Online Media Journal/Diary? Scattered Thought Collection. Pre Neocities Move.




Considering how messy the OG journal is now I’m considering making another one for the rest of the year, let’s see how long I keep this up before I cancel it entirely. I'll reedit the icons back in later.

Here's the link for the new journal
New Journal

Old notes below I've been getting a lot of photos of my sketchbooks for my gallery page. I'm looking through and I've only got a few years left of sketchbooks, my art style really took a hit after the pandemic and it's definitely degraded a LOT. Also I had a lot of ideas centered on this one OC story that are scattered all over the place without context and a bunch of fanart of various things but for some reason I just??? labeled characters as if they were a part of the OC story??? when they're all copyrighted? my teenage self was stupid. Also there's pen marks everywhere, no clue what I was doing when I did that. i've been deleting things like i did with that pinterest thing with all the fashion i like because I have a serious data hoarding problem where I see something cool I want to reference and go "I want to draw that" and then I never do, like a liar. it's a lot easier on my tablet than my phone... least I always keep everything in albums to keep my interests nailed into one spot. this is probably better than having to mentally parse through everything, i just pick the "best ones" and toss out the others like i did with my phone where I just purged everything from the past few years mnus this one becasue it was sarting to become my own mental cognitive curse like there were a lot of ff14 images and stuff but Im not playing as much anymore i'd like to thank the game, because it pretty much got me through the pandemic and campus, but it also kind of murdered my college social life, which is so so. i would've likely done that by myself but the game and parts of the community became my vehicle to avoid IRL. now that i'm home and the wifi is crap and my PC is also crap I can't use it as much. thanks for the memories though. clean drawing slate 2024 baby!!

Sometimes I forget that there's a whole BG divorce saga happening with one of my relatives except for the fact that they're living in the house with the rest of the family and eating food and like taking care of the lawn and stuff and I'm starting to think they're a permanent resident because there has been 0 development on that story aside from the supermodel baby which is insane to think about. Just this year i've dealt with wisdom teeth surgery, home renovations, the graduation party from hell, and this has been happening like some kind of sitcom background gag which it is because of how there's just two people in my family who are eccentric high middle class rich weirdoes where one has a big ass mansion and the other has a bunch of random ass nude paintings all over the house. The hell graduation party was especially funny because during prep one cousin was like "you sound like a deepfried online social media board forum user redditor tumblr type" and I was like "why do you know what they sound like" and neither of us wanted to follow up on it. I'm hoping to be less like that but I don't think it's working.

Being in my 20s and living at my home is a living hell. i happened to overhear a conversation from my residence and it’s like now they think oh “my lectures are crucifying and it’s my responsibility to be truthful every time and I don’t care how you feel” but it’s not like I get anything good compliment wise because the way I constantly get backslapped means I don’t believe you when you compliment me It’s not about accepting failure because the way you have it set up is that somehow I’m always hitting some kind of invisible footwire of failure even when I’m minding my own business I’m not the child they wanted to raise to be their perfect obidient 100% smart normal money maker and they spend every waking moment reminding me of it by saying that I have to be more normal and prepared for the real world but also locking me in the home majority of the day doing studying and studying ahead I never asked to go outside because the answer would’ve been no by default and I don’t ask for anything unless it’s extremely necessary because I know it’s not worth asking I’ve been called a people pleaser but I was taught to give up what I wanted to comply to what other people wanted and desired and now they’re resentful when I don’t want to make my own choices or voice my own opinion Why bother No one’s listening. some people shouldn’t have had children and I shouldn’t have had free will because obviously I’m doing it wrong I’m shamed for existing. Every single holiday has this dead air where I understand my other parent's need to be alone because nobody wants to be around each other when I have to tiptoe around every interaction and constantly be this emotional punching bag.

This smoked salmon at the house tastes like ham and I don't understand why. Things have quieted down a bit here on the site aside from a few minor pepper'd in stealth updates, and that's because I now have the very long task of meticiously looking through 13 binders/sketchbooks worth of drawings from 2016-2023 to evaluate and decide which of these gets to be "in" the website. Maybe my one OC person whose longrunning project was flattened by the pandemic, my inexplicable comic skills, completely bizzare expressions? "The pandemic didn't have an effect on people" vs "I started actively posting on twitter like just because it didn't have an effect on you doesn't mean it didn't cause other people to do stupid stuff" and I can tell there was a visible effect because of the way I start ranting like a madman on multiple pages with absolutely awful handwriting and how I notably kept getting more weird until I got sucked into the FF14 hole.

By definition I’m completely and utterly trained “head empty no thoughts no independence” where the moment I’m not told explicitly what to do I just default to doing nothing because the minute I want to do something then I’m needed to do 20 billion different things I sincerely hope having a job isn’t the exact same way otherwise I’m going to start screaming. I’m signing up for all sorts of events and alumni websites because if I do anything that’s not job hunting related in the slightest oh, I get in trouble for that too, huh.

I should probably LINK everything properly first if I'm being honest, but I still need to work on properly cleaning up the findings page and it looks like a mess, the cohost link transfer screwed everything up HTML wise but thankfully never underestimate my lazy ass logging back in so I can extract the links faster or I could just steal the code too, it's my tumblr blog lmao

Listened to: Japanese jazz/fusion self-titled album by Sunburst (サンバースト), released in 1980. Sacbé - Sacbé (1977) Nobonoko- Music for Animal Cafes Skil-Morning Coffee (Retrowave/City Pop) I'm only listing the full albums I randomly get from youtube.

Media: The person who’s paying for the stuff is cutting out Hulu and paramount + because that crap’s pricy so it’s back to the seven seas for me. Understandable they really did just recreate cable. I don’t even know what I watched on either of those outside of JJK and Sandland. What did i even do in June I snuck in episodes of jjba s2 and finished it Not much else. I was made for the 13 to 26 episode show format... I should go back to my gurren watching. I dropped it because netflix REMOVED it while I was watching it.

