Running Reboot

Based on my Pokemon Reboot Clear.

Another set for patchworks coming out as I fight my attention span on multiple WIPs that I have a lot of notes for but nothing substantial.
Today's group is about social media in the Pokemon world, or my failed attempts to make a YouTuber based story. This one is actually one that I haven't published anywhere else yet!

Story #1:
Hit the Ground Running

Starring: Crimson Carmine and Hunter Green

A reboot necessitates modern slang or having no history to attach itself to. However, I thought the idea of some version of red and green out there being modern meme children was too entertaining to pass up, especially as one who has no knowledge of a thing. I had to look up a lot of terms.

One day, Hunter Green Oak turned to his friend, Crimson, and spoke. This was a terrible decision and the consequences are being felt to this day.

"Yo, Crim."

"I'm bored."


"What if we like... pranked the reigon?"

His head tilt was taken as a yes in response, and Hunter grinned.. .
Professor Forrest was less than impressed when his grandson and friend showed up inconspicuously one day in the lab, whistling and walking up and actually talking to the assistants. Not a phone in sight, which meant the two of them wanted something and that usually meant disaster.

Before the two could do their usual amount of chaos, he sought to stop their mischief on the spot.
"Hunter. Why are you and Carmen here?"

Hunter groaned as the assistant's tried to eye everything but the boys. The floor looked especially nice today.

"Aw, professor, you know he likes being called Crimson, remember? That's the name on his license."

A bit of silence.
Then, the professor burst out.

"No, absolutely not! You two can't be pokemon trainers!

A retort from Hunter. "Why not?"
"Because you're irresponsible. "
"Nuh uh!"
"What do you mean, nuh uh. Just last week the whole school went to civil war over the trend you started!"

Another murmured "Nuh uh...." but the professor was undeterred.

"Hunter, you are not fit to be a trainer. You stare at your phone on the daily doing Mew knows what-"

The boy scoffed and looked away. He mumbled. "I've got a huge poketuber following..."

"Daisy shouldn't have bought you that thing, this is my fault, isn't it. You've grown to be a miscreant because of me..." as the professor rambled, Hunter looked past him to note that Crimson had completely walked past to the table where the pokeballs stood. One hand was on the grass ball and the other was on the fire ball.

As Crimson grabbed the balls, the professor turned and shouted.
"Boys, stop!"

But it was too late. Crimson had already taken off running.

The following is a feed of videos poketube:

Poketube video:
We're starting our pokemon journey?!

[The thumbnail is that of Crimson staring off screen and Hunter making an obnoxious face. Bulbasaur is in frame looking lax and charmander is holding it's tail.]


@Squirtlepicker22: What, no love for squirtle? Why did you take this photo?

@Kalos102Pffxxll: Yo Bulbasaur's looking way too chill, what did you feed it

@oakforrestvideos: You two aren't supposed to be out of town, come back now

@PikaYellowChuBika: Why is the lecturer from pallet town in your comments

The following is an excerpt of videos and thumbnails from a 2 week time period:

Beating Brock with just our starters!

We found a weird rock at mt.moon!
The boys are pointing at a moon stone.

The bridge of gold!

Hunter stands above Celadon City on nugget bridge. Crimson is in a corner doing... something.
"They call it the bridge of fool's gold."

Hunter turns and gags at Crimson.
"Are you licking that?! Ugh. Crim, you are so cringe!"

We fought a ghost!
Checking the truck for mew?!
We found articuno?!

The last video is simply titled:
We had a paintball fight in the indigo league champion room!

The final thing from the channel is in the community and simply says:
We were busted.

After that, silence.

Indigo League, 2 Weeks Later

The elite four called a meeting. Everyone had shown up except for the dual champions.

"We have a problem."

They looked at the pile of paper airplanes and comic books in the corner.

"A bit."

"We need to address the amount of children who get past the league."

"Yeah." Lance absentmindedly scrolled through his Pidgey (Twitter equivalent) dashboard.

