my uh... "hardware" would bug out and I'd lose my progress in HGSS.
I like Snowpoint City, I feel like Sinnoh had some of the most relaxing themes in the generations. I liked the anime, Dawn was a pretty neat character, I feel like this is the one where I started paying attention a bit and like, Paul and the chimchar were kind of crazy as a plot for me when I was a kid.
Gen 5's pretty cool. I like how there's a bit of a new plot in terms of like philosophically asking stuff about pokemon and locking older pokemon
to the postgame was pretty neat for showcasing the new pokemon instead of later games being like "here's all the old guys, less of the new ones!"
I don't really have much experience with gen 6 outside of playing alpha sapphire in it's release year and it's only during 2024 when I decided
I'd get really into gen 6 by playing through the games and watching the anime. Color me surprised when ZA got announced! Kalos is a nice looking place but mega
evolution kind of snaps the difficulty in half, haha...
I liked SM based on what I remember of it, but I also haven't played it outside of the release year.
This is also when pokemon go came out and everyone loved pokemon go in 2016 like that summer was crazy.
I haven’t played many other switch games or games past gen 7 but I recently purchased pokemon sword this year too.
Sword is good for monotype runs I guess. I didn’t really like much of what I played in terms of well… a lot of it.
I really need to play PLA at some point.
Scarlet and Violet...
Haven’t played, can’t give my opinion, plot seems pretty interesting but open world is not my thing.
For pokemon manga, I liked pokemon adventures/special. I feel like it's a nice time in the earlier arcs more than the later arcs but that's more on the direction of the series changing just like how pokemon changed as well. It's kind of like yugioh in that the protagonist switches up for each arc. It's definitely different from the anime in terms of how much I go back to checking it out, but that’s more because it’s a lot easier for me to read things than to watch them. It’s not just the protags that change, but also sometimes the genres, like a high school drama to an epic kaiju battle to a high speed thriller chase across the region and has a lot of unique ideas that it brings to the table with each protagonist trainer (known as Pokedex holders) having some sort of ability that becomes their skill to utilize during their arc.
My personal favorites are the DPP arc, the run with Mato's artwork that lasts from RGB to GSC with the later artist Yamamoto taking over and kind of replicating her style , and the BW arc. I also like XY, but that one is definitely a lot different in tone compared to the others! A lot of the later arcs are more standalone which I feel is kind of a missed opportunity because it used to have more divergent and standout stuff going on but now pretty much follows the games straight albeit with it’s own twists. I still recommend you read some of it though.
I’ve been keeping up with the scarlet and violet arc and it’s definitely
looking like it’ll be a fun time so far!
I used to watch a lot of the anime in VHS tape forms and most of my experience with gen 1 content comes from stuff like playing the games emulated or just watching playthroughs. Bug hunting was pretty fun.
I haven’t actually actively watched the older anime since I was a kid and it’s more of like a comfort show to me like, the adventures of ash Ketchum and friends.
I'm more used to watching stuff from earlier seasons than later ones, but it's still nice to revisit the adventures. I mostly usually just watch movies though.
Horizons is fun, I've been watching the dub and can't wait to see how everyone goes on their journey and like the rising volt tacklers are pretty neat.
I haven't watched all the movies. Mostly my favorite one in the lineup currently is 3. Like past gen 3, I kind of stopped engaging with the anime probably right when gen 5's anime came out.
Paldean Winds is pretty good, I liked poketoons, Origins was a nice OVA and I wish we got more things like it that weren’t just shorts like generations and evolutions (even though those were pretty good too!)
If I had to live in a town it would be...
Floaroma town! I've always liked the music there. It's relaxing.
Favorite Pokemon Lineup (Current)
Favorite Pokemon:
Bubbles, my beloved, my nuzlocke survivor before the run died and I went back to a regular run...
My favorite game soundtrack is a toss up between Gen 1 and 2 for nostalgia, Gen 4 for it's laid back style, and a bit of Gen 5 and 7 as well.
My favorite characters are... eh? I like the protagonists and some rivals, but I'm not sure how much of that was just me making stuff for them or just picking up characterization from other material
before Masters came out.
I'm not really that much of a human character person for pokemon as much as I care about the pokemon themselves.
Here's some other pokemon manga I think are worth checking out! I haven't read some of these in years so quality varies.
Magical Pokemon Journey: A story that's less action focused and more on the relationship between a girl named Hazel and her friend Almond
Pokemon Zensho/ The True Story: A gen 1 adaption
Pokemon The Golden Boys: A gen 2 adaption, but sadly this one gets cancelled so it rushes to the ending
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Legend/ Adventure: Not to be confused with Pokemon Adventures, this one is an adaption of diamond and pearl starring a boy named Hareta who lived in the woods with pokemon. Chaos ensues.
How I became a Pokemon Card/Pokewake/Pokemon Card ni Natta Wake: A one shot episodic story made to describe a story tie in to a pokemon card made by TCG artist Kagemaru Himeno. Not fully translated but some of the episodes are pretty cute.
Ginji's rescue team: A mystery dungeon 1 adaption. Notable for being the only one iirc.
Phantom Thief Pokemon 7: A gen 4 story centric on a guy with a secret identity who works as a bakery thief during the day and a thief at night!
Image Gallery
A lot of these were found through various geocities hops,
individual pickings, some edits of my own, and this site: Pokemon Funny World