FGO no summons aside from summon tickets and FP has been going slow because I'm doing that thing where I hoard summon tickets before summoning because by the time I finish there's not gonna be enough time to summon on a summer banner so I've been using the story banner which was a godawful idea. I'm probably gonna get some random 5 star card instead of a unit. Remember when Dragalia lost had the cards/prints in the summon pool instead of just units? That sucked. Unfortunately it happened to come at the same time as 7th anniversary archetype earth/so I may have used a single pull for her which immediately broke my self imposed rule. I didn’t get her. I may summon… once. I got Martha which I think is the game telling me to go find the lord but I’ve also lost that ability too after years of being raised in a house where religion was used to justify everything I don’t believe in that either which is really funny because someone close to me is basically a church nun but also facing like the dilemma of 5 guys pining after them at the same time. Quite frankly I wouldn’t be in that situation.

I’ve also gotten sucked back into my Light novel Isekai villaness death flag promotional manga student magic merchant trading that get canned within 3 volumes hell. The types that are like 3 sentences long in the title. Basically it’s a trite oversaturated market where you read one and essentially read all of them because they take advantage of meta foreknowledge to make alliances and change the plot. Most of them are based on VNs or novels or dating sims. Or you end up reincarnated as the saint… for every RPG party Isekai smart magician banished from party revenge fantasy glazing/gassing up/ overhyping there is a villaness Isekai banished to countryside story that has the exact same setup. Anyways I just read one where the villaness wasn’t isekai’d and she just punched the crap out of people. It’s basically the manga equivalent of junk food where you turn off your brain. the frankenstein of slop is definitely something I'm eventually going to hit where it's someone combing through all the popular ideas to make the big one and i feel like I almost got that with the anthology because that one just hits 1 to 1 nearly every trope of them all condensed into an almost parody format but it was 100% legitimate. one thing I haven't gotten into yet are long strips because I don't like that they're phone centric which makes them tedious to use on a laptop.

Tomodachi Life threw a goddamn curveball because one of my non pokemon protagonist OCs got a boyfriend. It’s one of the Reds on the island. I feel like having multiple copies of the same character would be dumb but it’s still proving to be fun because all of them have different friend groups still. I honestly thought the OC was going to reject him because the other friend she has is a guy who she still hangs out with but no one showed up so I guess that’s a thing now. I just saw Leaf try to set up Gold and Miku to date. The 3DS wiped the save but the replacement pokemon island is full of equally as weird stuff in comparison to the old OCs.

I'm thinking of going back to playing earthbound sometime this month in between other stuff in this irony filled era the original advertisements of earthbound saying "this game stinks" would make it sell

Watching speedrun summary videos and there’s something incredible about speedrunner names being taken completely seriously so I’ll be listening to the story of fartlord only to be floored by the cowboy world record holder reveal

Naruto filler in part 1 is actively brain numbing to me which is good for the job hunting junk but when I watched bleach and immediately hit the bount arc it was like a psychic shield hit me in the face that made me say “this is a filler arc” where I immediately bounced because Netflix didn’t have the rest of the seasons Anyways the one podcast I somewhat semi watch that has watched bleach were actively attacked by Jin Kariya’s vibes so I understand that I made a good choice so I’m skipping that if I ever get back to bleach. Naruto’s fine because I understand that naruto needs to fight random ass ninjas. And there’s some decent ideas like Hinata’s bug attack but I guess that’s not canon. lmao he farted sometimes you can find great things from things that were absolutely disregarded and discarded. Trying to keep this canon relevant is hilarious because Rock Lee will be like “this random ass guy burying people alve might be connected to Itachi which means Sasuke” like Naruto didn’t spend multiple episodes chasing a bug. I miss land of waves, that was probably my favorite early arc.

It’s a lot better in general to watch all sorts of different things in order to better understand your tastes and further develop your world and knowledge instead of pidgeonholing yourself into one thing. If you don’t like a thing, try to understand why, and then try to understand the creators intent as to why they put it there. This will help you grow your own opinion. Or you could just be me and say “that sucks” and watch other things (that was sarcasm.)

watching/playing things from other places that weren't made in mind with certain values and cultures and then getting mad when they don't reflect a specific value and culture is a common internet phenomena. especially if it's an older product like goddamn, the amount of people who get mad at something that's heavily outdated is almost circular because sometimes the arguments they have are the same ones that have been going since the fandom started which is nuts. i think there's something to be said about how most social media is basically in a bubble where the most popular opinion is the loudest one and if you have a dissent for it then you have the wrong opinion and it's bad. Unfortunately nowadays the kind of opinion where I say "hey this wasn't made specifically for this exact time period where things are clearly different from what was the norm at the time" is lumped in with the same types of freaky weirdos who call people "tourists" which is really something I do not want to be associated with.

what even is a media literacy check anymore. do we even have symbolism? great gatsby's green light could just be a green light. those curtains were just blue, you know? death to the author and all that. Are we putting too much stock into media products? No, no, you just need to sell more. It's all so tiresome. this isn't even about anything in particular, I just had this thought. Being an observer makes me tired. I don't even want to know what it would be like to actively participate in internet fights. Gotta lot of free time to do something like that when I can't even muster up the motivation to do things I actually want to do.

I want to watch evangelion. you know how I've been watching naruto and fundamentally understanding like every single piece of interent culture and various memes like it's become a cultural rosetta stone for me the way that DBZ is like globally well it's like that but for the subset of memes that are like "my bitch wife who wants to watch orange but I want to watch blue" there are many subsets of things that end up buried under years of culture and discourse and in order for you to watch anything you have to throw out the preconceived notions of what has been dictated by the public from what little i understand, this is a show that will inherently make you uncomfortable if you place yourself into the shoes of the characters and i've noted that the more a media is inherently about the uncomfortable things of humanity and things that make people absolutely horrified are the ones that also the ones that get some of the funniest memes because people want to distract themselves from the existentialism and then it also gets doused in like 15 layers of deep fried irony. that being said

"shinji crank that soulja boy."

June 2024

Forgot to work on the damn website because I got sucked into watching Korra, finishing up another bit of Pokespe, and finishing battle tendency and I did not look once at my laptop even though I had neocities open.

