I'm considering making this one more of a WIP map of fics I have been thinking of in terms of like... idk, stuff. A large part of my fall and winter have been sorting through my various flash drives, hard drives, and actual printed out things from college because IDK, my past self thought this would be fun to do but my current self is screaming as sorting is the major task rather than actual writing. ![]() |
WIP List
I already have Project Pokemon up and my FF14 section up, everyone else is just gonna be sectioned here I guess.
Past Fandoms: Mega Man, Sonic, Kirby, Precure, Miitopia, Maplestory
There are also OC ideas to consider. As in original characters but also solely original stories.
Actual Fics:
Description and Summary, then the link under a spoiler bar. Like so!
That's kefka, not kafka... Completion Status: WIP Rating: M for Meanies Content Warnings: As Bizzare as Jojo's bizzare adventure: Author opinion: This story stinks! Temporary Link (goes nowhere at all)