This will Always be a WIP.
I want to keep track of everyone. Incomplete games probably won't hit the list though. Quality on these ones are subjective. Some have nicknames, some don't because I didn't keep track. Will be updated based on completion. The reason I have banners are because those are the ones I personally think deserve their own spot in terms of teams I’m proud I went with and the ones under the cut are there as like “oh yeah that happened.” Plus I give a replay value for like my mini opinions on them.
Lost to Memory:
Emerald and Leafgreen (Cartridges given away at unknown date, OG teams lost in memory)
Ranger 2 and 3
Blue Rescue Team
Emulated Crystal (Played as child on old iPhone, zero recall)
Advanced Adventure (See above. Possibly from coolroms/emuparadise before shutdown?)
Past (Pre 2022, Physical Cartridges)
In game playthroughs
Diamond (Replay, Incomplete (7th badge then cartridge stopped working???)--Dawne:
Empoleon, Staraptor, Pachirisu, Rapidash, Roserade, Lucario
Black (Replay)--Cherrim:
(Scrap) Scrafty, (Sandy) Krookodile, (Minipete)Emolga, (Rono) Reshiram, (Nita)Zen Mode Darumaka, (Scallop)Samurott
Started 7/1/2014 ended 8/29/2015
Alpha Sapphire (Release run)--April:
Chip (Blaziken), Bunnie (Latias), Bolt (Cosplay Pikachu), Geoffrey (Linoone), Silver (Gardevoir), Kah (Masquerian)
Started 3/20/2015 and ended 4/3/2015
Moon (Release Run)--Lani:
Siren (Primarina), Breakfast (Toucannon), Django (Lurantis), Lita (Incineror), Sabata (Crobat), Trinity (Snorlax)
Started 11/23/2016 and Ended 12/18/2016
Replay value:
I’ve always found it a bit harder to go for hardware runs over emulated runs sometimes but in terms of DS and 3DS it’s a lot better going with hardware
Diamond: probably not, I think sinnoh’s a lot better in it’s platinum iteration
Black: I would if the game had better placement of some mons without the absurd level requirement because I kind of end up just sticking with the same core team.
Black 2: definitely replayable! It’s one of my favorites in terms of team building and side game stuff like pokewood/pokestar.
Moon: probably not unless I have a lot of free time. It’s a fun game but ultimately replay wise I really wish there was a speed up dialogue button or like a free roaming mode that wasn’t after the main story.
LeafGreen (Gift Pokemon Only)-- Lea
Clear Team: Venusaur (Cabbage), Eevee (Tea), Gyarados (Sashimi), Lapras (Onigiri), Aerodactyl (Honey), Hitmonlee (Koikoi)
Cleared 6/21/2022
Blue Rescue Team— Anna (Eevee) and Pika (Pikachu)
Minimal Run (No purchased items or friend areas)
Cleared in December
Leafgreen: Yeah, Pokémon leafgreen’s still a pretty good way to play kanto in a more modern format minus the pretty dumb move to lock Johto evolutions to post game.
Minimal Run: no, PMD 1 is kinda already annoying as is and doing a run where I had to dump all my items per dungeon and pray to RNG that I got good ones made it more tedious.
Emerald (With Celebi Starter)--Chio
Bannete (Cashew), Magneton (Hub), Flygon (Minch), Azumarill (Bubbles), Celebi (Hime) , Rayquaza (Sora)
Cleared in May
Emerald Randomizer (Types Randomized)--Cashew
Dragon Kingdra (Whirl), Fight Dragon Gyarados (Latte), Rock Normal Sceptile (Rover), Steel Normal Furret(Walker), Normal Arcanine (Crono), Dark Jirachi (Roi)
Cleared in May
Cintrine (Fakemon)--Thomas
Arceus and Rayquaza + 4 Fakemon Legends
Wasn’t a serious run.