I was editing like a fiend on Notepad ++ because I was looking at it after I downloaded it and being like "doesn't this look exactly like the HTML program I used once in college and it was one to one. Chalk another one up to booboo the fool moments. This page is going to still be a default template mess but at least all the text will be off my computer.


June Journal

I can’t keep up with weekly releases due to my IRL schedule and it doesn’t help every time I watched dungeon Meshi I just got incredibly hungry because I was the type to skip breakfast and the show was like “look at all this incredible food they’re eating!” Don’t skip eating while watching dungeon Meshi. I need to watch only a few episodes like a slow burn. Working on season 1 a few episodes at a time. The story is about a DND party and a guy who really wants to eat monsters for energy so he can traverse the dungeon so they can save his sister who was eaten by a dragon. He’s joined by a thief halfling, an elf girl who reasonably does not want to eat random ass monsters, and Senshi. They kind of initally hated laios's ass and he has serious foot in mouth syndrome where everyone goes "this guy has a weird thing about monsters and we don't know what it is". Senshi is like the mentor to Laios’s raw unbridled fixation onto the monsters but he's also as bad behavoir wise because why did he let himself be a hostage to make bread. Unfortunately I have no cooking skills whatsoever and have become a lethal chef in part due to the college experience making me make unhinged meals. Zero domestic skills whatsoever.

Also watched and completed the battle tendency arc of Jojo. You don't truly think about how weird the show is because everyone speaks and behaves in a weird way and It's kind of like madlibs because I never know what is going to happen next. I witnessed a crazy horse race and the next episode had the robot cyborg ww2 german supersoldier show up and then the 50 year old that looked like a 30 year old was actually Jojo's mom because the scissor vampire who rescued the dog from a car crash used her as a hostage. I enjoyed watching it but i think i liked part 1 more because of dio being a weirdo. I just saw a guy turn a murder squirrel into a flower into a butterfly and he was the ultimate lifeform. Like shadow.

Then came season 1 of Korra which I thought was okay, nothing too crazy to write about aside from asami, I like her. The love triangle thing is goofy though. Then I got onto season 2 and like did the budget increase or did they get new animators because every spirit fight has felt incredibly stylistically different. Korra’s narrator guy being a radio type is pretty interesting…. But the tournament stuff is kinda dumb. Why is the avatar a pro sports bender or something. She should be adventuring in the city. Obviously different from my tweets because I was like “she should be like the equivalent of hearing that Goku has joined your random ass tournament”

People online will attempt to tell you that naruto was about subtle ninjas and hard work and talent and what not and they are wrong. Naruto is about a guy who likes ramen. It’s reductive, but people are too busy looking at a single character (Rock Lee) and deciding that he’s the one that should be the main lead and trying really hard to bend the show around that.

It’s the same thing with MHA being like “can a quirk less person be a hero?” And the answer is no, but the premise is interesting enough to cause people to ask that instead. (I used to be insufferable about this show and be like “why are they publicizing teenagers with super powers fighting each other and making money off it” as if that’s not a basic shonen trope.) I could harp on about how I thought the show could’ve been more interesting if they went with the power vaccum thing caused by all for one and made up more villains like overhaul instead of going with the league of villains super revival but I honestly checked out once Midorya got like 7 quirks or something. They’re still all 1st years in the war arc BTW, it’s like the RWBY thing all over again. Obviously bakugo is the favorite but he reminded me too much of IRL people and Endavour sure is there, I guess. I should be more mad about him being a bad parent according to the fandom but he seems to be trying to mend the relationship he broke with his kids which is more I can say for my parents.

I hate the online landscape because everyone has 30 billion levels of brainrot including me and it’s only going to get horrifically worse the longer this AI shit goes on because source checking and bait identification are apparently skills that are not checked. Everyone’s gonna have so many back and shoulder problems in the future because of how the phone is dominating everything. I hate how much people are completely absorbed and reliant into the shorts and the ability to pay attention for more than a few minutes has been completely lost to me. Everyone alienates me solely because I'm the only person who outright refuses to be on tiktok, what's app, or facebook because I witnessed what it did to you! They lack in whimsy and childlike questioning of the world around them. The third public space no longer exists and being online always runs the chance of someone deciding to stomp on you. I was in a discord once and realized it was basically crab bucket mentality where we all said it was okay that we didn’t get anything done but we just complained about not working. Honestly I wasted my college years gaming. I should’ve gone to clubs. Being off tumblr and moving onto PF is like my equivalent of frolicking in a flower field and picking apples and looking at the sunset while also simultaneously moving onto twitter and expecting at any given moment some kind of rock is going to be lobbed in my direction. What I’m saying is I really wish Nitter instances weren’t dead.

The type of person I unfortunately have to be around is the type that makes me not want to ever have kids in fear that I might turn out like them where their purpose for having kids wasn’t to love them but to relentlessly harass them and badger them and treat them like toys and servants and constant emotional sponges and then get mad whenever anyone questions their authority and pretends they’re a saint who can do no wrong and just was born with rotten spoiled selfish children who are immature and need constant reprimanding because that was their mission from God. I think that just because you have a higher position of seniority doesn’t mean shit if you don’t respect anything especially when you say you’ll never respect any boundaries set up and constantly decide to override whatever anyone else is doing for what you want at that very moment. You’re going to be one of those people who makes workers lives hell to wherever you show up. They’re an entitled traditionalist with a stick up their ass where it's their way or no way, I’m the idiot who always has to be corrected, and the third person is the third person who I don't want to mention because it's not their fault they're stuck in this situation. There’s a cycle of hostility where I’m always stuck mediating for everyone but the moment I have emotional issues I’m hysterical. Honestly, if I really started saying what I thought of everyone then even the therapist I have would probably tell me to chill. I don’t like being in this living area, I don’t have a way to leave, and I don’t have anyone to talk to who’ll actually take my full position. I hate these stupid ass psychological questions where I always get the answer wrong and get blamed because of the inability to ever explain or answer a question properly It cannot be that hard to just SAY the details instead of being this vague man. Can't stand it.

