Fanfiction Directory

Welcome to my fanfiction directory.

Here are things I’ve written that aren’t dissertations. Will update based on completion.

Published+ Complete

Leafgreen Gift Run:

Dreamwidth Ao3

Discussion From a Spaceship En Route (Kirby):

Dreamwidth Ao3

Prograde and Retrograde(Pokemon):

Dreamwidth (Prograde) Dreamwidth (Retrograde) Ao3

Patchworks Series (Pokemon):

Dreamwidth Ao3

Published WIPs

Dreamwidth (Dark Memory, Pokespe, Concept)

I have a few canon divergent heavy AU WIPs in mind that tend to blend all sorts of canon. It's labeled as Pokespe but it's developed past that...

Dreamwidth (Chio Hall, Emerald, Incomplete, Was Nano Project)

I have many more outside of this that haven’t been posted about yet. I also tend to make them about the characters and pokemon I cleared a game with. Sometimes I use alternate names instead of the canon ones, which makes them a bit difficult to tag.

Concepts Pokespe, Magic Forests Cohost Reposts Origins Sevii Sequel

A few of these will be from Cohost as well.

Aqua VS Magma OC (Fina) Aqua VS Magma OC(Geo)

Maybe one day these concepts will become full fledged fics!

Misc Thoughts

Protagonist Headcanons

Leaf Headcanons Gen 1 Protag Headcanons Dreamwidth Repost

Reigional Headcanons

Map Headcanons Dreamwidth Repost

Timeline Headcanons

Timeline 1 Timeline 2 Timeline Questions