Agatha slammed her cane onto the table.

"Our most powerful representatives can be bribed with robux and are easily amused by toilet jokes. This is terrible!"

"Agatha, the gym guard boys just sent me a meme in the group chat. It says I'm rizzless." Lance glanced up from his phone.

"Lorelei, what is rizz? do i have it?"

Bruno coughed and spoke up.

"You know, with the fact that the kids only showed up here to throw a prank and then decided to bail once the professor came, I don't even think they're aware they're the current reigning champions of the region."

"You want to tell them?"
"I'm not telling them."
"Let's pretend this didn't happen."

"Lorelei, the boys were talking about Skibidi before Oak chased them away. Is that important?"

A Few Years Later

it didn't even register that they were champions at all until they were sitting in middle school, bored out of their minds, and the new girl in front of them widened her eyes and immediately turned to show them a photo.

"Is that you two in the league? Your video has like, a million views!"

Hunter turned to the girl. "oh, yeah, that's us!"

Crimson nodded.

"it was our best prank yet."

"...I'm Marine. Do you guys still like making videos?"

Story #2:

The aforementioned Youtuber story

Champ Watch!

Marine's blue hair covers up the camera as it's slightly tilted-- she adjusts it as she sits on the couch with Hunter and Crimson on the side.
The two of them wave as Marine starts the greeting.

"Hey everyone, Marine here with Hunter and Crimson and today's another episode of champ watch!"

There's a box in front of the trio labeled as Viewer Box. Hunter reaches over to grab a letter from the inside.

"Today's a shorter episode where we answer a question from one of our last viewers. Here, I'll read that one"

I always wondered how the pokedex works, because Professor Oak always said there were 151 but you move over to johto and hoenn a few years later and the number jumped to 386 all of a sudden despite all being in the same country? Not to mention that there's the whole new historical debacle about sinnoh's dex because of recent revelations in regards to hisui, so can we really call it the first pokedex?

Crimson coughs before responding: "you know, we should probably think of the peeps first, Mari. they've got the free time to catch em all, but they sure aren't making coherent entries, have you seen marcargo's entry? if it really was hotter than the sun we'd all be dead."

Hunter nods his head at this.

"You could always say that uncl-oak meant the first regional dex and the national dex are the "first pokedex" in a sense, because that's the truth. There's been field notes, but never really an electronic kind of way to view pokemon in an convenient form. My theory is that he patented the new design and outsourced it to other regions where they did their own form of distribution thing."

"So then they start people off with regional dexes so the numbers don't make them quit early." Crimson shifted in his chair and Hunter leaned more forward.

"That makes more sense. I mean, have you considered the number of pokemon we're up to these days?"

"less information on champions this time around, but that's because the latest league circuit's starting up pretty soon! Sinnoh's just finished and it's champion Cynthia on top again, so now we're going back to the regional rotation."

"This year's said to be special since we're going backwards in reigons, meaning Hoenn is up next! We're sure to see all sorts of interesting applicants and reports, so check us out next time!"

Champ Watch!

PS. don't forget to tune in to tonight's stream where Crimson sends in haunted rom hacks for me to play live! That's our new segment to fill in the time since the contest circuit and league circuits have been rotating around!

Story #3

Champ watch discussing fame and champions\
References a character from Generation 0, a fic series I haven't completed yet.

Another question from the viewer comment box:
Does being champion actually make you famous?

Marine ponders for a moment. It's the kind of question that really makes you think for a minute. Hunter spoke first before her thought could finish.

"That's a really good one. It kind of feels like everyone who's a current champion is famous but I don't think it's because they're champions.
It's most likely the case for Red and Green and Blue because they're so young when they did it but it's not like Steven or Cynthia are famous because they're champions, steven's famous because he's rich as hell and Cynthia is more of a research lady that everyone goes gaga over."

He got lightly smacked on the head by Crimson for swearing. Gotta think about the monetization.