June 26th I don't think anyone's really going to look through every single journal entry/log I have between my dead tumblr and living Pillowfort so I'mma condense a bit, okay? I'm still working up on cleaning up other pieces of the site like all the pokemon stuff. By internet I am stretching out that one GB for its life no matter what and it's driving me crazy knowing that pokemon reigon headcanon map is taking up a good percentage

I'll put it down to just like... goals that are still relevant.

If I really posted everything... the journal entries would be nothing but me in this constant mess of a relationship with a person who I can never get social cues with because they’re convinced they can do no wrong and every single time I say something that doesn’t align with their worldview I get chewed out, which isn’t fun, so I’m just gonna talk about the stuff I liked about the day. But honestly, I can't stand that person... Even complying doesn’t work 100% because even if I was a perfect obedient robot they’d still find some minor detail to freak out over. Sorry not everyone likes waking up at the asscrack of day, I’m not a morning person and I don’t need to wake up at 8:30 just so I can get yelled at earlier in the day. Literally nothing was more of a perception check than me complaining about my motivation issues seeing people be like “yeah that sounds like executive dysfunction” instead of just calling me lazy

I saw a YouTube video about the amount of trees in Mario kart Wii and saw a music video from the artist TOOBOE. It was quite an interesting experience because it was a dual screen MV about a girl who imagined what her life would’ve been if she wasn’t sold off to the circus. So obviously not something that can be recommended…

Sonic superstars is truly one of the sonic soundtracks because there are such beautiful tracks there and then you get jumpscared by sonic 4 synths Press factory slander is too easy, I need nack’s theme to be destroyed.

Tomodachi life is so funny because independently of my input Fire and Gold have become best friends and a friendship I’d never expect was that between Ketsuban Red and Pixiv Red. I guess the two guys who were replaced would be buddies. Miku and Leaf are also besties. A year after downloading it, I uninstalled Winamp

Winamp was fun when I actually had songs to play but I went right back to using youtube and VLC player now if i could customize VLC that'd rule

How does one categorize a journal anyways if they're trying to condense it? I made this to attempt to have everything in kind of like a normalized space but I feel like I spread out too far... lol. What did I even do in June that wasn't just brainless job hunting... lol.... uh. THE WEBSITE I'm ON? Oh yeah true...

truly weirdo energy is taking every single collage you've made in order to make THE SUPER collage (BUT I am NOT posting that thing, it looks absoultely nutty.) Pillowfort has themed days which would be nice if I ever had anything in my life to break up monotony outside of other people

I want these entries to not just be endless scrolling and complaints so I have them split by these arbritary categories

Why do I only have 2023 onwards I wasn't much of a journal keeper, I mean I have older ones but it's not really anything like the focus I put out in 2023.

Naruto filler is like job hunting because you think you’re gonna look find jobs (Sasuke) but instead you get distracted by trying to find a beetle (fix your resume) I like how some people probably did go "well, this character got some development in this arc" and it's filler. Bud they got nothing. Well filler is different in bleach because the major antagonist is Aizen and he left to another dimension so they could have the bounts but they need to connect .

Maybe I'll extend this to July 4th but by internet I am stretching out that one GB for its life no matter what and it's driving me crazy knowing that pokemon reigon headcanon map is taking up a good percentage I learned that you can edit with Notepad++ so now I'm going to be even more annoying by writing without logging in which was limiting me to randomly jumping in the middle in the night to go in because a 9 to 10 job hunt/ online class studies is killing me lol. I keep the bar of expectations in my life very low so that I can be pleasantly surprised when something good happens.

Listened to: SATELLITE LOVERS - SONS OF 1973 (Full Album, 1996) Mittens House and Disco Mix

New Friday Update: FGO Somehow Returns

If you got past part 1 you’d legitimately get an incredible story vs “but I like seeing the spinny gacha though” and that’s to my detriment because I get too busy looking at spinny gacha instead of using my actual units

You know what? I’ll be F2P all the way through Limited summons. I want to see how far I can go without impulsively summoning.

Friend banners on the menu though. My freebie 4 star is Valkyrie and she's kinda neat looking but I'm not sure if I should use my special ascension on her just because she's my only big number so far

F2P BTW rules: No SQ Summons (Tickets are fine) Friend Point Summons primarily Reliance on events the 4 Star freebie is A Okay to Use Clear Out the extra quests on the map I really don't need any fancy guys because there's plenty of people I can friend request who do have special fancy guys (totally not mad about my gacha luck)

So saber's (the saber) stance changes depending on card drawing or not so she really got that animation money put onto her. I'll probably finish singularity F and start chipping away at quests since I happened to join during the anniversary. Okay as I'm editing I might need to make like yearly journals instead of just a single one because editing this the longer I go on is going to probably suck major grass.


At this point I completely cut out the IRL postings.

Goes from Janurary to May.

Emotions A leap year is pretty interesting, right? What exactly did happen in between the last log and this one? Well, I had a wisdom tooth surgery. It was miserable. I could’ve timed that better but they said it would be better for me to do it at a time when I still could instead of waiting later. It got so bad that I remembered the twitter password in a week of haze where I cried, got yelled at for taking medicine, and kicked someone in the face apparently??? I am trying out new art apps like ibis paint. I feel like it’s a lot better than sketches but my art style is still so so. I used to have fun drawing and now it feels awful for no reason. I still have that goal of learning a new thing per week and this week after the whole chart was made my designated thing was learning how to sprite rip pokemon rom hacks which I did so by using Hex maniac advance. But that kinda hit a wall when I was trying to figure out where people placed their mugshots (examples being blazing emerald and adventures red) and also sometimes overworld sprites don’t display properly Normally I don’t mention the stuff I listen to but the genre seems to be a lot of rap on my Spotify now due to the whole artist beefing thing that covered my timeline This is probably better than the BTS phase I had for a while or the fact my last Spotify wrapped was just bossa nova and sleep podcasts I am a very strange person when it comes to algorithm content probably. That missing book series I read as a child was riverside kids by Johanna Hurwitz that I was thinking about from my childhood that I finally found online and with the help of librarians. Babymouse has sequels?