Cleared in July
Emerald Trashlocke--Emi
(Luka) Mightyena, (Amanda) Sandslash, (Mabelline) Sabeleye, (Daroach) Raticate, (Abigail) Linoone, (Mina) Tentacruel
Cleared in September
(Ballio) Wailren, (Cora) Salamance, (Curse) Gengar, (Nemesis) Primeape, (Lisa) Gardevoir, (Rafflesia) Belossom
Cleared in July
Oak's Backup--August
Infernape (Monke), Lanturn (Chou)
Rest of team is unknown.
Cleared in August
Digimon Operation Digipedia
Gyarados, Vikemon, Hyokomon, MetalMamemon, Budmon, Kyubimon
(Gyarados being the only regular mon in the game is funny to me. Bro got lost.)
Cleared in July
Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team (Challenge Minimal Run):
Pikachu (Churro) and Mudkip (Mud)
Cleared in December
Oak’s backup: Yeah, this one was short but simple.
Emerald (Celebi Starter and Randomizer): using a new starter is always fun plus a randomizer means that everything will be unpredictable in a way that throws off your brain that usually has things memorized. I’d do it again, yeah.
Cintrine: the game itself isn’t like, in a state of playable ness and more or less is there for the sheer surrealism I had of seeing all of the stuff across the map and wondering what the connecting glue was even supposed to be. Like the ladder dimension.
Korosu: I would not replay this one, not in terms of difficulty, but because the subject matter was all over the place tone wise. I feel like there’s some things Pokemon shouldn’t really be touching, and this one was one of those. Even though like, the rest of the game is completely absurd like the one guy who gets murked for liking fruit basket or something.
Operation digipedia: it’s Pokémon but with digimon. There’s plenty of these types, they’re pretty fun reskins.
2024 (Pre neocities move)
Pre Neocities Move Runs
Pokemon Reboot (Nugget Bridge Infinite Money Exploit)-- Carmine
(Fern)Venusaur, (Scylla) Dragonite, (Luffy) Raichu, (Gymnopeide) Dodrio, (King) Nidoking, (Aria) Wigglytuff
Cleared in January, Exact Date Unknown
Re: Verse--Cameron
Tropius, Shiny Claydol, Raikou, Murkrow, Linoone, Koraidon
You can tell which ones I'm not taking seriously at all, but neither was the game.
Cleared in February (Exact date Unknown, was posted on tumblr.)
Pokemon Ultra Violet(...Moe????)--Kiran
Beedrill (Meedle), Eon (Espeon), Golem (Gaia), Pidgeot, Parasect, Gyarados
Cleared in February (Exact date Unknown, was posted on tumblr.)
Pokemon Dark Realm (Fakemon)--Seth
Rex (Mega Charizard), Iris (Celebi), Daikon (Shiny Altaria), Aria (Lapras), Arachne (Galvantula), Blade (Rivengon)
Cleared in February (Exact date Unknown, was posted on tumblr.)
Pokemon Red (Mew Glitch Run)-- Red ("Mirage")
Charizard (Ash), Genesis (Mew), Lee (Hitmonlee), Marcel (Mr. Mime), Akuma (Snorlax), Domon (Kabutops)
Started 2/27/2024 (My Birthday!) and Cleared 2/29/2024
Pokémon reboot: it’s kanto but with new designs to give it a fresh coat of paint! Some designs are hit or miss but ultimately since it’s the same game there’s nothing super wrong with it.
Re: Verse: this sits with Cintrine as one of those games where you gotta take an investigative microscope and figure out what’s going on with it.
Mirage Mew: I love Pokémon red and gen 1 probably as much as I love it’s gen 3 counterpart because they’re mirrors to each other. Who cares that gen 1 is outdated and jank, that makes up for the fun of it. Even in its first iteration you can tell that there was a certain energy put into it to attempt to make something new, the glitches are more or less a side effect. Course I’d replay gen 1!