"Well, ignoring that.... Like if iris was famous for being champion she probably should've been mobbed by a crowd that time she was in castelia city getting ice cream with that hat guy. I guess it's a tabloid sort of thing though?"

Crimson didn't say anything but pulled up an image of Diantha. The camera zoomed in slightly.

"Diantha is again more famous as an actress because of her movies."

"I loved her work on Girl and her Growlithe."

"Aside from that, pretty sure that whole Kanto Trio was famous because one guy's the grandson of the pokemon professor and the other two took down team rocket!" Hunter's voice took on a snarky tone.

"The first time. Fire and Leaf did it in Sevii, same with the Johto Trio later on... Wasn't there that case with the time they tried rebranding too? They're not that good."

In response to that, Marine started moving her hands in an X motion and whispered "We do not need team rocket on our case!"

To save face, Crimson spoke up next.

"That doesn't mean the champion thing is obscure, I just don't think aren't competitive in the Pokemon circuits would particularly know the fame of every champion. Unless you watch every single fight ever or read the textbooks, otherwise we'd talk about Sepia's curse a lot more"

"The only actually famous champion I can think of who's fame is related to being champion is Leon because of his unbeatable streak--the what" Marine turned to Crimson.

Crimson pulled out an old grainy photo of a signed photo. A group of trainers was there smiling and in a dynamic pose.

"Oh, you don't know? There used to be a guy before Lance got the position back who had all the signs of being Red before he was Red and then he wasn't. His name was Sepia, his starter died in an incident and then him and his brother did too. Awful mess."

The room got silent.

"Then everyone in Sepia's era who was logged in the hall of fame c onsecutively vanished off the map until the indigo league reopening and the rest is history. It's been a conspiracy for the years since his death." Crimson then proceeded to place his hand on his chin to have a thinking position.

The other two were quietly stunned until there was a cough.

"Rebounding! Some other reigons don't even have regularly established leagues such as Alola barely having one only until a few years ago thanks to Professor Kukui, and Paldea has the champion rank given to students rather than a hugely established televised tournament that some of the circuits circle around."

"It's heavily dependent on outside factors to whether or not you're famous, but becoming Champion doesn't automatically make you famous."

Crimson recalled something.

"You know, we were champions once..."

A groan.
"We got burnout."

He nodded in agreement.
"Serious burnout!"

Both of them failed to mention the reason their championship was so short lived was because of their nonexistent attention span and the fact the professor immediately kicked them out.

"Kanto has had so many child champions that I don't think it counts anymore. Do you think I should go?"

"Yeah, sure, go for it!"

And then Marine got up from the couch and walked off.

"Not in the middle of our stream! Hey, Marine!"

Hunter looked sheepish as he walked off to the side.

"Sorry, camera guy. Uhh, we'll credit you? Uh, cancel our contract, maybe?"

Author notes:
Combines a run of a game alongside snippets from a story that never got very far, so what I did was end up combining the two and making the characters from the first story be the same characters in the 2nd. I switched from obsidian to simple notes to have cross device compatibility so this is the 3rd writing program I've switched to.
The game in question was a hack called Pokemon reboot which was just firered with some redesigns. I used the Nugget bridge exploit to get a dragonite, which was the most notable thing about it. I don't know why I looked at this particular cast and went "yeah, I could see them being future YouTubers."
I have a lot for kanto WIPs because I keep producing stuff solely on kanto at the moment.
LGPE's spot on the timeline is a big "I don't know where to place it so I'm just gonna go with the Masters thing and just say it happens during Kanto after Red has completed his journey (but he didn't become champion) but before Johto", not that it affects any fics I write on LGPE because I normally just make it a sequel.
Marine's role in playing haunted rom hacks is no longer applied to her, but a far more annoying character in a further WIP (The Rumors universe).

Here's the kids from reboot, by the way.

I had to change Carmen's name to Crimson because during me writing this I forgot that Carmine already existed.

Note to self: Find a top of page link.

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