Posts from 2021 were me in my toxic college era complaining about nintendo and pokemon DLC practices and smash roster predictions.
Highlight Quotes: a lightbulb just went off in my head about the dumbest thing possible: Pokémon is the Sonic of nintendo. moving on to my next subject: "why the animal crossing community is more wildly violent then you'd ever expect (the sanrio effect)"
I'm not posting any of that trash.

The Goal list got moved to it's own post. Goal List


Sep-Dec 2023

Hypothetical Class schedule is made i still need to memorize my room code It turns out I don’t have enough binders so I need to find a good way to carry everything I helped a new student look for their classes and show them around campus, which was a nice thing for me because I completely forget the layout every time I come event though this is my last. unfortunately my permanent baby face came in with them thinking I was still a sophomore. Oh well, better than being called a teenager. I wish that all the sites I used to download books were still up but they aren’t which is a shame! I’m considering using the school dining website to pre-plan my meals to see if that will help me instead of going about without a plan why do people post these online anyways? Is it like an aesthetic thing? I feel like it’s sort of weird, but then again I grew up in the era of internet anonymity and this is basically like, when people would post their public info on blog spot. This is basically a blogspot space.

Back on campus means taking the student aesthetic stuff and actually applying it to activities which is easier said then done but I’d like to thank study social media for teaching me to at least attempt to romanticize it all because I’d otherwise be running like a headless chicken. I want to still try being outside of my room for the most part so I don’t get tempted by distractions… I had brought my switch, but then it turns out I can’t upload photos nor play classic games. For some reason, it requires online…? Why. When I had virtual console I just owned the game. Whatever. The best part of this week has been printing out the journal entries minus some visibility problems with collage text and videos, because documents can’t embed links that well.

How would I describe this week— nothing happened aside from the fact I finally finished my incredibly nice notion workspace and am now breaking it down to include my hobby workspaces and I need to find a third space to watch shows because my roommate also has no life but plays TikTok’s out loud and I have auditory issues because sometimes she speaks while I have big headphones on. The problem here is I’m too lazy to stay on campus despite my big boasting of how I’d change and be different but it’s hard to hang out on a campus when you have no friends to hang out with and just end up wandering and playing Pokémon go and the most you do is go to get poke stops. for the Notion thing, It’s kind of fun just messing around with premade templates and coming up with something that ends up being a new result…. Not that I can post it, since it has my IRL name. And tumblr doesn’t allow for that much HTML posting. Some people have a daily schedule of a thing they do for certain time. So I want to do the same for my notion calendar. Like maybe on mondays I play Pokémon and tuesdays I watch a show and have a lot of variety in the days. I’ll probably abandon it in a week since I have no sense of commitment but I do want to try habit building. Unproblematic weeks are rare and I’ll enjoy them for being relatively stress free, so naturally I decide to do something crazy just because of having no problems like uploading the entirety of the Sanrio happy days fashion catalogue because I wanted one reference and the wiki didn’t have it so I’m going turbo and uploading everything. It’s my blog and I’m going to post my sudden fixation on fashion. this too is a part of the kuso experience.

So I straight up know that the whole “motivational carrot on a stick” just blatantly does not work for me so I’m attempting to figure what I can do that works that isn’t just me going by vibes. Sometimes my brain doesn’t want to do a thing. Sometimes the only way I work is by going “okay, floor time” and sitting on the floor with my study device next to me and I don’t know why it works but it does. So I might be deploying floor time more often even if my roommate looks at me weird.

Can my sleep addled mind come up with something good to do? “Wake up early so you can watch shows.” Sure, I can go with that. Better than social media first thing I guess… “Wake up early blasting sonic vocal tracks.” No. “Wake up early doing jumping jacks.” Please. Mercy.

Wild how you can completely screw up your sleep schedule for multiple nights by staying up too late one time but I’m going to go pass out after I post this I think. The stupid 4 am morning routine thing worked where I played an episode of beyblade and that kept me distracted enough to get ready.

I do not dream of labour. This week has been kicking my ass but at least I got two plushies. I needed them so much. My class’s scope of what the professor wants is far above what anyone can actually do. Like where am I supposed to find someone to interview by Monday if the assignment was given on Friday. You underestimate the willingness of people around me to do things for me. Some people have an ego that reach to the heavens yet claim to be saints. Here are my other thoughts: streaming services should not have ads if you’re already paying for them, that’s stupid. Im borrowing them from a person and there’s never a good time to watch shows with this person and then they get mad when I watch things independently from them like. We never have a good schedule frame together. My problem is since there’s so much I can do with shows and games and movies they eventually cancel out and I end up either doing nothing at all or trying to juggle multiple shows which my brain can’t do! Very unproductive.

This was supposed to be my final academic victory lap but instead it’s turned into my flop era, so I’m making some slight adjustments and hoping I can turn this into at least a bunch of B’s. I still haven’t found a morning routine or worked on staying on my schedule in the slightest so those are my top priorities again. For some reason, my dream of becoming a good student with a healthy work fun life balance keeps crumbling as the scope of the work is larger than my brain is willing to go. Executive dysfunction sucks. But hey, at least I got my writing blog some entries (My priorities are skewed.) I really went “I’ll leave my switch at home” and proceeded to not do that despite the thing only being there for my animal crossing I wish I could care about AC in the slightest but I’m just like “whatever”. I think I’ve just outgrown my switch. The first step is going to bed early. The second step is getting a morning routine. Let’s return to the Pinterest girlies. Failed that.