Dark realm: this game was less about the battles for me and more about the destination of seeing where the heck the story was going because like after seeing the dinosaur island and the helicopter PNG I was like “okay I’m invested, where the HECK is this story going” even though stories are subjective
Moe…? : I don’t know why this one was in the download batch since I just used a zip file of games initially but it’s like touhoumon but with gijinkas is the impression. I didn’t really get it, I wouldn’t play another one, it’s only here because I had the single screenshot on my computer. As for ultra violet itself, I liked that it let me have trade evolutions without the need to trade but I think I need to finish a regular run of ultra violet so I can give my full evaluation on the game as is and not this thing.
2024: XY Chronicles
For further thoughts refer to the XY Journal
Pokemon X (1st game run, Kalos Mons Only)--Ciel
(Clou) Chesnaught, (Passieri) Talonflame, (Alphonse) Meowstic, (Inciender) Delphox, (Nara) Florges, (Ange) Aurorus
Cleared 3/26/2024
Postgame E4 Rematch (Cleared 7/20/24):
Destroyer (Granbull), Benson (Diggersby), Mizu (Blastoise), Xiaoyu (Pangoro), King (Hawlucha), Blade (Aegislash)
Pokémon X: So-so on this one. Nothing wrong with X and Y but no real reason for me to return to Kalos anyways in terms of like… I think my personal preference for Pokémon games are ones that I can pick up and not feel like I’m lost or go “what was I doing again?” It’s why I liked the journal feature in Diamond so much. My impression of X is I might’ve enjoyed it more when online was a thing and it came out on release but since it’s not I kinda feel less inclined to return to it outside of maybe a challenge run and playing Amie. All style but less substance, like I nearly beat the e4 with just blastoise mega evolving.
For notes on the X playthrough and eventual Y nuzlocke.
XY Journal
2024, 8/31 Revamp
Nothing new added yet, still playing games.
Emerald Rogue 2.0 Run #1: Easy Mode (Started and Cleared 7/11/2024)
Ary (Kanto, Classic)
I really did play this all day...
Magikarp Jump. (Dec 2023 to July 27,2024)
I don’t know the exact start date, I did a huge phone cleanup a while back and the only screenshot I have of this game prior to the June revival was dated December 15, 2023.

Bonus: Shiny Guys from Pokemon Go. I had no clue where to put them, I don't even play GO anymore, but I thought it was worth noting.

Pokemon Sword
Run #1: Ketsuban (7/21 to 8/18)
Spark (Pikachu)
Fredrick (Bewear)
Phylalli (Leafeon)
Wisteria (Intelleon)
Lait (Alcremie)
Run #2: Wisteria, Monotype Ghost (8/18 to 8/29)
Veran (Runerigis)
Charon (Shedinja)
Ariel (Jellicent)
Pasta (Dragapult)
Jack (Chandelure)
Ludibrium (Driftblim)
Emerald rogue V2: I kinda beat one run of this and never went back huh… rogue likes aren’t my forte as I end up usually getting screwed over by RNG in the end and I mostly just lucked out with V2. I’ve been attempting a johto run but not very far with it yet. If I ever get it done I’ll let you know but in terms of replaying this one ranks pretty high?
Magikarp jump: no I don’t think I’d reset to replay this one because it’s not a traditional Pokémon game as much as it’s a clicker game.
Sword is probably going to be my least replayed game. Nothing wrong with Galar, but nothing interesting enough to make me have a burning desire to go back anytime soon.

The Final Sword Run: 9/17 to 12/27
Bow Burberry (Monotype Normal)
Starring: Woolian the Wooloo, Sunstreaker the Heliolisk, Ivy the Noctowl, Usapi the Diggersby, Raven the Cincino, Conker the Greedent
I like how I said I’d play galar the least but it has the most halls so far…
Sword’s a really good game for monotype runs with the amount of raids it has and how much can be done because of the amounts of resources and supplies raids give out like exp candies and what not
I kinda wish the game had a built in level cap or something though because I got super overleveled even without using the exp candies for some runs.
For full in depth hall of fame party proof, look at the sword journal.
Sword Journal
Currently playing:
Pokemon Y Nuzlocke
Various hacks within Gameplay Log