Current Year: 2025
2024 List

Previous Year: 2024

Credits to Tentacool for this template and to for the font hosting. I took out a bunch of my journal entries to try figuring out the top things I still wanted to finish up while disregarding my 5 year plan because it was made from a very difficult time and I don't think I should repost it.

2023 Wants/Goals List (Year 1, 5 yr plan)

2 Good Drawings in different styles
Read a chapter of something through Serial Reader
Go to bed at a normal time
Finish at least one thing per month?
One thing being (game, show, or a movie, Maybe a story chapter)

Try waking up with my alarm on time
try the pomodoro study method again?

I want to try watching more IRL shows with real actors and what not.
Try reading a chapter of a book thats not a fic per day and taking notes
Show (2 episodes), game (up to a set point), maybe a book or fic writing, drawing
Do some exercise daily
Listen to new music albums(?)
Listen to a podcast episode

2024 Wants/Goals (Year 2, 5 yr plan)

Clean up the goal list from journal entries(check)
Finish up the site
Learn Spanish
Learn French
Get a job
Drive the car (check)
Online lessons for resume

The 5 year plan image is harrowing because… I was not in the best mental state when I wrote it.

Cannot even do half the stuff anymore on the OG plan because my PC specs cannot run dawntrail. At the very least i need to figure out some long term project I can do without getting my head ripped off by other people

Writing goal count (mood dependent):

100 words to 400 words to 750 words to 1000-2000 words daily?

Idk, theres quite a lot of conflicting accounts on the best amount to write plus its time dependent.

Current Site Plans:

Oocities is down so I might need to adjust the findings page again (God that one page has given me so much trouble)(not check but I am not doing that) Adjust the Fanfic directory to lead to more things (Its getting a big rehaul to have the pokemon fics and other original stories/fandom content) (check) Change icons for journals (Check) Fix Journal?(check) Add Goal Page but not the 5 year plan because that 5 year plan was kinda nuts.(check) Add in more Gallery Images/ Draw more Often(check)
Current Site Plans (September 24 edition):

Fix up code images so everything works between pages Fix links (again) Fanfic Scavenger Hunt Cohost tribute Pages (templates are up but no posts yet) Idk, I think the only thing past fixing up the way the site's code is is fixing up fanfics which isn't a thing I can crunch in a month. Not doing NaNo. The major goal is just getting everything in a state where nothing's broken and I can just update this as is with the blog and media logs taking center stage until I get bored and stop marking everything down.
Remember how to update this with the uploader ruby thing lol