Some days are better than others. In consideration of holidays, I’m pretty good for material wants, if I’m being entirely honest. I have a phone and tablet, games are too expensive nowadays, and I have plenty of books. My life could be better, but I really need to be satisfied with what I have in comparison to others. The larger issue comes in the part of personal relationships but… I’ve been working on reigning myself in regarding my writing. I’m working more on like, getting weekly one shots out and finishing up more of my old works than starting new ones, so who knows, maybe I’ll clean up the stuff I did have during my one NaNo time here and post that as smaller pieces. But at a far slower pace than being daily, that’s why I chose to sit out. Anyways it was a good idea but now I’m like “what was I working on again?” I need to sort through my notes again for inspiration. I can’t be a binge watcher because I gotta be in the mood to just sit down and watch something because otherwise my brain just hits a wall. I still have my shows in mind for what I do want to watch but I put it on my notion page. You have to say “I’m gonna make a change!” And then do something to actually do the change but unfortunately the only thing that effectively works for me is the pomodoro timer and only sometimes. I feel like class work is starting to become less prioritized as the months go by which isn’t really the best thing. Honestly my anxiety spikes hard at things i can’t crontrol well. And group projects are the bane of my existence, so I’m not sure why I thought having a slacker as a partner was a good idea when I know they’re a slacker

Money is such a hard thing to justify using… Overhearing this conversation with one of my relatives is the most bizarre anecdote I’ve sat in with you just knowing all these famous guys and they’re in art galleries and stuff and then occasionally they find one of your pieces?! Does that make the world big or small in comparison?

So that’s how the academic life ends. Not with a huge graduation but an unceremonious whimper to go home and finish through online. It’s surreal to say the least. Making a list of long tasks lets me pick out what I can do/am willing to do so my brain will do something instead of flopping like it’s usual. So, the pomodoro thing really works! Only took me like months to find out. I did a lot of things here, like documentaries, and a podcast, and a lot of graphic design, and a few websites, but the end result is a degree that isn’t really going to get me anything… If there’s anything I’ll miss most from campus minus my friends (the two of them), it’s gonna be the food (when I could afford to buy food). I’d rather face academic pressure than familial pressure, because at least professors encourage you to do better. Out of all the Zelda games, I’m really following the trend and just playing link’s awakening because other people are now. But thing of the year (which I’m posting after this) is going to be sparse because I only put down completed things, and I can’t exactly have fun and be playing video games when I’m supposed to be an adult… I’ll also update on my 5 year plan since winter break means my brain is going to do a hard reset on things I was actually supposed to do since it’ll likely be funneled towards placating other people.

Emotions: I think I’m over stuff that scared me as a kid but mostly because of oversaturation of the scary thing so now it’s just like “hey man. Sup.” I can’t stand the weather here, it’s too inconsistent… my feet are always freezing now. This could also be due to a lack of exercise. I have received multiple suggestions from professors on my final project which has been: What am I best at, what do I want to be better at, and what format should it be. To be honest, I’ve spent so long being told what to do for work that I have no idea what I should do when I have free reign since I told myself to not play games as often (which I’ve noticed concerningly for a lot of stuff in this brief… it’s only been a month since I started? Sheesh.) I was thinking of making a fake visual novel but someone suggested a Zine so I might make a few mock up pages and see how that goes after my work training because the paperwork went in but unfortunately it has to be full hours so I need to actually get up in the morning and not just sleep. Everyone has been lighting up this manga called kagura Bachi so I read the single chapter that’s out. ”aren’t bullet journals for like, academic purposes?” Im in an academy. I think this counts.

While I’m greatly annoyed at the bureaucracy (no final project until spring) and general evaluation of school (what do you mean I failed room inspection because of my laundry bag being on my bed), the roommate complaining session was incredible due to how much they managed to get away with in their room with rule breaking alongside with me getting free sushi. That expired. On the day I got it. I’m really attempting to find things to appreciate every day but it’s hard to get things to appreciate without spending money. I tried to get a donut with change and they pitied me for needing a nickel. I’ve started going back to just doing single games per month versus the mess I made for myself by starting and not finishing things. Reboot’s cleared but I got too lazy to make a single post for it so I’m putting it here.

I attempted setting up the library app for audiobooks and it worked and then my brain got bored so I’m gonna need to go look at another audiobook of the same book for my monthly rotation, it’s the principle of the matter of leaving it unfinished. I think being on campus and dealing with back and forth family drama is what gave me all sorts of mental issues to begin with. Or at the very least made them far more noticeable.
I’m of the belief that people should be free from their oppressors. Free Palestine and Ukraine.

Date: May-Aug 23

Mood: guhhuh!

May to August 2023


Summer is hot, and unpacking and cleaning are the bane of my existence. I have no idea if my laptop will survive and more importantly do i have the brain cells to pay attention to tutorials? For my new sorts of work. tried baking a few times! Then I was told baking is effortless and not hard work so it wasn’t real cooking so I stopped. I kept making smoothies but uh… I kinda got sick of them. Problematic, since I’ve still got ingredients I need to use before expiration. I have a very tense relationship with food. It’s not helped by other people, but sometimes I wish I was able to enjoy eating food the way I used to. That’s probably why I end up looking at so much food videos and food art.

The front half of July was literally nothing outside of me being frustrated by minor inconviniences with a lot of added stress from outside factors. Like, random drop offs by people all in the house. My nephew visiting, but they don’t really do much aside from sitting on their device and playing Roblox. Visited a wedding! That was quite lovely, even if the only highlight was the lobster bisque. Continuous ability to make videos with my program of choice, but I sincerely wonder how this will effect my portfolio since my degree is nonexistent. Unfortunately life likes to throw curveballs. Like a person close to me who was recovering from something fell down and now they have to recover for something else. The dynamic of the residence keeps changing. Also the invasive bugs are back in season so I need to stay vigilant. With old academic stuff that isn’t relevant anymore with notes and what not I guess the best thing to do is toss them? Feels like a waste of paper but then again I’m not gonna be like, oh, let’s look at my old notes for school and stuff— I don’t even keep old essays from school saved. I wonder if that’s just a failure of preservation or the education system. Some people really have weirdly pressed jokes. If I continue this topic though I will be very mad about it for that person’s sake but they wouldn’t want me to be mad so I won’t. Too much getting piled on top of me it feels. A weekend trip I don’t want to go to but have to, a school report on my work, my work itself, my art…. So the best way I work is by breaking things down into steps or just forcing myself to do things but that doesn’t seem like a very healthy or constructive way of getting things done if I’m pulling teeth the entire time. Might my lack of motivation be due to a pile up of unaddressed tension? Yeah, most likely.

How do you converse with someone who won’t listen to you over and over…? How is it that even with all my work finished I still feel nervous that I’ll fail classes…? The public system stinks. Also waking up at 7 am is to me anathema. Devilish. Absolutely a torture method. Immensely hard for me to focus on a single thing at once these days unless it’s a video game or something and even then I find myself thinking of more than one thing to do… I found an assignment pad so I’ve been using that. I’ve gotten some games on my phone that aren’t gacha and don’t require constant Wi-Fi. ‘Twas a simpler time. These days when I don’t sleep feel longer and longer and more ridiculous by the day. Finding this Zinnia format has essentially reversed all progress going forward because it’s opened a Pandora’s box of kuso (shit) decorating Me praying Every night to destroy the AI industry. I’m the biggest hater. Everyone in my direct family is AI pilled. Pissing me off that everyone is going like “oh just use AI to work and write and draw”when that’s not why I do those things!! Leave my hobbies alone! SOMEONE LEFT A BEAN BAG OPEN AND BUGS GOT IN IT AND I WAS FIGHTING THEM FOR DAYS WITHOUT KNOWING THE ORIGIN Baking is harder than cooking because you can’t uncook an egg and you still have to wash everything I wish I wasn’t being so pressured to finish work earlier and earlier, because that’s not how my head works with my work. This thing takes way longer than 2 hours because my concentration takes longer than 2 hours to get a work ethic, and trying to get anything done in the morning is a death knell for me
so uh. I kind of can’t stand parties or large crowds and everyone is really hellbent on making me go to both parties and large crowded events on my free days so naturally I have to just suck it up and go do what they want and uproot my life just to please them lest we get the SpongeBob image. Goddamn, dishes suck! I forgot how bad it was. The cycle literally relies on me doing the dishes but I don’t want to so I have no energy because I have no food because I don’t want to cook because I don’t want to do the dishes but either way I have to do the dishes. Anyways I finally got past my anxieties and ordered groceries only to then forget the bread so I had to walk over to a convenience store to get the bread. I’m not dead, so it worked! Having a nice stress free life seems to not be in my life currently. I have a family and friend group full of extroverts that like dragging me around places while my half assed excuses do not deter them in the slightest. So… airplanes, vacation, sun time! I did say I wasn’t going but then I got like, the avengers called on me. I have no idea if my groceries will survive me being gone for a week.

Practicing for 15 minutes daily I feel has been causing a steady improvement in my work ability By complete accident, I ended up on a totally unreliable art website. This was a terrible decision. I’ll be rectifying for this mistake by actually reblogging from proper sources because that website is an entirely different beast. Everywhere I post I feel like slightly more confident in not just having an animal crossing style but I just get called cute… I wonder if my definition is skewed? My cute might just be different from theirs. I asked and yep. It’s cartoony, which is apparently conflated with cute? I learn a new art thing every day. Nothing made here recently aside from FF14 art parties … the digital collages, I guess? The thing is since I really live under a rock when it comes to interests and fandoms I don’t know who anyone is outside of a few WOLs I’ve seen on tumblr. I have no idea who I’m truly drawing at these events. I have so many references saved but I’ve never truly studied, so my next objective for August is trying to take an art class/ self made practice session.

Date: Jan-April 23

Mood: jkklajfejsjf

Reading through these old notes make me sad because things haven't gotten any better. Looking through these posts I truly did spend most of my FF14 time either gambling or being in POTD. Lol.

Tumblr Repost #1


I showed up at Micheal’s to buy art books, but instead all I bought was stickers. Here’s some artists of note I’ll be looking into for practicing considering how I can basically only draw stick figures at the moment… :Figure it out!, Christopher Hart, Pop manga drawing, Look into Bible journaling?, Angela Nguyen ,Yishan Ali, Ryuske Hanamato, Leonardo Pereznieto. My art...It’s nothing but circle hands and it’s been that way for years now. Oof. At the very least I had fun but it’s like… 11 binders of the same type of drawing. Since 2014. This year I’m definitely changing it up. I don’t want to mention the writing binders. It’s probably just bullet points all the way down. I’ve probably contributed to multiple trees of printer paper on my path of mediocrity. I don’t even know why I have this as a section. I don’t know how people stay consistent with their working either, most of what I do is either drawings in MS paint or my app equivalent and my writing is just bullet points of streams of thought. One time I did Nano. I never finished my works. Here’s a Haiku. Cold and raining swiftly Heat all over yet distant March weather is fickle

I’ve printed out some stories I have scattered around in notes for the sake of keeping my eyes from not melting off, because everything else is on the computer and my school motivation has reached an all time low. Also, either printing or taking notes of my own notes because yeah, seems like trying to work digitally isn’t working because it’s a lot easier to distract myself from work if i don’t have the work physically in front of me.

Emotions I was asked what my perfect life would be but I couldn’t come up with anything outside of me not being cringe fail at social interactions. The second thing was the family getting along more. Then my friend’s pets not all being tragically ill so they wouldn’t be in misery over them. Then I was told to use more of my imagination so I said maybe I could be taller and was knocked on the head for that. Where’s my working mode, has it just eroded the whole time? Where’s your motivation? No studying in the campus room. or at all, really. I have no motivation. yhe only thing I’ve been sincerely doing is either blogging or gaming and even if I removed those two factors I’m pretty sure I’d just sleep all day… I think my problem is that my brain constantly wants instant gratification at all times despite doing zero work constantly. My study methods have eroded because my philosophy in life has changed to weird things happen all the time, might as well make the best of my life instead of struggling with bad things but for me bad things are school. If there were three of me, two would be on the computer and phone, one would be asleep, and the fourth would have to actually do work and probably fall down a hole. How do I convinvce myself to work again? Bribes don’t work.

No force on earth will let me get out of bed early, but what about my studies…? Doing good with finding an attachment to every class but my science one, in which I am tortured by readings I haven’t done and quizzes for said readings. I’m going to talk to my professor after class. Like out of the classes. I have a hook to Greece, some of a hook to music by playing dumb, some of a hook to digital poetry because I get to nerd out, and some of a hook to the UI project because I get to vent about how much this infrastructure sucks but I have no hook to science aside from “I took a class like this before” and I do better in the lecture question position than by myself taking notes. So maybe if i go with summaries and breaking down work, but that doesn’t solve my quiz problem. I think I should look up stuff like studyblr to put on my reference blog to keep myself in check then.

my solution for my lack of homework motivation is by listening to audiobooks and video lectures. Same for the serial reader thing, because I’ve got zero interest in reading anymore. I’ve been collecting audiobooks through YouTube to listen to later. This month’s will be the one’s I’ve been meaning to read, Moby Dick and Dorian Grey. the key to life is moderation! I am not good at that. something something reading is killing me. I’m switching to audiobooks.

I managed to wake up multiple times early this week and did… nothing with it. Quite frankly, it seems like I’m the type made for doing night shift jobs. the key to life is moderation, which is why I keep scheduling, but routine gets thrown out the window, and I can’t multitask on phone calls, which is why I get so frazzled when I end up on 20 minute phone calls when there’s an immediate event afterwards because the concept of time disrespects me. My hands have been getting increasingly numb after staying in the cold. That’s… abnormal? My hands have always been cold but I’ve had to squeeze a few times to make sure I still had feeling in them. Man. I hate downloading apps that say they’re free but instead make me pay for a subscription. Don’t say it’s free then! I also hate apps that make me sign up for accounts. Stop that.

Is it really just faster to fold than to fix it up…? Actually, funny thing that happened was I was watching a stream… the streamer yelled at someone to go clean their room and then I also cleaned mine… why did I do that? Been getting a lot of death note in my recommends so I’ll probably pick up watching that as well. This is because of the free official uploads, but those are locked off my devices because they’re browser incompatible or something. Ugh! Wow. YouTube ads have really gone downhill. Every 10 minutes in a movie… is that really necessary? They’re not even good ones, just tiktok videos. Feel like most solutions to problems with seeing things i don’t like are just to block or filter out a thing, but then my impulsive brain goes and finds the unpleasant thing I don’t want to see either. That’s on me… Talking about horror movies. Or maybe I’m just into watching horror movies. I have two succulents now. I don’t know how to grow plants. I’m concerned for their lives. I don’t think I’ve been read that hard in years… someone said the reason why nothing I’ve been doing to fix myself to work is because I don’t want it to work. Hard work is hard. I completely forgot how grade schoolers are, my work involves them more and they’re aggressive as hell.

I can’t take naps anymore, I had that snuh mimimi thing going on and got a full nights rest instead of waking up to work 💀 It’s about attempting to figure out if there’s any way to solve issues in life that are manageable but that’s difficult when your brain is actively sabotaging itself Oh yeah, storage systems. I finally figured out what was eating my computer’s GB, I had this giant zip file in my downloads instead of deleting it back when Smackjeeves was shutting down That website might’ve been a small thing of internet cringe and sprite comics but it was my time! My era! It taught me the importance of nothing being permanent on the internet! I miss the kirby comics there by the daily! If I can’t find a motivation, a reason, then I have to make one with my own two hands.


College taught me how to make slightly better ramen by putting in vegetables and a protein before hand so I’ve been getting more experimental. The other thing is bagels with salmon and chives with cream cheese. My one worry is getting too much sodium intake. (At least, that was what I would’ve eaten but…) But my extended family has been going out more often because everyone’s shown up… it’s a mess here. Avocado ramen is very creamy. I brought one from home and thought, oh, I’ll put in some avocado and then the entire thing became some kind of avocado flavored ramen. Scout cookies got bumped up to 6 dollars when they used to be 4. Inflation is insane. I ate pineapple pizza. I’m not sure why everyone hates on it so much, quite frankly I thought it was mid. Most food stuff here is highly processed junk, shitty Taco Bell and burgers included. And paying for the actual food on campus is a gamble to if the food is good or not… The one good thing here was the food trucks but my experience is forever tied to the asshole who raided the community fridge and ate both someone’s ice cream and my clearly foil wrapped sandwich with my name on it. Pissed off for eternity over that sandwich.


IRL family stuff still happening. [gripes go here.] it’s some sort of illogical loop. My school has already started sending out emails about work to do. And it’s a bunch of books that I have no way to find easily anymore… what a shame. I miss Z-library every day. Gripes continue. No one in this house listens to me. All of them have varying quirks that get on my nerves. Then again, I’m venting here and there’s obviously more nuance to the situation, but I’m not allowed to complain about people to said people who won’t reflect or change much, so it’s a moot* point. *I say moot all the time but I don’t even recall where I picked it up. adobe pdf reader tried to murder my computer and then i discovered every time i plug in my computer the antimalware kicks in and tries to throttle it. forced obsoleteness is real af. Family situation continues to be a situation. Airing out my dirty laundry online isn’t the best idea so I won’t say it all.

At this point my homework has become secondary and as long as I keep moving I won’t go into despair. Fight on! Those guys at the bookstore from last week said to watch an episode per day… I’ll aim for 2. I never cry, but the weekend I just sat in the bathroom and cried. Sunday was kind of insane is the understatement of the year. Finally cleaned the room and it only took me like 3 weeks. I’ve decided to get into making IRL collages alongside my normal video games ones here. To be honest, that’s just because I put a lot of stuff into baskets and boxes. I keep sleeping at from 2- 4 am and trying to sleep in more. Its tempting. Not working at all. But that’s a bad idea, so I won’t do it. My online friend hates spamton ever since I posted a photo of them but he’s going on the IRL poster. Considering how IRL issues have gone from “some what manageable but I don’t want to” to “completely unsolvable and might make people sad to know how I’m doing” I might cut out this section entirely.

Highlights/ Good things...? I saw a cat in a window!! I’ve been sleeping on the concept of smoothies, these things own!! I can change my cursors to be quote from cave story but I keep forgetting to do so! Cleaning went very well, though I have a case of too much stuff and too little thoughts. Involvement fair means I get up motivated solely by free stuff and I got many free things! A plus. Club opportunities! Fire emblem music lets me study! Good to know. If only it was earlier in the day instead of like… 11 PM. That would’ve helped. I wasn’t expecting the web core posts (back on my old tumblr) to gain any traction. That’s interesting. I ate a very nice sandwich. I bought like 3 books at the grocery store.
